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Originally Posted by =DC= View Post
There's one feature I'd like to see if it's possible. The ability to zoom in on album covers would be cool.
Finished this up tonight. You'll see it in the next release, but here's a preview:

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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
can i use this ad2p work around to stream both internet radio stations using wifi and bluetooth to send that to nokia bh 601 headset??

please advise
No, it won't work for internet streaming, only MP3's you have in Kagu will go thru A2DP. I wish there was a way to get it to work in Rhapsody, that would be sweet.

I did notice one thing last night that was a bit odd, and I almost thought it was streaming Rhapsody thru A2DP. I was listening in Kagu over Bluetooth headphones, and I paused the song. I then started Rhapsody and started the music in there, but it came thru the speakers on the N800, but it also unpaused the song I had been listening to in Kagu and started playing my song over the headphones again. Somewhere, they are sharing something I guess.
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Originally Posted by trevarthan View Post
Finished this up tonight. You'll see it in the next release, but here's a preview:]
Nice looking, that's a cool feature...

Where does Kagu get it's Album cover graphics from? On a few of mine, it downloads the wrong cover, which is not Kagu's fault, it's the album cover database it is accessing online. Is there a way to manually change the covers?

It's not really a big deal, since I read the name anyways...
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Sorry for the string of posts all in a row, but I wanted to pass this info along. I picked up this cool little device last night, and it works great with A2DP streaming in Kagu:

It's a tiny receiver that plugs into pretty much *any* iPod speaker dock or iPod car stereo adapter, allowing other devices to use the huge selection of iPod accessories. It is completely powered by whatever dock you have it plugged into...right now, I am using mine in a Logitech mm50 speaker dock.

Even using a remote control to go to the next track, pause, etc., it all works as if there were an iPod there. Pretty handy little thing, lets me get more usage out of my iPod stuff.

It's a nice complement to Kagu, since many people have iPod interfaces or cables in their cars already, some cars even come with them installed from the factory.
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Please make Kagu able to play Ogg file... (via the Ogg player for example?)
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trevarthan: I don't know if you noticed this but your wonderful media player got into the ars journals...

I'm still trying to find time to add that play all feature but you seem to be doing updates quicker than I can keep up with

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So i as far as i understand the ad2p cannot be used to listen to internet streams( correct me if i am wrong). So is it a software problem or a hardware issue? I mean if it is a software issue will it be resolved in the future with updates? If yes.... do we have any time line for this.

well the reason i am asking all these is because i am planning to buy the nokia bh 601 bluteooth headset. So aANYONE WHO HAS USED THIS HEADSET PLEASE DO REPLY ON THE PROS AND CONS OF THE HEADSET , SPECIALLY ITS COMPATIBILITY WITH N800.

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sachin007: The way a2dp is set up in kagu is by passing the name of the a2dp alsa device to mplayer. Currently only mplayer understands this option so only kagu (which uses mplayer for a2dp) can play music other, software needs to be changed to handle this option and possibly the alsa architecture as well (i think the key one would be for nokia to allow their media player to use a2dp but although it is on the roadmap don't expect it very soon.)

I believe you can get audio streaming working if you are happy to use shoutcast streams and enjoy playing on the command line. Maybe an app to handle these should come next...

I had a play and if you save the playlist file into playlist.txt, then start a2dp you can run the following:
mplayer -playlist playlist.txt -ao alsa:device=a2dpd2 -ac ffmp3
This produced the audio stream with this stream and might work with many others... Be careful, forget the -ac ffmp3 and you'll get noise.

edit: just a quick update, you can put the stream url in but don't forget to escape the &... i.e:
mplayer -playlist\&file=filename.pls -ao alsa:device=a2dpd2 -ac ffmp3

Last edited by nick_1; 2007-08-15 at 13:57.
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Originally Posted by trevarthan View Post
Finished this up tonight. You'll see it in the next release, but here's a preview:

Any chance of scaling it down a little bit so it reflects in the bottom graded bar... would look that bit more stylish.

(Bluetooth headphones are on their way)
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Originally Posted by nick_1 View Post
sachin007: The way a2dp is set up in kagu is by passing the name of the a2dp alsa device to mplayer. Currently only mplayer understands this option so only kagu (which uses mplayer for a2dp) can play music other, software needs to be changed to handle this option and possibly the alsa architecture as well (i think the key one would be for nokia to allow their media player to use a2dp but although it is on the roadmap don't expect it very soon.)

I believe you can get audio streaming working if you are happy to use shoutcast streams and enjoy playing on the command line. Maybe an app to handle these should come next...

I had a play and if you save the playlist file into playlist.txt, then start a2dp you can run the following:
mplayer -playlist playlist.txt -ao alsa:device=a2dpd2 -ac ffmp3
This produced the audio stream with this stream and might work with many others... Be careful, forget the -ac ffmp3 and you'll get noise.

edit: just a quick update, you can put the stream url in but don't forget to escape the &... i.e:
mplayer -playlist\&file=filename.pls -ao alsa:device=a2dpd2 -ac ffmp3
@ Nick
Thank you nick for the quick reply. Well by internet radio i specifically mean shoutcast streams. So from what i understand you say that that will work... just that i need to make a playlist at the command line level. Actually i am a noob and i have not even tried using the ad2p with the saved mp3 's. The reason being that i am planning to buy the nokia bh 601 headset and i am just wondering my opitons if it is worht teh money..... since bh 604 is going to be released pretty soon. I use the shout cast radio streams a lot( about 6 hours atleast each day). So if they work then it would be like perfect for me.
So can you confirm if you used ad2p to stream shout cast streams to the bluetooth headset? If so how was teh experience?/ i mean the quality??
I haave a bose triport headphone which i am willing to sell to replace the nokia bh 601. Is the quality in par with bose triport headphones??
And what about the battery life?? What head phone are you using. What do you recommend

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