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dare I say this, motorola milestone 3?
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Originally Posted by Sniper_swe View Post
I had the n900 and loved it.
Tried the iphone 4s thought it was boring. Cant explain why really.
On the n9 now and loving it. Sure it would be good with a dualcore in it but thats just for future stuff.
Ics port looks promising and is damn fast now with hw acc according to E-yes.
I agree with you on this, I also had the 4S for some 2 months and it's smooth, fast and has a great camera, but yes it's boring. I think it's mostly cause of you get what you see and that's it. The 4S is just to polished and you need to jailbreak it to mod it, just to much hassle. There's not really anything to descover underneath the surface.
On another note I've heard roumers about Sony is making a wp7 with a hw keyboard, prolly look like their x1/2 models?
Ohh if you like 4S get that one and one of those hard cases with a bluetooth slideout hw keyboards in them. Get's a bit chunky but not more than the N900 and you can get one of those stylus's for capacitive screens.

Regards Dousan...
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Originally Posted by marxian View Post
Only the kernel is open. The rest is closed. Harmattan is considerably less open than Fremantle. There is very limited scope for UX enchancements.
Ok didn't know the way great job on the musikloud app (that was you right) Nice app..Is it possible to run MKloud on the Nokia n9 cause once again my n9 is coming this thuesday...and i really like musikloud..
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nokia 808
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Originally Posted by m4r0v3r View Post
dare I say this, motorola milestone 3?
I am on AT&T.

I don't think that works as well on AT&T network, I might be mistaken though...

Will that be receiving Android Ice Cream Sandwich?

It really pisses me off that Nokia doesn't have a device that even comes close to rivaling the iPhone 4S or Android using an open Linux OS.
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Originally Posted by szopin View Post
So no difference from chinese tablet hacks? They also release kernel source (not always), keep driver hacks to themselves. At least this is what I understood from problems Cordia et al were having
Think about what you have said there, in the context of all the boasting about openness that we see on TMO. Nokia release a device that is less open than the last, and the fanboys shift the goalposts. With the N900, we proudly claimed to have the most open device on the market. Now the N9 fanboys are reduced to claiming that at least it's no worse than some other crap that I wouldn't buy. Here is a device that needs to be jailbroken (i.e. flash open kernel and void your warranty) in order to get it anywhere close to the same level as the N900. Even then, you still have a much less customisable UX.
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I never was claiming N9 being open. AEGIS from the little I read about it (not yet researching whether buying N9 is a good idea - price tag) by accident seems disgusting. But, marxian, you also complain in other threads that N900 is closed (which it is, but in comparison to other devices is still awesomely open, at least for me). If I can get my own dev environment running on it (gcc-4.6, all the libs, access to components -GPS I guess): and even better yet, N900 as hwk for it, it does seem like an interesting option. Plus all the little gadgets from my N900 should be easily portable/recompilable (though pentesting seems out of the question sadly)
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Originally Posted by szopin View Post
I never was claiming N9 being open. AEGIS from the little I read about it (not yet researching whether buying N9 is a good idea - price tag) by accident seems disgusting. But, marxian, you also complain in other threads that N900 is closed (which it is, but in comparison to other devices is still awesomely open, at least for me). If I can get my own dev environment running on it (gcc-4.6, all the libs, access to components -GPS I guess): and even better yet, N900 as hwk for it, it does seem like an interesting option. Plus all the little gadgets from my N900 should be easily portable/recompilable (though pentesting seems out of the question sadly)
I don't recall claiming that the N900 is closed. If I did, then I was probably off my meds, or something. I might complain about Nokia not opening the source code for the stock applications, but that's it.

Originally Posted by jimmy neutron View Post
Ok didn't know the way great job on the musikloud app (that was you right) Nice app..Is it possible to run MKloud on the Nokia n9 cause once again my n9 is coming this thuesday...and i really like musikloud..
See link in my signature.
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jimmy neutron's Avatar
Posts: 140 | Thanked: 95 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Andromeda Galaxy
Originally Posted by marxian View Post
I don't recall claiming that the N900 is closed. If I did, then I was probably off my meds, or something. I might complain about Nokia not opening the source code for the stock applications, but that's it.

See link in my signature.
Yes thanks i saw it..but to late i guess lol...
Posts: 2,076 | Thanked: 3,268 times | Joined on Feb 2011
Originally Posted by marxian View Post
I don't recall claiming that the N900 is closed. If I did, then I was probably off my meds, or something. I might complain about Nokia not opening the source code for the stock applications, but that's it.

See link in my signature.
Sorry, must've taken the endless Nokia-closing-things-from-us (when we present nothing in exchange, except waiting for those patents to rain on us) circlejerk to an unacceptable extent. Forgive me, too many discussions here, my bad. Then on the other hand:

How dare you claim N900 is open? What about battery monitoring? Tried recoding modest???

and so on, and so forth

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