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can this launch the flashlight when opening the lens cover?
is there any similar app besides this one that can do the same?
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Kazuki, this MIGHT explain the bootloop I had that caused me to need to reflash. However, I don't actually recall if I uninstalled it or not. *Shrug* Mine was getting unstable before that though, and having other odd problems, that it's currently not developing since I installed the cl-launcher post-reflash.

Anyway, this certainly IS a problem - have you mentioned it to the dev? On the other hand, it's technically still usable until you uninstall it. Lol.

Changegames - I think both of these apps, flashlight-extra and cl-launcher, are both capable of being configured to turn on flashlight automatically upon opening of the lens cover.

flashlight-extra currently has scripts that cause +10%-ish increase in CPU use, which have to be manually removed, and apparently in at least Kazuki's case, cl-launcher causes boot-loop upon uninstall.

So up to you which you go for, but unless you're really sure you're okay with cl-launcher, I'd wait until at least one of these got that issue fixed.

P.S. Kazuki, if your statement means you had to go through reflashing and uninstalling everything, ouch. I just went through that, not fun. Far more painless than I thought it would be, but still, not fun. Hope restoring your N900 back to however you want it goes smoothly for you.

Last edited by Mentalist Traceur; 2010-09-24 at 19:24. Reason: Meant that flashing was less painful than I expected it to be, not more.

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i only flashed the firmware, i didn't flash the emmc, so most of everything n settings r still there, just a matter of reinstalling.

another problem with cl-launcher that made me uninstall it is bcoz it is stuck enabling the first application available on the list. in my case its angry birds, and i can't uncheck angry birds as a prefered list. which annoyed me so much i uninstalled it. then i ended up in a reboot loop.
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Is it possible that it had to have at least one other thing checked, and Angry Birds was the only one left? *Shrug* Just wondering. I haven't had such issues myself yet, so it's quite possible it's linked to some other app/program installed, etc.

On the other hand, I had some completely unconventional bug with Live Focus (the app to control LEDs and camera focus while filming).

Basically something in the Live Focus app, somehow, got set to file permissions that didn't let the app manager, or apt-get ran as root, to edit it. Which in turn made it unupdatable and un-uninstallable. Never saw the same bug mentioned anywhere else on here. This was a few days before my reflash, actually.

But that does bring up a point - there's plenty of **** that can go wrong in a complex enough software system, with enough stuff running in the background at any given time, etc. Especially with extras-devel stuff. Even without doing stuff from the command line all the time (which I was doing, admittedly - though most of my command-line stuff is stuff other apps let you do through a UI, I just prefer the old school cd, ls, cd, ls, etc combination for finding my way around the file system, mv/cp/rm and the rest instead of installing an extra file manager, and vi for all but the most advanced file editing).

Anyway, what I'm trying to get at is that it's quite possibly a one-time thing, or something that may well be fixed by now. But at the same time, unless that's a risk you want to take, steering clear of the cl-launcher makes perfect sense.

On another note, I just checked, I just checked my Camera Lens Launcher settings, and it's constantly enabling Ansel-A (the 'digital darkroom' program... I didn't have it installed when I last looked in the settings)... Odd... I will see if I can find what file the cl-launcher keeps it's menu settings in, see if manually changing in will make it stick... In the meantime, we can file a bug with the dev. Either PM him or do the formal bug filing process - I just don't know HOW to file bugs on here, so if you wish to take the initiative (or just tell me how to do it), that would be wonderful.
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I just tried the CLL with all camsoftwares and flashlight in the popupmeny. Seems to work pretty good.
Would it be possible to get access to videomode or photomode from the popupmeny using the default cam?
That would be a nice feature
Nice application anyhow.Thanks
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datjomp I am sure that could be eventually developed. The problem is the majority of Nokia N900 apps are closed source. So I'm not sure if there's commands available openly to use to run the camera as one or the other. You're probably better off waiting until someone makes a camera program for the N900; just like BlessN900/FCam are better than the native camera for photo taking (or so I hear about fcam - I'm a BlessN900 fan, more or less because it came first and had HDR capture first, without having to jump through hoops to get it working on the end-user side).

kazuki, I just found something you might like: Even though the first app above app manager gets included in the settings menu for the CL-Launcher, the actual menu that pops up doesn't have this problem.

I'll post screen shots if you'd like, but what I mean is, the settings for the pop-up menu on my N900 say "Ansel-A, BlessN900, Camera, Flashlight", even if I uncheck Ansel-A and save; but even so, when I slide open the camera, only BlessN900, Camera, and Flashlight appear. So it looks like your Angry Birds not getting unchecked bug is just in the settings menu UI, not in the actual workings of the cl-launcher.
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mine did pop up, thats why it was annoying me.

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Don't know if this have been mentioned yet.. but at the swedish maemo forums we have discovered that it is quite possible that flashlight-extra casues battery to drain.

We discovered it during a "ps aux" check. A guy hade battery issues and was recommended to try a ps. Flashlight-extra seamed a bit too heavy so he uninstalled it. He now feels the problem with battery have gone. It might have been the deamon that caused it.

The "ps aux" output:
1352 user 46588 S /usr/bin/flashlight-extra
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AlMehdi, thanks for the technical info about the ps aux output, which should help the developer make this work.

But yes, it has been mentioned here. Normally I'd point out that it's only a 4 page thread and not that hard to read through, but I'm assuming you're natively Swedish and English might not be too easy to read through. On the other hand, if you can read English easily and had the time, I see no reason why a four page thread couldn't be skimmed through.
Posts: 284 | Thanked: 320 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Peterborough, UK
I'm using "quick-launch" to achieve something similar. It has an option "Enable launch on shutter open", which seems to work pretty well. On odd occasion, it has gone a bit awry and started launching on shutter _close_ rather than _open_, but it is at least a bit more stable than the other apps mentioned thusfar

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