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ndi's Avatar
Posts: 2,050 | Thanked: 1,425 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Bucharest
Edit: No, wait, some one else posted it after you.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

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Amboss's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ndi View Post
I never got any messages. How would Nokia get my phone number, after all? I never told it what my number was and I don't think there's a service that self-gets phone numbers.


In EU, it's all opt-in, meaning the best they can do is offer. Decline or don't reply and you're off the list.
As for the first: its a computer, if a program says "send a SMS" it does. And Nokia said it would do so in the EULA. I just took a look on my mobile cost control: I have sent 2 SMS. Probably one, when I signed up for the service sending them my IMEI. The second when I unsigned. What bothers me is that I didn't do what I was tempted to in the first place --> "Don't press yes, find a way out other than that". No I have to pay 2 SMS as I am not using this type of information much an therefor have no flatrate or free package.

As for the second: Maybe thats the difference. I live in Europe and I did opt-in instead of do nothing. Maybe U.S. versions will always have to opt-out? But nevertheless there would be some information that a SMS will be sent.

Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
IIRC, there was no choice. there was a button that made me proceed to the next step and one that opened the terms of service.
No, you got me wrong there. There was no button explicitly telling "No I don't want". There was as always the (blurry ? ) area outside that screen (that with the buttons "eula" and "next") which is an often used option on N900 to cancel a screen It took me some second to think of that while I was looking for the exit I never took thou.
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mynokia i think are notification of updates (as on what i read) but not available in my location.........so.......nothing
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Helmuth's Avatar
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Small summary:
We have at the moment 6 votes for "useful", 43 voes for "not useful" and 23 votes from people who doesn't matter or never have heard anyting about "my Nokia".

And today many of us got the second "update information" SMS without a aviable update for the N900...
...who of the 6 "we like my Nokia" votes would like to change their votes now?
Posts: 106 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Bucharest
I dont want to change my vote, nokia is the only who announce via sms/e-mail when a new software/game is available.I think is a great job, everybody makes mistakes, for a wrong sms we don't need to make such a war
ndi's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Helmuth View Post
And today many of us got the second "update information" SMS without a aviable update for the N900...
Glad to hear it, that means either mu unsubscribe worked or my subscribe failed. I have nothing.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

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Benson's Avatar
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Never got an SMS from them, but My Nokia is in my settings, and when I open it has an unsubscribe option...

FWIW, I flashed the leaked PR1.2 RC, then OTAed to PR1.2 -- I'm sure I'd have noticed if they threw up the license agreement at either point, but maybe I didn't somehow. Still doesn't explain why, since I'm apparently subscribed, I didn't get any SMSes ever.
Posts: 543 | Thanked: 151 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Germany
I got today another update SMS oO
Helmuth's Avatar
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Now I got 20 minutes ago a announcement per EMail that I can update my N900 with the Nokia Software Updater to get new functions and improvements on my device...

...I have to unsign or they will never stop spreading hoax?
ndi's Avatar
Posts: 2,050 | Thanked: 1,425 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Bucharest
Did we ever get an official response over this blunder?
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

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