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Posts: 30 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Aug 2008 @ Canada
The new theme does look very nice. Render times are somewhere between the old default (which was the only website I have come across I found unusable on the tablet) and the minimal theme (which is excellent). If I had never come across the minimal theme I would say it was a good load time but the lightning speed has spoiled me so anything you can do to increase the speed would be excellent. Now that I am reading the thread as rendered in the post reply page it looks to be a perfect basis for a minimal theme if you didn't want to have to maintain totally separate css

some issues:

CSS validiation errors. This is also an issue with the main new theme but at least talk is html compliant. Fixing these may go a long way to increasing the speed without losing any visual appeal as I know gecko renders much slower when it has to make guesses about where to place things

vertical vs horizontal space. On the desktop the 2 column interface is nice as we have more then 800 px to show forum postings but on the tablets it's a very different matter. The tablets do have the real web experience but it would be nice if the site devoted to their operation was a showcase for how nice the web can be on a mobile device. The talk menu would seem to fit rather well as another horizontal menu between the into/downloads etc and the breadcrumbs and the active topics could be another dropdown on said menu. Then without losing almost any functionality as currently designed now the whole page width is devoted to forum posts which surely is the point of a forum page. This is more an issue for as a whole rather then talk itself but it's quite frustrating that the maemo website is the one I have to side scroll on more then almost any other page I visit.

tear rendering problems. Tear renders the columns stacked rather then side by side but based on testing with other webkit browsers it appears to be a tear issue rather then a webkit one but certainly worth checking out.

Overall I would say this does an excellent job adding the itt forums into the new notwithstanding the parent site's design quirks. It is clearly the result of a lot of hard work and effort so to all involved thank you. I would be even more thankful if you were able to maintain some kind of minimal theme.
ian_ryge's Avatar
Posts: 138 | Thanked: 262 times | Joined on Oct 2006
Nice, but:
  • The text and dividers on the top navigation bar seem to be a pixel lower than on, and the rollover/selected state extends below the bottom of the bar (in Firefox)
  • Too much empty white space
  • Links shouldn't be orange
  • I too would prefer to have a dark theme option
Good work though, I don't mean to complain.

Last edited by ian_ryge; 2009-04-29 at 08:21.
daperl's Avatar
Posts: 2,427 | Thanked: 2,986 times | Joined on Dec 2007
How about a full-featured version with the Minimalistic color scheme.
noventa98's Avatar
Posts: 122 | Thanked: 51 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Paris, France
Thanks for the new version, I too was surprised at first. The new version is pretty fast, kudos! Thank you also for keeping the minimalistic version.

I have one suggestions regarding font size that could be useful to improve rendering on the tablet. Would it be possible to slightly reduce on the front and New Posts page the titles of the threats as well as the number of replies and increase instead a little the description below? Also maybe you can drop from the description the count of replies as it is already announced close to the title. That space could be used to indicate the date of the first post...

Posts: 1,208 | Thanked: 1,028 times | Joined on Oct 2007
I'm sorry but I have to say that new layout is not very usable with a tablet. Positive thing is that rendering speed is fast even with the default browser.

Negative thing is that layout wastes way too much vertical space. For example empty space between message bodies is half a screen or even full screen height if there is signature. In new posts view you can seen only 3-4 topics in a single view. Old Mobile II theme was ultra efficient with screen horizontal space and I liked it a lot.
qgil's Avatar
Posts: 3,105 | Thanked: 11,088 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Mountain View (CA, USA)
Actually I also use more Mobile than Minimal specially when I'm on the move out of wlan range. It can be ugly and simple as hell: new posts, reply, thanks button and you are there.
luca's Avatar
Posts: 1,137 | Thanked: 402 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Catalunya
Could I have my classic skin back, please?
Failing that, could you at least put a link to the first unread message in the search for new messages?
Now I need two clicks (and two page loads) where previously I just needed one.
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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Originally Posted by luca View Post
Could I have my classic skin back, please?
Failing that, could you at least put a link to the first unread message in the search for new messages?
Now I need two clicks (and two page loads) where previously I just needed one.
Read the thread. As said above, just click the reply count.
Ryan Abel

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Bundyo's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ekul View Post
tear rendering problems. Tear renders the columns stacked rather then side by side but based on testing with other webkit browsers it appears to be a tear issue rather then a webkit one but certainly worth checking out.
I don't see such issue with the new theme - the two colums are side by side. Check your options. The right column is taking up space btw. Maybe it should be hidden on low resolutions and shown on click? Also some links look like ordinary text - like Search.
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The right column provides some really good access to key features, but as Bundyo said it should be hideable.

Another thing that will be very usefull ( especially when using with fingers) is to have most of the links like buttons. What I mean is make the page select numbers and "active topics" in similer way as "talk menu"

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