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Ok, here is exactly my problem:

Originally Posted by w00t View Post
If Jolla were to die tomorrow, the UI dies with it.

Originally Posted by w00t View Post
For a case study of this, consider Qt, which opened up to external contributions & maintainers in 2012, and now has approaching 30-40% of the contributions coming from outside of the "owner" of the project:
So, Qt is fully open, and receiving the many benefits of open source. Yay! But, I would also argue that if the Qt company were to die tomorrow, Qt dies with it. There's an enormous amount of inertia behind Qt right now, so it wouldn't die immediately, but I just don't see how the project works without the company standing behind it.

The difference there is that Nemo is not a shipping product. It's not usable as-is, and as making it usable is far from interesting or entertaining work, not many people want to do it.
Yes! But doesn't this really apply to any project?

I do understand that there are many, many benefits to open-source code. But what I'm seeing is that fully open-source efforts produce Nemo-like projects, while commercial organizations that mix open and closed source produce Sailfish-like projects. Yes, we had the death of the N900 and Maemo, the death of the N9 and Meego, and in the fullness of time we'll probably have the death of Jolla and Sailfish. All commercial software projects are mortal. But in all that time, with the rise and fall and rise again of all these commercial platforms, it doesn't seem like any fully open platform has gained any sort of success...
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Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
it doesn't seem like any fully open platform has gained any sort of success...
Have you ever heard about Android?........
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Originally Posted by HtheB View Post
Have you ever heard about Android?........
I don't think Android quite fits the definition of "fully open platform". It's pretty close though; and similar enough to the way Jolla is developing Sailfish for me to consider them as congruent business models...

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Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
I don't think Android quite fits the definition of "fully open platform". It's pretty close though; and similar enough to the way Jolla is developing Sailfish for me to consider them as congruent business models...
Android itself without the Gapps (Google apps) is fully open.....
Android Open Source Project (AOSP)
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Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
So, Qt is fully open, and receiving the many benefits of open source. Yay! But, I would also argue that if the Qt company were to die tomorrow, Qt dies with it. There's an enormous amount of inertia behind Qt right now, so it wouldn't die immediately, but I just don't see how the project works without the company standing behind it.
If Qt company dies, somebody will buy it and the project continues in some form as there is demand and benefit for it. When project grows big enough, it usually doesn't disappear completely if it's not considered to be obsolete. Ie. Symbian wasn't saved by open sourcing it. Using open sourcing to salvage dying proprietary projects almost never works, as they don't have a robust community behind them and generally people want to take part actively from the beginning when there is something new to accomplish instead of jumping into bandwagon when failure is already evident and product has lost it's momentum.

Yes! But doesn't this really apply to any project?
I'd say no, it doesn't. Projects differ and it's a bit different thing to develop something for project that feels like going forward (ie. that is available in commercial product instead of trying to reverse engineer and hack it into some device that's not designed for it). When people are paid to do the boring stuff it happens, but not many do such things in their spare time especially if there's a feeling that things are not really going forward under the hood.

So, I don't see open sourcing Sailfish as a bad thing. My point is that it has to be done right, not in some hasty dumping just for the sake of open sourcing it. AFAIK this is why some parts of Sailfish are yet to be opened.
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Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
I don't think Android quite fits the definition of "fully open platform". It's pretty close though; and similar enough to the way Jolla is developing Sailfish for me to consider them as congruent business models...
And yet it while most Jolla users boo it, it's more opensource than Jolla and Jolla somehow benefit from it with apps for android.
Do you remember MohammadAG that started n900's CSSU that actually led to updates of n900 till today. He is now making patches for Android.
So even if there are few devs contributing to open-source, still there is more benefit than none. And i remember N900 era here when there when half of this forum were devs contributing and rewritting closed source, adding patches and cool apps. But they are gone now and jolla lost them. And if someone doubts the opensource and what community can do it, you can see the openrepos as an example of how he is wrong.
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Oh, another example is whatsapp that uses opensource xmpp but is closed source. If someone would not make 3rd party libs and not opensource them there would be no whatsapp on n900/n9/jolla.
IRC nick on freenode — ZogG

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Originally Posted by pycage View Post
It simply is not possible to find acceptable mobile hardware running on open drivers.
It depends of what you call "acceptable mobile hardware". You have the GTA04 and soon the Neo900 which (will) run on open drivers (at the exception of the GSM modem). About your utopia of developpers, look a little on the Neo900, it's a reality, but only because of the nature of this project and this device.

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zogG I agree with u for benefits that opensource could bring,even if,as someone said, probably they would not act like game changer,in this moment. the other things we have to deal with is that jolla has ti earn money and thats the real matter why they have developed sailfish os,apart philosophical and marketing question,and we cant blame it for that,can we?
red hat and some other open-source company, are white flies , they were brave and smart but we dont have right to blame who didnt feel to take that risk. I would be happy if they will open some parts, but i am not pretending it,not in this part of story. and without something that bind user to you (ui) you could be kicked away from some bigger player that, with more resources, use your code...
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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
Not even a damn laptop is fully open source this days.
What about ?

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