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its now started, android with motorola, nokia with microsoft, apple is apple, lets hope samsung will bring us tizen, make a wish.
panjgoori's Avatar
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gartner released stat for 2011. the most interesting part which i love to read is the declining of WP. it has been declined 65% since 2010. and now at only 1.9% market share. even bada has more market share than WP 2%.
here is quota from the article:

The lion's share still belongs to Nokia, however, and 2012 will be a key year in determining whether the Finnish giant can turn a profit with its Windows Phone devices. The Lumia 710 and Lumia 800 debuts were not enough to stem the fall of WP market share, which saw a 65% decline compared to 2010.
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WP7's decline isn't that spectacular. I think we've all stated it was going to happen. Some of us... not as spectacularly aggressive and angst-ridden as mikecomputing, but there's truth between his rants.

With that said... weird not knowing that Maemo/MeeGo share is. Would love to figure out its sales somehow by some metric other than guessing.
Dave999's Avatar
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That 1,9% are the phones nokia/microsoft sent out to developer. So interms of real customers it is about 0,0%
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...
marxian's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
That 1,9% are the phones nokia/microsoft sent out to developer. So interms of real customers it is about 0,0%
There seems to be plenty of 'hardly used' Lumia 800s on ebay atm.
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Y'all dev bastards could have sent me one. Just sayin'...
danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by panjgoori View Post
gartner released stat for 2011. the most interesting part which i love to read is the declining of WP. it has been declined 65% since 2010. and now at only 1.9% market share. even bada has more market share than WP 2%.
here is quota from the article:

Here's some more prescient speculation:

"The cutbacks, which will hit manufacturing facilities in Finland, Hungary, and Mexico, brings total planned job cuts to more than 30,000 since Stephen Elop took the CEO spot in September 2010, cites Reuters. And it comes on the tail of bad earnings news: Fourth-quarter smartphone sales fell 31 percent from a year ago, and the company had "a steep loss" for the quarter, according to the wire report."

"As we all know, though, the money -- and the margin -- is in the smartphone business. Nokia's chance to get any significant portion of that market looks bleaker every month. We'll see what Elop has to say at this year's MWC show, starting Feb. 27."

Keep blaming those salespeople, Elop. THAT'S the ticket!
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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forza maemo!!
Helmuth's Avatar
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
"As we all know, though, the money -- and the margin -- is in the smartphone business."
Yeah, just clever to step out of the smartphone market using this crappy Windows Phone for their devices! #strange
misterc's Avatar
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Originally Posted by raghavmurali View Post
can we vote elop out of nokia. is anyone from board seeing this.
this ain't a democracy :|
this is capitalism...
buy ('nough) NOKIA shares &... vote him out

blame others, deluded fanboys, kidsbeingkids, lumiadork, ms will die, salesdroids, the elop flop, wp blows

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