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Posts: 151 | Thanked: 82 times | Joined on Sep 2008
Originally Posted by cfh11 View Post
Out of curiosity, is your n900 overclocked? For me the n900 at 1.1 ghz (or even 850 mhz) is a whole new device and more comparable to newer devices.
Yes, running @ 900mhz
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Originally Posted by augustya View Post
Not having a HW keyboard is a Negligible thing, look what you are getting against that, 4" Inch Fantastic Amoled screen better GPU + CPU, Multitasking (Yes it also there in the Galaxy) A slicker and more recognized OS !!
Oookay but... has no HW keyboard?

I just REQUIRE it, galaxy S and other similar devices are not even on my radar.

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Android and Google world are not for me thanks. I like to have the control.
Didn't I see this same thread posted somewhere else as well? Weird!
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Originally Posted by augustya View Post
Not having a HW keyboard is a Negligible thing
Now we're broadcasting opinion as fact. The hardware keyboard of the N900 was a huge factor in my decision to buy.

look what you are getting against that, 4" Inch Fantastic Amoled screen better GPU + CPU
A 4" screen would have been nice, and improvements in silicon are evolutionary, but vary in value depending on need.

Multitasking (Yes it also there in the Galaxy) A slicker and more recognized OS !!
Android does funky multitasking that isn't the way it's done on the N900, and frankly I bought the N900 because it wasn't running Android.

So is the N900 a match? It depends on what you're after. For me, nothing touches the N900. Doubly so, considering that for anything else out there I'm forced to go through the carrier.
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I feel sorry, but to me this is another totally useless thread in a series of n900 vs. XYZ pointing out some shortcomings/lack of features of the n900 we already know about.

If someone is not happy with his n900, I would recommend to return/sell/bury it QUIETLY without posting it somewhere. Donīt share everything, pls.

My recommendation for the next comparison:
How does our n900 compare to an 8086 PC with and without Turbo-Mode.

Last edited by park; 2010-08-30 at 20:08.
Posts: 242 | Thanked: 97 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by augustya View Post
Any serious observations ? comments ?
its got android ... we got m5: We WIN!

simple ....
so i guess the the lesson learned is: "if you want a thing done well, do it yourself"
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Originally Posted by philh View Post
Galaxy S is no match for N900 as it has no HW keyboard.

Next question?
Epic 4G/Galaxy S Pro will have a HW keyboard. The latter will be GSM.

Now, with that bit out of the way; N900 pales in comparison in all but OS. I've had a Galaxy S (derivative) and it's hands down faster, better camera (yep, I went there) and just downright feels like a more complete, less buggy phone.

The battery life is the biggest downer - I use Zomut's Watchdog to mitigate most of that problem - and the Super AMOLED is honestly very readable/usable in direct sunlight. In fact, I'd say it's better than the N900 in that area too.

GPS on the Galaxy S is a current problem. I've tried every fix... none of them are "perfect". I personally get a lock that's usually within a block of me, usually on top of where I'm at... and real fast. But I've had incidents where it was nowhere near me - half km off. While in Pittsburgh earlier this year, the N900 underperformed in that area in a huge way where the GPS would take 4-5 minutes to locate me, and it was not always accurate whereas my iPhone 3GS was more accurate and fast, but still failed in certain downtown areas (Pittsburgh and Philadelphia).

I've used both very recently, and I give the edge to the Galaxy S phone - screen, speed, processor, lack of microUSB falling out (so far) and apps that I actually use that do not bomb out on me - ok, slight exaggeration, I've had some apps force close on me.

But honestly... people will/should choose what's best for them. I just found the Galaxy S to be closer to what I was looking for than the N900. Both are great pieces of kit, Samsung has the edge in a lot of areas imho.
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Originally Posted by Jaco2k View Post
Real question here is: Can you use ComicSans on the Galaxy S?

...and to be more on topic, I just ordered a Galaxy S to complete my N900. Have both! They are different beasts...
damn you ppl have a lot of money !!!
so i guess the the lesson learned is: "if you want a thing done well, do it yourself"
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Personally I like to read these comparison threads when they are honest and objective. Now if they should be on this forum, that's a different issue.

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