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.. although the above would have worked better if the built-in osso-email/notifier had actually worked correctly with IMAP, but it doesn't.. it doesn't notice that another imap client has already read the message. Argh!
-- Metalayer-crawler delenda est.
-- Current state: Fed up with everything MeeGo.
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Originally Posted by TA-t3 View Post
I'm using it now. I found out about the new release because I kept updating that web page. Anyway, this version includes the fix that Colin made for imaps-with-Citadel-server, which means that it works for me too now.
Good stuff. I have claws-mail in the simple-launcher setup, and I keep my existing osso-email setup, which means that the infamous "two guys" in the left column of the Hildon UI will still beep and turn green when there's new mail. But after that I go claws-mail!
Glad to know the problem's fixed

Concerning new mail notification, we'll find out something to make it work
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How about the messages move/copy from osso-email application to Claws-mail? Possible?
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Is it possible to backup the settings for claws mail?

I dont't want config it again after the next flashing.

Could somebody give a linux newbie a step by step manual to do that?

I like Claws Mail. Great work!!

Greetings Pitcher
Posts: 46 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Claws-mail created a directory /home/user/.claws-mail/ to save his preferences. All mailboxe has a directory in your home directory. If you have two mailboxes, for example foo1 and foo2, you have two directories /home/user/foo1 and /home/user/foo2 created. To save and restore data, the n800 provides a tool to save and restore data. But I don't if all the directories in /home are saved/restored? Especially the .claws-mail directory who is hidden.

EDIT: This explains that the backup application saves and restores user data stored in /home/user/MyDocs and claws-mail directories are created in /home/user/ directory. The backup utility seems to be not usable.

Other method, in a xterm, create a archive by :
tar cvz -f /media/mmc1/backup.tgz /home/user/.claws-mail /home/user/foo1 /home/user/foo2
to restore after the flash:
cd /home/user
tar xvz -f /media/mmc1/backup.tgz

I don't know if it possible to extract the mails from osso-email! Sorry.
But you can simply forward all your messages then get in claws-mail =)

Last edited by jlbrd; 2007-04-17 at 20:10.
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Originally Posted by markku View Post
How about the messages move/copy from osso-email application to Claws-mail? Possible?
According to osso-email's sourcecode, it stores mail in ~/apps/email/Mail.

You can try the following from an xterm, while Claws isn't running:
cd ~
cp -r apps/email/Mail/inbox Mail/osso (replace the second Mail if necessary with the name of your mailbox if it's not "Mail" or "Mailbox").

Start Claws again, tap-and-hold on the mailbox root folder, and choose "Check for new folders". a folder "osso" should appear containing your Osso emails.

Tell me if this works, I'll make an importer.
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Originally Posted by colinleroy View Post
According to osso-email's sourcecode, it stores mail in ~/apps/email/Mail.

You can try the following from an xterm, while Claws isn't running:
cd ~
cp -r apps/email/Mail/inbox Mail/osso (replace the second Mail if necessary with the name of your mailbox if it's not "Mail" or "Mailbox").

Start Claws again, tap-and-hold on the mailbox root folder, and choose "Check for new folders". a folder "osso" should appear containing your Osso emails.

Tell me if this works, I'll make an importer.
I did like that but get only message:"Mail/osso: No such file or directory" in Xterm. Both in user and root mode, no difference. I don't know what's wrong, I was very careful to do that command just like adviced.
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Originally Posted by markku View Post
I did like that but get only message:"Mail/osso: No such file or directory" in Xterm. Both in user and root mode, no difference. I don't know what's wrong, I was very careful to do that command just like adviced.
Ok, that means there's something in the osso-email dir, but your mailbox isn't 'Mail'... What folder did Claws create at the root of your homedir?
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I wrote this script who convert the emails in "~/apps/email/Mail/Inbox/" to a sub-directory "osso_to_claws" in a existing email box folder. This script must be launched in a xterm and must receive the name of an existing mailbox folder.
Example : You have in claws-mail a mailbox named "foo". For this mailbox, a directory "foo" exists in your home directory : ~/foo/
Launch the script by :
directory_where_script_is/ foo
Below the content of the script, create a new file with this content (or download back.txt and rename to don't forget to apply a "chmod +x" before launch it.

if [ -z "$1" -o ! -d ~/"$1" ] 
echo "please enter the name of an existing mailbox folder"

rm ~/$1/osso_to_claws/ -rf
mkdir ~/$1/osso_to_claws/
for file in `ls ~/apps/email/Mail/Inbox/`
	cp ~/apps/email/Mail/Inbox/$file ~/$1/osso_to_claws/$i
	i=$(($i + 1))
echo "emails saved on ~/$1/osso_to_claws"
WARNING: This script remove the sub-directory osso_to_claws in mailbox directory before recreate it.

After start Claws again, tap-and-hold on the mailbox root folder, and choose "Check for new folders". a folder "osso_to_claws" should appear containing your Osso emails.

This script rename and copy all files in "~/apps/Mail/Inbox/" with a name as "foo^Inbox^1.hdr" into "~/directory_name_received_on_parameter/osso_to_claws/" with a name as "1", "2" etc.

Say us if this script work for you (it work on my tablet).

Last edited by jlbrd; 2007-04-19 at 13:18.
Posts: 148 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on May 2006
Hi and thank both of you for your advice. I will try later today when I'm at home. I'm still learning those commands and what they mean so forgive me if I don't reply so quickly. It takes time to try those commands in tablet. Claws is great app, if I may say.

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