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Ok well I thought I'd liven the place up a bit with a funny story. Back to your usual PR1.2 grumblings.
If you don't know how to check your N900's uptime, you probably shouldn't own it.
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Originally Posted by Laughingstok View Post
Did I tell you guys I went to a stripclub Saturday and they had the "World's smallest stripper" there? Complete turn-off, 2 foot 10 inches or something like that. She climbed up the pole like a monkey and everything.
Oh me gawd1
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@Texrat: Well, once I saw the "Speculation about PR 1.2" thread, I knew the thread will live on forever. My fears were quenched Plus, I sorta made it to the thread name by being one of the "thread name-change haters" Good for my ego. Plus, come on: Mutant stripper Monkeys! That HAD TO GO INTO THE TITLE!


And no, @Laughingstock! No pictures of THAT! Your other pictures are always welcome though I think we could all use a diversion from the Mutant Strip Monkeys!
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Originally Posted by marktold View Post

Don't you think it a bit much to ask to read trough more then 4000 post that say noting more then (There is not even a blank to fill in)

I sure hope you guys will not be disapointing when 1.2 realy is released. And by the way. How about we all get a live instad of adding to this thread.

Me for one will stay away from untill I have the 1.2 news on my phone!

By for now and there was a live befor 1.1 and there will be one after 1.2 so go out there play some soccer, buy groceries for your mom or clean your car.

Regards Markus

Don't be angry my friend, only joking about the fact of 5000 post full of nothing.
And now let me talk about nuknuk... is a very bad boy, he don't call me, don't want a romantic dinner with me, don't buy me some nice gift... what a finnish, their heart is soooo cool...
Where are you nuknuk?
I can't wait to see your hot pr1.2!
I want it into my... n900
Flash me nuknuk... flah me!
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here we go... those interested..
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what if the midget stripper said: Hey, watch me for an hour or three and I'll Give you flash 10.1 and PR 1.2. would you have done it?
Posts: 472 | Thanked: 442 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Omg thats her!


She freakin WALKED up the damn pole! Most people climb poles with their legs wrapped around it.. she held on with her hands and WALKED up the thing.


Fetal position..

If you don't know how to check your N900's uptime, you probably shouldn't own it.
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that is so so so feckin' messed up
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It's Nancy Pelosi's mini-me
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Please no more sissy cassy, or I'm gonna commit a suicide.
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avoid thread, fictional update, firmware, fremantle, future, goodwin's law, it will be on 12.21.2012, maemo, maemo 5, may be it's a myth?, may be next week, maybe april fools, maybe not, patience is a virtue, patience wastes your life, post generator, pr 1.2, pr1.2, product release, repost, rerun, rick roll'd, speculation, update, worst thread ever

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