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Posts: 63 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2005
Thanks for all feedback. Some points:

** As milshouse pointed out, URLBAR can gets hidden/showed by pressing the "@" iconed button , on main toolbar.

** also, if you guess some toolbar button useless, go to PREFERENCES->LAYOUT tab . There you can check on/off what buttons you what to appears in you toolbar.

I hope it helps Btw, I compiled some suggestion already in a 0.16.12 release which I am going to release today yet, I hope
Posts: 148 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
Great! People, remember to press "save" -button when you leave the preferences tab because minimo crashes and won't start again until you restart N800 also. This is my experience and done it twice before noticing what I was doing wrong.
Posts: 63 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2005
BUGGY ... thanks markko ;-)
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Posts: 2,853 | Thanked: 968 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Thanks Antonio. Another nice touch for usability would be to make minimo activate the network connection itself, like Opera does, or the maemo App manager. Gnuite added this functionality to maemo mapper, so it's possible for third-party apps, too.

I think I'm going to switch over to minimo sometime soon, so this would be useful :-)
Posts: 751 | Thanked: 522 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ East Gowanus
This release is much better ,great work tonikitoo! I surf pretty much exclusively through Google Reader and this browser handles the google suite much better than the Opera browser. I have had a crash or two browsing some other sites I will continue to test and provide feedback.
Posts: 372 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Mar 2007
I just started running minimo, not too bad! Crashed on me once, though I don't know why... any way of helping you debug it? Like some logs or something?

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Hi guys
My name is mario from germany and this is my first thread, but my english is very bad:-(. I hope you understand my problem.
I'm owner of a 770 and want to install minimo 0.16.11 or 12....but i can't find the repo....


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On Antonio's blog it says :

* from AppManager

o Add this entry into "new catalogue":
+ web address:
+ Distribution: bora
+ Components: user
o "Refresh list"
o Go to "Browser Installable applications"
+ pick "Minimo".

Have you already tried this ? On my 770 it works, but not everyone gets the same experiences with App manager... :-)
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Got another update to minimo. The prefs finally worked on this one but it still hangs frequently and chokes on some charactures on pages.
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Hi ffp

This repo I try too....but no result.....i can't install minimo
There are some missing libs....x11-common.....
my 770 have 2006 gregale......
is theres another repo with the new minimo for mistral or gregale release?


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