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I charge every night, and in my car when I'm driving.

My phone dips to 50% in about 6 hours of mild use.
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Originally Posted by Botev1912 View Post
may be a stupid question but how do i open the X-terminal
under your Application menu, hit "more..."
and then hit X Terminal
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Originally Posted by ossipena View Post
take a better look at lines i've bolded. If you would get your device to stay alive without recharging for 30h with your usage, I'd go to local universitys physics department and tell to headmaster that laws of physics are all wrong....

and just a reminder:
That list is really worth of going through. I just got 27h and used the device a lot.
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when i use no internet with 3g or wifi my phone lasts for 6 days when wifi is on and 3g last for 4-6 hours of internet
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they need to sort the wifi and 3g battry drain big time
Posts: 313 | Thanked: 86 times | Joined on Oct 2009
Yep, i have noticed that 3G alone will drain the battery. I really hope on the next firmware release that they address this issue if not this will be the number killer for the N900. Nokia are you listening!!!!. Even my old windows mobile phone (x1 xperia) don't drain like this.
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I charged my phone 25 hours ago, been using 2g and my battery is still 80% full... The biggest battery problem is not the wireless
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Posts: 361 | Thanked: 108 times | Joined on Sep 2008
Originally Posted by Botev1912 View Post
I charged my phone 25 hours ago, been using 2g and my battery is still 80% full... The biggest battery problem is not the wireless
Hey, can you give some more info about your usage, I'm curious... Where you connected to a wifi, and used the internet? Did you use internet over the 2G? or No internet at all? basically offline except for the 2G phone functionality?
Posts: 65 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Seoul, South Korea
Originally Posted by dantonic View Post
Well, I can't believe how good the battery is for some of you. This is my 3rd or 4th full recharge. this is what today looked like for me, after a full charge.
Connected whole time to wifi and a couple of hours of it to the 3g internet connection. the whole time the gsm network I was on said 3g.
-brightness setting to the first two bars.
-vibrate off.
-facebook widget on one of the desktops.
-about 30 minutes of talk.
-approximately 2 hours of internet and im chatting.
-accounts costantly connected: msn, aim, skype, gtalk.
-xchat connected for about 6 hours in 3 channels, 2 separate servers.
-gmail set up on modest to update every 5 mins.
-gps map routing for about 30 minutes. took about 5 pics with geotagging, and sent one to flicker, e-mailed all 5 to a couple of people.
**EDIT** omweather also on the whole time set to update hourly.
it is now 11 hours later and I'm at about 10% left.haven't gotten low battery warning yet but I will soon.

I don't know if this is normal, but I would have liked a bit better battery. for the device to last me the whole day I feel like I have to limit my usage.
**edit** OK going onto 12 hours now, and this past hour mostly browsimg and typing this message. I also updated the omweather app.
I must add that when I Go to bed and set the device to offline mode, it seems to drain almost nothing. the battery the next morning is exactly or just about where I left it.
That's quite a bit of stuff on a full charge. I wouldn't be complaining about that. Also, I wouldn't call every 5mins modest. It's going out what, 280 times (give or take) during a 24hr period. That's a lot of connections. That's just one of your items. The IPhone and be dead too. At least we can buy extra batteries for the N900 - My battery life is pretty solid.
Posts: 51 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Seattle
Originally Posted by dantonic View Post
Hey, can you give some more info about your usage, I'm curious... Where you connected to a wifi, and used the internet? Did you use internet over the 2G? or No internet at all? basically offline except for the 2G phone functionality?
I used only 2g internet, made some calls (including skype) and opened some web sites. That's all. When I use 3g (still no wifi) my battery dies in 9-10 hours

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