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=DC='s Avatar
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4 GB huh? That is interesting. Nice theme by the way. I'm guessing the new OS
release will be available for us 770 owner at the same time (or soon after) the "official"
Nokia announcement.
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The Manual for the N800 has no 'specs' page. Has anyone been able to confirm the type of processor in this thing?

Furthermore, can this one play XviD video if I get mplayer working? I wonder how the OE distro will run on this baby!

Reggie's Avatar
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I will get exclusive info late tomorrow. Stay tuned.
Reggie Suplido
gnuite's Avatar
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I suppose the upgraders will be happy to snatch up this hardware enhancement. The increased CPU and RAM capabilities afforded by ever-reducing chip costs should be quite useful.

I just hope it doesn't leave legacy 770 owners rotting on a no-longer-supported platform. I myself have no need for a webcam.

Sure, applications will probably remain binary-compatible, so long as any OS upgrade is made available to the 770. But who's to say that newer applications (or even the new OS itself) will run at acceptable performance levels on the reduced capabilities of the older hardware?

It's the old "spend more money to upgrade, or be left behind" trick that Microsoft mastered and on which computer hardware vendors have been capitalizing ever since. Cell phone manufacturers have been quick to catch on, though, so I guess this move by Nokia should have come as no surprise to the more seasoned of us. I'm as quick as anyone to jump to upgrade, but in this case, I'm staying put.

Well, enough cynicism! Good luck to all. Let's hope that, in this case, innovation and legacy support can find a way to coexist.
johsua's Avatar
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Nokia is now running an ad on engadget for n800. The link, unfortunately, goes to their n-series line, which does not feature the n800... Probably will soon though...

I agree with gnuite - I don't think that I'll shell out the $400 for the upgrade. Maybe they'll have a buy-back program?
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N800 seems to be not available in Europe ? !.
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Originally Posted by cman74 View Post
I also called CompUSA and they didn't know what the hell I was talking about (per usual). Decided just to drive there and they had about five N800s stacked next to the 770 (this is in S. Calif.)

I bought it and I'm screwing around on it now.
Two people on the N800? Be careful not to crack the screen aight...
Nokia 770/1gig sandisk
Nokia N800 2gig Kingston/1gig sandisk
"less is like more but better"
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I want to run down to compUSA and buy one so bad, but I've spent so much money this Christmas on gadgets that I don't think I can get one without the significant other screaming at me. I'll have to find someone to buy my 770 first. Also to those who have gotten one already, how is the performance on the N800. Like when reading a pdf document, playing video, audio, usb host?, usb charging?, what opera version, what flash version, java?, what programs is included to utilise webcam, does it have audio recording or video recording, bluetooth headphones? Is there a better text entry, better handwriting recognition. Is it significantly faster? What about existing programs...will it all work on it. You would think that if they bothered to put a webcam on there they'd might as well put a higer res than a 640x480 for taking decent pictures as well.

Anyone interested in a 770? In good condition?
Nokia 770/1gig sandisk
Nokia N800 2gig Kingston/1gig sandisk
"less is like more but better"
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I am on my way tomorrow to see if the Local CompUSA here in North Houston has them available and if they do I am going to get me one
MikeL's Avatar
Posts: 356 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Madrid, Spain
More pictures and a little more info on the N800 care of John Tokash's blog

Shame there are not more of it in operation with more screen captures to illustrate changes in applications and the new ones for example with the webcam. (But they are sure to be here soon)

Originally Posted by johsua View Post
I agree with gnuite - I don't think that I'll shell out the $400 for the upgrade. Maybe they'll have a buy-back program?
I do hope so, then we can be more proactive in helping Nokia sales by push/progressing the Nokia 770 successors application/usage footprint. (Which is in our own interests too)

The N800 looks a more polished and finished product than the Nokia 700 from the pictures posted so far.
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Last edited by MikeL; 2007-01-07 at 10:05.

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