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Originally Posted by peterleinchen View Post
I am worried about the instant reboots I experience when enabling ramzswap. Happens sometimes, not always, but in a startup script?

Then the easiest solution for newbies is package swapset.
Even nobody will check sources ("dpkg -x *.deb ."), but just install ...


already done, see package swapset
(except this does not work for swap files, just partitions)
You see, this is where we think differently. Installing SwapSet doesn't exactly do what I listed, now does it? It only enables some undocumented command-line interface.

I'm getting really tired of the whole educate-yourself mentality. I mean, really, if it was that achievable, wouldn't you see more users doing what's needed?

Anyway, off to Samsung SGS3, wanted to contribute for one last time..
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Amount of written bytes should be ok, although You may want to use 700 MB instead of 768 - to reswap it before fragmentation hit You, not after.

BTW, I'm currently working on providing solution to reswap and few other things to repositories.

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Originally Posted by BertvanDorp View Post
I'm getting really tired of the whole educate-yourself mentality. I mean, really, if it was that achievable, wouldn't you see more users doing what's needed?

Anyway, off to Samsung SGS3, wanted to contribute for one last time..

This is the root of the problem I've seen in my own country and countless others around the planet. Why put for the effort to learn anything at all. Better to go buy something where all the thinking and learning was done for you, so you can simply click a button and it does one thing you want (while losing the ability to 50 other things you may want to do but don't even consider an option).

Tired of the "whole educate-yourself mentality"? I'm tired of the mentality that you shouldn't have to think at all for yourself. Or that education is bad or damaging in some way.

Our political process just had a slew of would-be leaders bad-mouthing college education, claiming it leads to "liberal thinking" and other "evils". (This despite every one of them being a college graduate.)

Btw: Whining is not a contribution. Remaining uneducated is not a contribution. Encouraging others to remain uneducated is not a contribution.

Good luck with your SGS3. Enjoy your locked-in garden-fenced device if you can. But please don't insist that the rest of us live in the little kept zoo cell you call home.

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For starters you might want to read the wiki article about repartitioning of the emmc . Although it was written for increased space in optfs, the technique of partitioning, editing system files is essential to get space for an external swap partition.
Try to digest this content, google for some more info, or ask specific questions here in the forum, may be in a separate thread.
I am sure, you will get help along the way.

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Originally Posted by BertvanDorp View Post
You see, this is where we think differently. Installing SwapSet doesn't exactly do what I listed, now does it? It only enables some undocumented command-line interface.

I'm getting really tired of the whole educate-yourself mentality. I mean, really, if it was that achievable, wouldn't you see more users doing what's needed?

Anyway, off to Samsung SGS3, wanted to contribute for one last time..
Normally I never answer to such posts.
BUT: I do not get it all! What is your thinking here?

but I'm simply not able to implement this right now.
Your bad.

Converting this into a package ('app' in regular-user words) would involve no risk for the regular user, and help out, right?
Exactly what swapset is.

The steps would be:
1. create file, name ...
2. use 'swapon ...' to test
3. run [thing] to disable unmounting on removing cover
4. do [thing] to include both measures in bootloop
5. [...]
6. profit!
7. some incredible hero converts this into an app, and gets donations, thanks, and so on
Again, read the sources of swapset and here you find all the answers.

Have fun with your malicious code running dumb "smart phone".

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So, ok, I was out of line and I'm sorry for upsetting you guys. I had a small laugh when I was reading the comments; I can remember countless occasions where I responded in quite the same fashion.

The thing I was pointing at - and I didn't get across - was that, in order for all of this coding magic, skill and effort to help create a workable user experience for the regular user (noobs, in other words), it would really help out if best practices where to be gathered and to be put into safe-to-use packages. I think Swappolube and CSSU are key examples of this, and the thing I wanted to discuss is how we could get to such a thing. So, really, I was trying to help out. The point that upset me, is the short and oh-so-elite answer: 'well, this thing here does that, go enjoy' while, at that point, this didn't seem to meet the thing I was trying to contribute to/achieve.

-- short offtopic thing on education and mentality: I'm a Mechanical Engineer, trying to work on a sustainable energy future. I'm involved in political organisations, do some volunteer work, active member of our local Church and I'm this guy really keen on discussing Linux and open-source at birthday parties. So I think you guys would actually, you know, like me, but that's something you sometimes just can't get across in these internet discussions..

So, back to the topic. I would like to create a guide for getting swap-to-microSD to work, achievable for the average user, of which I am a prime example. I'm starting from a Windows 7 environment, the wiki on repartitioning, swapset and will try to create this.

TL;DR: apologies, and I'll try to create this guide myself.

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And you should have all the answers almost already in here.
If you still have questions, we will help you.

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Read throught the sources for SwapSet and it's a great tool - was actually disappointed to find out I already had SwapSet installed, and thus I was already enjoying compcache on every start of the device ..

So, I'm trying to use Windows 7 or the N900 to do the repartitioning of the microSD. I have not been able to find a guide doing this, and I'm hoping to offer a solution without going the LiveCD->Gparted route. So, I'm trying to do this on the N900 using a script. That script could possibly be incorporated in SwapSet, and on installation or update the user could be requested whether or not the user wanted to use the micro-SD for this. I'm thinking something like: {PSEUDO-CODE ALERT}
If not swap_found_on_SD 
    offer question /* want to repartition the SD to create a swap partition yes/no
  if yes
    check for availability
  end if
end if
swapset startup
So it seems this could be done using fdisk and rootsh. I'll try and write a proposal script for this later on. Would size=256mb be sufficient, or should this be larger?

Next topic, about unmounting the Swap partition before the whole microSD gets unmounted - what's the best route here? I was thinking either use dbus or any other event thing to unmount the swap and re-prioritize the swap, or to alter the behaviour so that the swap doesn't get unmounted. This last solution would require loads of big-text red lines screaming not to release the microSD before turning off the device. However, there's mixed reports on this issue, as sulu pointed out that the partition does not get unmounted when the cover is taken off. Anybody?
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Originally Posted by BertvanDorp View Post
Next topic, about unmounting the Swap partition before the whole microSD gets unmounted - what's the best route here? I was thinking either use dbus or any other event thing to unmount the swap and re-prioritize the swap, or to alter the behaviour so that the swap doesn't get unmounted. This last solution would require loads of big-text red lines screaming not to release the microSD before turning off the device. However, there's mixed reports on this issue, as sulu pointed out that the partition does not get unmounted when the cover is taken off. Anybody?
I have swap on the SD card. I just pulled the cover and my SD partitions got unmounted EXCEPT for the swap (which is not really mounted).

I guess, but I cannot confirm, that when pulling out the cover any mounted partition (perhaps even only VFAT, but I don't know) gets unmounted, but that's all.

Swap is by definition not a mounted partition, so nothing happens.

Obviously, if you do pull the CARD with swap on it you get an instant crash.

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Hm, strange. I would say I remember people saying that they've tried removing cover with swap on microSD and seeing instant crash... Well, either they've lied, or there is inconsistency between device's behavior.

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