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Originally Posted by Jack6428 View Post
cool, i just uploaded 11 wallpapers, check em out:
I don't know if you are able to release the Mortal Kombat logo under Creative Commons
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I dont have any idea on how you would go about doing this, but would it be possible to have some sort of video wallpaper?
thecursedfly's Avatar
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Originally Posted by sigep235 View Post
I dont have any idea on how you would go about doing this, but would it be possible to have some sort of video wallpaper?
I think that would require way too many resources from the device, and drain the battery lightning fast...

I once had a script for OSX that activated the screensaver as desktop background (under the icons), but it was nice just to showoff with friends.. it became easily laggy for a normal use...
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remember dremples for windows 98?
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After the ridiculous amount of traffic the site has received in the last 48 hours (just shy of 10,000 page views, 1,500 uniques), I spent last night working on some changes which I think improve the site somewhat and add features here and there.

  • Added some code that ensures the images are resaved at 800x480 if they're a funky size. This works most of the time, but I think there's something up with the thumbnails occasionally. Nothing major though.
  • Created and implemented a tags system. Now we can tag the wallpapers when they're uploaded. Even built in a little comma-separated autocomplete which works well.
  • Improved the back-end admin tools so I can actually manage the wallpaper details and tags after they've been submitted (previously I could only approve).
  • Panoramic images are all approved at once, so no more mass emailing per image (sorry).
  • Browse by tags now at
  • Redesigned the browse pages somewhat, and did some tweaks to the site CSS to make it a little more.. refined.
  • Modified the licensing information in the footer as per request.
  • Generic bug fixes like removing slashes from outputs and boring finicky stuff like that.

Still to do:
  • "This is awesome!/I like this!" rating system
  • RSS feeds
  • Auto-slicing of 3200x480 images (turns out to be harder than it sounds)

Anyway. I think the amount of traffic received is a testament to the overall interest in the n900. It's really great to see some of the wallpapers that have been uploaded too, really nice stuff. Looking forward to getting my n900 more and more every day

Interesting it hasn't been indexed by google yet, so all that traffic is referrals and direct hits. Go figure.

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Originally Posted by code177 View Post

Interesting it hasn't been indexed by google yet, so all that traffic is referrals and direct hits. Go figure.
So the world would not end if Google were absent? Enlightenment!

I plan to organize some older items I've done and put a few new bgs together. Mine will all be watermark free and I don't care what you do with them. Send them to a fabric manufacturer and make pajamas out of them for all I care.

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A little seamless pannable desktop goodness (sorry for the poor quality -- find me at the Summit and I'll show you):

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Originally Posted by timsamoff View Post
A little seamless pannable desktop goodness (sorry for the poor quality -- find me at the Summit and I'll show you):

That's really awesome!

Tim - I noticed that the top left of the screen has a persistent menu. Is this standard for all n900's? If so, you could put your watermark up there in the top left and I think everyone would be cool with that.
Posts: 20 | Thanked: 71 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Great to see all those backgrounds

For wallpaper creators, if you want to make the use of a four-pack wallpapers easier, then you can create a simple text file that then causes the wallpapers to appear as "Image set" in the Change Background dialog.

1) Create a text file in a simple text editor of your choice (no MS Word or things like that please). Give it a name according to your images:
2) Update the contents of that file with your own wallpaper name and image files, using this template:

[Desktop Entry]
Type=Background Image
Name=My Wallpaper


For that stuff to work, you need to place the file and the images to the "Images" folder in the device.

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Originally Posted by msoini View Post
Great to see all those backgrounds

For wallpaper creators, if you want to make the use of a four-pack wallpapers easier, then you can create a simple text file that then causes the wallpapers to appear as "Image set" in the Change Background dialog.

1) Create a text file in a simple text editor of your choice (no MS Word or things like that please). Give it a name according to your images:

2) Update the contents of that file with your own wallpaper name and image files, using this template:

For that stuff to work, you need to place the file and the images to the "Images" folder in the device.
That's really great info. To my to-do list I will add coding up something that packages up the wallpaper packs into archive files with the text file. Maybe we can figure out some kind of one-click install? would be nice being able to browse the site from the n900 and quickly change the background with one or two clicks. Anyone got any ideas?

backgrounds, maemo 5, masturbatory fantasy pics, n900, themes, wallpapers

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