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ysss's Avatar
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It's probably the best resistive touchscreen I've used so far... but with that said, for day to day 'smartphone' use, iPhone's capacitive screen and their UI implementation is just more convenient to use. Then again this is their 3rd iteration of the OS/device (well, 4th or 5th for maemo if you count the previous NITs?).

+ If you need/want to handwrite or draw
+ If you have long nails and want to keep them
+ If you have to deal with apps without a touch-friendly UI
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Helmuth's Avatar
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Hmm... I hope for a hybrid capacitive / resistive screen for the next device. There are severals in development, but i'm afraid. It could be possible, they're not ready for the production.

I wouldn't miss a accurate touchscreen only to get a multitouch device!
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Originally Posted by JonWW View Post
This is how good sketch is with a resistive screen
Hmmm would it be possible to use N900 as drawing pad for computer? If you are professional then you certainly have a real one, but for someone who likes to draw now and then that maybe could be useful.
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Originally Posted by MrThunderfield View Post
With resistive, you just use your fingernail or the stylus!
I'm actually surprised at how accurate I'm getting clicking small links (ie the page number on these forums) on the N900 screen just with my finger tip.

After worrying about the resistive nature of the screen I was very pleased to see it's actually very good -- even with a screen protector (I got a DQC160) on.

I guess OLED remains a desirable feature for power saving, and potentially for color vibrance, although even there outdoor visibility may be worse.

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On one hand, one of my requirements for my next device is to support stylus (a MUST) and have the accuracy of a resistive screen,

on the other hand...

I do not really believe that the pros and cons of the two dominant technologies are something we have to live with for years. Because capacitive screens have been blessed by Hypnocorp, eventually everyone will sell capacitive screens. There's no turning back when Lord S dictates the media in the wrong direction. But they will first make them accurate and make them stylus compatible. I guess they may or may not call them hybrid screens.
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I think a lot of the "Capacitive is more intuitive" sentiment is really more along the lines of "We're used to it, so we have to remember how to use resistive again." I was attempting to watch YouTube on a friend's iTouch the other day, and having a hard time hitting the buttons sometimes because I would use my fingernail.
Granted, the n900 is my first touchscreen, but I really do enjoy the benefits of resistive screens. I like to use the stylus sometimes for small links when I don't want to zoom. Of course Nokia could just include a special capacitive friendly stylus if the next device was capacitive. In fact, I think a capacitive device would need one more, since fingernails can't be used as mini-styluses (unless you happen to have skin on your nails or paint them with conductive nail polish).
Several i***** users have become quite jealous when I use my n900 with gloves on when outside. Granted, they *could* just purchase a few pairs of gloves specially designed for use with capacitive screens and carry them around for various kinds of cold weather, but I haven't seen anyone who does.
The n900's screen is very responsive, though you do notice the need to apply pressure when using your fingerpad, though it's barely perceptible with your nail.
I really hope that Nokia includes a resistive screen (perhaps the variety with multitouch?) or a capacitive one with special stylus included. A lot of the things I love about Maemo hinge on having the stylus. Anyone care to use MyPaint or Blender on a capacitive screen?
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Originally Posted by planetf1 View Post
I'm actually surprised at how accurate I'm getting clicking small links (ie the page number on these forums) on the N900 screen just with my finger tip.
Same here. I have no troubling clicking on links about 1mm high using my fingertip. It's all about getting used to where the "middle" of your fingertip is.

I'd hate to have to keep zooming in every time I wanted to click something, then zooming out to be able see enough text to read it, like I've seen people do on an iPhone.

This is part of what makes using "normal" web pages very good on the N900.

The stylus comes out when I'm cutting and pasting tiny text, and sometimes it's easier to do long sequences of fast clicking with the stylus than fingers. I'd probably type with the stylus if there was no hardware keyboard - it's quicker than finger touching due to less movement needed.

All that said, I know some people can't read small text anyway, due to their eyesight, so they wouldn't see the point in accurate clicking.

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The N900 has simply the best touch screen of any type I've ever used. Period. I hope I never have to go back to a capacitive screen. This one is so sensitive it's like having the best of both types.
Registered Linux user #266531.

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Im starting to like it more and more. this morning i was walking to class in Ohio. 22 degrees and i got a text message. I said **** cant answer it because my fingers would probably get frost bite. then a light bulb went over my head. DUH i can use the stylus. so i wiped out thde stylus and texted with my gloves on. It was awesome.

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I don't think it's resisitive. I think it's alot more accurate and responsive then the capacitive on the iPhone. Seriously. It's fast and i can use a stylus too. Great work on that one !

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