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What's the problem with that? You can get a bearing eventually.
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Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
And I do not use the nokia media player widget but still get disappearing widgets.
You probably already know this but when widgets or hildon-home crashes then only Nokias own safe widgets are loaded.
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I love the swirl too, with it i don'teven have to drag my finger to zoom, just place it against a spot on the screen and wiggle it clockwise and counter

I'm with you in regards to cap's, the downsides with them severelly outweights having dual/multitouch, resistive multitouch has the best of both worlds (GAH! damn, now i got Hannah Montana's theme song looping in my head Dx

Ah, a complaint i forgot in my first post, you can't take a picture or record a video, nor play stuff with the original media player during a call.
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Another thing i forgot, you can only have a single level of folders on the apps menu, no subfolders.

@sjgadsby: Try "right clicking" on an icon in the menu (press and hold for a second or so)

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Originally Posted by TiagoTiago View Post
@sjgadsby: Try "right clicking" on an icon in the menu (press and hold for a second or so)
Yes, that's what I want to disable. I don't want to move my icons. I only trigger the process accidentally.
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The Following User Says Thank You to sjgadsby For This Useful Post:
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My interest in a magnetometer is for motion tracking (like for controlling games) and detection of magnetic fields in general, it would also be quite handy for planetarium programs, point towards a star in the sky and have the virtual telescope automaticly go to it.

And saving the mag and the accell data streams with timestamps while recording a video would probably make the job of camera tracking softwarea much easier.
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Ah, you want disable it, sorry, misread your post.
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* the resistive screen.
* the fact that you can't link to 1 specific picture folder (e.g. Portfolio)
* When you zoom in the gallery, and you hit the side, the pictures changes to the next one (frustrating!)
* no support from nokia
* terrible GPS connectivity withous an internet connection (Sygic)

on the other hand, the phone had a LOT of positive points. But after breaking down 3 times, i had to get rid of it. I loved you so, N900, but you give me heart conditions.
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@Tiago Tiago

Exactly for this planetarium app a compass is useful.

It has to be a compass that works also without motion.

A GPS compass only works with motion.

But my "FM-radio-strength"-compass works without motion once it is calibrated. The calibration can be done manually or by the GPS compass during motion.

The Following User Says Thank You to gerdich For This Useful Post:
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3 times? During what time length? Are you sure the problem was with the N900 and not somthing external from it?

english mf do, you speak it?

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