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It just gets worse for what not so long ago was a truly great company.
N9 black, 16GB, PR1.3
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Nokia (MS) Lumia 920 Fakeview?

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Originally Posted by GrimyHR View Post
lol, on what planet are you living? nokia 808 has the best sensor, period, only jump here is backward, not forward
I never said it was the best sensor. I said for the modern smartphones market where everyone wants Slim and pretty devices.They can't implement something like that 808 camera module onto a Lumia..

Yeah it wont please us but the average consumer will enjoy that its slim. I actually saw somebody posting on Engadget calling a 12mm device a brick :/ That is r3tarded on soo many levels, but thats who buys the majority of smartphones nowadays.

ps. Its a step FORWARD but in a different direction. Eventually they wil merge the oversampling in to the low light stuff and everyone can stop whining about it. If they survive beyond this year. Their share price aint exactly looking good and by not announcing any dates or prices their shares are gonna keep on falling..
Well Nokia do at least know how to build a decent phone, just apparently don't know how to support it..

N900 Died Replaced with N8, Requested E7, "Accidentally Broke E7", Now rolling with an N9 and im loving it!

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Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
Silly fanbois believe silly excuses.
Grow up and post something useful. Seeing as I am both an N9 and a Galaxy Nexus user, love both for different reasons. I dont believe in all this fanboy crap. No point bringing it into this discussion.
Well Nokia do at least know how to build a decent phone, just apparently don't know how to support it..

N900 Died Replaced with N8, Requested E7, "Accidentally Broke E7", Now rolling with an N9 and im loving it!

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Originally Posted by godofwar424 View Post
PS. Nokia released a statement about the faked video! They never intended for it to confuse, it was a demonstration of OIS not a demonstration of the 920.. Sometimes this forum is too biased against Nokia.
Yes, you're right. They didn't intend to confuse, but to deceive! And any other interpretation is just bull*****.

And it appears the photos were faked as well. Judging by the lens they appeared to have used for the girl/street photo, not even stating "The Lumia 920 pictures in this post were taken using prototype hardware and software" can redeem them. Unless they are planning to release a phone with a DSLR lens on it.

They did it right with the 808, releasing actual photos taken by the device to the public on day 1 of the announcement, and wouldn't you know it, the world was stunned/impressed.

That's how you do it.

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Originally Posted by zlatokosi View Post
Yes, you're right. They didn't intend to confuse, but to deceive! And any other interpretation is just bull*****.

And it appears the photos were faked as well. Judging by the lens they appeared to have used for the girl/street photo, not even stating "The Lumia 920 pictures in this post were taken using prototype hardware and software" can redeem them. Unless they are planning to release a phone with a DSLR lens on it.

They did it right with the 808, releasing actual photos taken by the device to the public on day 1 of the announcement, and wouldn't you know it, the world was stunned/impressed.

That's how you do it.

We can also add the N8, N95 and pretty much every leading camera phone that they have released since the Nokia 7650.

Nokia had earned itself the trust of both consumer and the industry when it comes to the camera-phone sector but have now put that in to question with that failed stunt.
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Yes another thread unrelated to maemo/meego and open source. Please move this thread to and wp site. We only have one thread about pointless wp flamewar why start once per week!?!?

if we could use all this stupid attention on fun maemo/mwego/nemo stuff instead and then we would get rid of all the trolls.

this is one of those thread that we need to start fresh with the next year maemo site instead of continue those ridicilous discussionz over and over again. It really leads nowhere...

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So is the OIS the same OIS technology found in real cameras? Because if it is, that's a lot better than 42MP of camera-shake.
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Just go to the store and see for yourself you can only trust your own eyes.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

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interesting article from the iPotato & m@ke$$h!t toilet paper roll site...
Nokia’s ‘Contingency Plan’: 5 Possible Company-Saving Scenarios
the scenarios aren't even that interesting, a 10 year old who followed NOKIA's last few years could come up with them...
what's much more interesting coming from such a m0##0nic site is the simple fact that they can gather a future NOKIA without m@ke$$h!t ¦-)))
must have blown out whatever brains they had left

also interesting is that Fart / Flop has missed an opportunity to ridicule... well, himself, of course, but alas as CEO the whole company...
one might start to wonder in how far NOKIA management started to realise that Flop's fart's and poop all over the place simply don't help the company.
better late then never, as the saying goes, even though in that case it may be too late...
information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...

inaccurate, pureview

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