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fnordianslip's Avatar
Posts: 670 | Thanked: 359 times | Joined on May 2007
Well, I managed to get the Address Book app's data on my Mac into a single vCard and now the N900 has ingested it, so that's a start. Some form of sync is obviously desirable though.
Class .. : Lame hacker & beardy boffin
Humour . : [#######---] Alignment: Apathetic anarchist
Patience : [####------] Weapon(s): My cat, my code.
Agro ... : |#---------] Relic(s) : N900, MacBookPro, NSLU2, N800, SheevaPlug, Eee-901, Core2-Quad, PS3
"In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they're not."
Beware of extras-devel.
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Can anyone advise the method of transferring SMS from N95 to N900 without using the sim, and to maintain the "sent" and "received-date" details??
Posts: 247 | Thanked: 91 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ London/M4 Corridor
Originally Posted by yoobees View Post
Can anyone advise the method of transferring SMS from N95 to N900 without using the sim, and to maintain the "sent" and "received-date" details??
See this thread:

This Google search
was how I found a set of topics, and then I looked for the highest numbered thread post--assuming that later posts will include the latest tips and techniques.
Posts: 53 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Originally Posted by hasselmm View Post

You can import up to 1000 contacts in one batch that way.
Damn, I've just been hit by this limit slap in the face. Exported my contacts from Google Apps into a single vcf file, and tried to import.

'Too many contacts' error.

Guess I'll delete all and split it in two.

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