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My N900 watches over me every night from my nightstand and wakes me up every morning to my favorite tunes. It knows exactly what i like and never leaves my side. That is true love..
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Originally Posted by silentjayz View Post
i was wondering what is cps2 and NOVA and games you mentioned? sounds fun, searched for it in apps manager but failed. . . please reply . .
cps2 is an emulator for the Capcom Play System 2 arcade board.

It allows you to play the actual acade ROMs for games such as Aliens vs. Predator, Street Fighter Alpha, and Marvel vs. Capcom (at full speed!)

N.O.V.A. is a first person shoot HALO clone release by Gameloft for the WebOS and iPhone. The new preenv package allows the WebOS version to run unmodified on the N900.
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It's true! I was torn between Pre, iPhone, and Nexus One. Holy monkey am I glad I went with this one. If you want a game, it may not be the one for you. But as soon as you want something more than a fart-thrower and a game-player, this is the phone to have.

I got an iPad for work, and it's better for reading, sure. But when I want to do some, you know, work on it, I find myself getting more and more frustrated. Jailbreaking helped, but only a little. I crave true multitasking. I can't believe how much I count on it.

Edit: I've often wanted quality, stable GPS navigation, but I'm willing to live without it. It's more than an even trade off for just built-in SIP calling, GV integration (thanks epage!), and the community.

Last edited by Descalzo; 2010-10-28 at 13:51.
Posts: 55 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Sep 2010
lol mine fell from my hands this afternoon.somethign that has never happende befor. i almost fainted as i saw it hitting the ground. love my N900
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Originally Posted by dekin View Post
lol mine fell from my hands this afternoon.somethign that has never happende befor. i almost fainted as i saw it hitting the ground. love my N900
(shivers just at the thought)
I was going to ask if it was still alive.. silly question... it's an N900!!

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Originally Posted by tebsu View Post
i retired from my girlfriend to spend more time with my phone


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And my desktop machine is now just a docking bay for my n900s.
email stays on the n900, the desktop I run processing software on
and large geodetic stuff that needs big screen and plotter real estate.

I actually get a lot of work done with mine,
keeping a very wifi network (4000km2) running, managing tasks remotely.
The battery is usually flattened before the end of the day, though.
Three n900s: One for stable working platform,
One for development testing Chopping Onions
One for saltwater immersion power testing resurrected ! parts scavenging

My Mods for Wonko's Advanced Clock Plugin:
ISO8601 clock mod and Momental_IST clock mod

Printing your Email with the N900
Posts: 101 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Aug 2010
I love my N900 a reasonable amount
I have had the N900 for just over a month now and I cant believe I was actually considering Droid 2.
N900 wipes the floor with any other phone out there right now.
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Posts: 127 | Thanked: 40 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Jamaica
N900 is just the best. My girl wanted a blackberry but when she saw me with the n900, she now wants one
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Originally Posted by mrwormp View Post
N900 is just the best. My girl wanted a blackberry but when she saw me with the n900, she now wants one
Thats a keeper. I have to try this capcom emulator. Looks great and love me some capcom games.
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Humor .. : [*********] Alignment: Chaotic Evil
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Agro ... : |*****-----] Relic(s) : G1, N900


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