synergy depends on libxinerama1 from extras-devel, so it has to be installed first with apt-get install libxinerama1
then, synergy can be installed simply by copying easy Debian synergyc binary, attached in a previous post by Shanezlar, to /usr/bin/ on the N900.
of course, synergy has to be installed on the host PC into which input devices are connected. the only configuration file needed for this setup is ~/.config/synergy.conf, on the host PC.
here is a synergy.conf example where a notebook was linked to a workstation PC, and entries for a N900 were added to this setup:
section: screens
section: aliases
section: links
left = notebook_hostname
down = N900_hostnamenotebook_hostname:
right = workstation_PC_hostnameN900_hostname:
up = workstation_PC_hostname
section: options
heartbeat = 5000
synergy is started on the host PC with the command:
synergys --config .config/synergy.conf &
and on N900 terminal with:
synergyc workstation_PC_hostname &
this could be in the wiki, as it seems to be a popular setup, but as soon as an official package will be made, all this should become trivial enough, synergy docs being easy to understand from their website
this setup works quite good, except the cursor disappears sometimes so a reboot is needed to enable it again. a real configuration option for the cursor to be visible is unfortunately missing
can you please explain me this step ?
I had copied file synergy in N900 now what to do with my ubuntu operated pc with quick synergy installed.
can you please explain me this step ?
I had copied file synergy in N900 now what to do with my ubuntu operated pc with quick synergy installed.