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sorry scrap that now i have another problem no data collects at all not even 1 after an hour !!

Last edited by stevomanu; 2010-09-07 at 21:01. Reason: added info
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Correct me if I'm wrong but most wifi networks nowadays are WPA. Not WEP. Is there a tutorial on how to use aircrack in WPA networks?
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Originally Posted by crabsody View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong but most wifi networks nowadays are WPA. Not WEP. Is there a tutorial on how to use aircrack in WPA networks?
Yes, there are many. Use the wiki over at

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Originally Posted by crabsody View Post
Correct me if I'm wrong but most wifi networks nowadays are WPA. Not WEP. Is there a tutorial on how to use aircrack in WPA networks?
Yes it is possible but not feasable. Particularly on a device like the N900. WEP can be cracked from data packet because each IV (initilasation vector) carries a small piece of the password. The algorythms can then work out from enough IVs what the complete password is.

With WPA, you must force a host to deauthenticate a client, forcing them to reconnect. You can then capture what's called a wpa handshake which can be used to find the password. However, you cannot crack wpa, you must bruteforce it. This means that you must compare it against wordlists and if the key isnt in the wordlist, you're not getting the password.

For instance, an 8-digit alphanumeric case-ensitive wpa key would have up to 62771017353866807638357894232076664161023554444640 34512896 different combinations. And this is WITHOUT symbols.

On the same basis, a 64-digit wpa key would have up to 39402006196394479212279040100143613805079739270465 44666794829340424572177149721061141426625488491564 0806627990306816 different combinations.

In short, it's possible but not feasible. Bearing in mind that a device like the N900 could probably only check a couple hundred keys per second. The best you could do is capture the handshake with the N900 then use a desktop to attempt to crack the password.
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I think most likely you have to change your macaddress first when playing with aircrack .

EDIT: Do you want to say that the combinations is calculated like this:

10! + 26! + 26! for numbers and letters?

Please help!

Last edited by epitaph; 2011-01-02 at 14:36.
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Well WEP is a joke, taking approximately 5 minutes to crack any key!
As mentioned WPA is just not possible to crack unless the passphrase is a dictionary word.

This is when you turn to more imaginative methods, such as using airbase-ng in conjunction with a web server, to fake an AP and request the user's passphrase for "authentication" aka phishing. Not easily implemented on a mobile device let alone a desktop terminal.

The inherent weakness of WPA/WPA2 is that people set passwords that are "easy to remember" or that are relatively short in length. Each time you extend your passphrase by one character you theoretically multiply the previous number of possible combinations by 94!

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Originally Posted by epitaph View Post
I think most likely you have to change your macaddress first when playing with aircrack .

EDIT: Do you want to say that the combinations is calculated like this:

10! + 26! + 26! for numbers and letters?

Please help!
It was a while ago I worked it out but I think the maths was along the lines of:

Letters = 52 (small and caps)
Numbers = 10 (0-9)

8 to the power of 62

(I think. Whatever it is, a word list that is guaranteed to crack ANY wpa key (including special characters, and up to 64 digit keys) would be thousands of terabytes.)
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Originally Posted by menthor View Post
hallo i just like to share my experience...
N900 how to crack a WEP key with it... Today i have success of crackin my own WEP key ... exact commands
Ifconfig wlan0 down
iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor
if config wlan0 up
aireplay wlan0 -9 (note the MAC adress)
airodump-ng -w (what ever you want filename) -c (channel)
--bssid (noted mac adress) wlan0
after 1hour and 12 minutes i had 50 000 packages
ctrl+c (ctrl on the screen) aircrack-ng (name of the file you typed .cap) 1 minute after that =) i haved the correct key
Note: all that is with root access
if you do it with notebook dont use wlan0 in my ubuntu is mon0 after makin a monitor mode ... oh and there is a aireplay -0 1 -a mac adress wlan0 for deauth but if you dont know what that is you can simply w8 share your experience after tryin this ... and btw i saw that some guys in the forum says that they need some drivers for injection or something ... LIE ... maybe you ned it for WPA but no for WEP ...
i am trying to findout my own WEP key which of ten digit but stuck here can anyone help me???

also tell is this method correct to crack a WEP key

i have installed rootsh aircrack-ng and macchanger also
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Last edited by nicholes; 2011-01-05 at 16:02.
Banned | Posts: 358 | Thanked: 160 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by nicholes View Post
i am trying to findout my own WEP key which of ten digit but stuck here can anyone help me???

also tell is this method correct to crack a WEP key

i have installed rootsh aircrack-ng and macchanger also
Do you know Linux? Do you know the bash? Do you know x-terminal?

I suggest you type air in to your rootshell and tap "TAB" then you will all available programs starting with air*.

Unfortunatley it doesn't work the other way and listing all programs ending with air. I supposed you don't know either how to code a trie neither do the shell-coder knows it?

But I have installed aircrack-ng too and I have airreplay-ng.
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ok he did not tell me to type -ng after aireplay well now there is new problem here is see image and plz help me
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