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Yes VNC does work with the server integrated in OSX. Don't forget to allow VNC users to connect and to enter a VNC password.

Also the OSX server works very well with Remote Desktop, but others VNC clients are very slow. The sceen seems to be updated as a whole image whereas when using UltraVNC on a PC the image is updated by chunks as elements are changing on the remote computer.

Anyway this is totally awesome, I was waiting for this app too

Last edited by Kiryu; 2005-12-30 at 16:10.
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Well, at last I have got my connection between the 770 and my server PC, both running VNC.

I started by disconnecting Internet, then I opened up all roadblocks in windows XP’s Fierwall and in my Router.

But, one thing I noticed, I had to start up a Browser for the 770 to register on my Router, if I didn’t do that first, nothing happen when I started VNC in the 770.

From that I worked my way back, putting in roadblocks after roadblocks in Firewalls and Router.

I am running connection with VNC Password Authentication.

So far so good.

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The VNC viewer does not ask for the internet connection. You must do it manually by clicking on the globe (the small one in the status bar) and select connecting. The tablet is connected when a "W" is marked on that globe. By doing this you are not obliged to open tne browser every time.
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This *IS* what I've been waiting for!
Thanks for doing a great job on this, its one of the main things I want to use on my 770.

I'm managing to connect to my w2k server and using vnc authentication. Both working a treat.

Except... Im obviously missing something really simple but how do you send the Ctrl-Alt-Del combination I need to unlock/login to the server?

I can see a "Doh!" moment coming on when someone tells me how to do this

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Just a simple question. Is it possible to wake my powerbook up from sleep from the 770 ? The lid was open but the powerbook went to sleep after 2 hours of inactivity. The 770 said that it could not connect to the server. Just waking the powerbook up solved it but it would be easier to be able to do that directly from the 770. The temp solution would be to set the computer sleep to NEVER.
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It was possible to do it with the 1st version of RemoteDesktop, but since the 2nd release Apple disabled this function for security reasons. You may be able to wake up the PowerBook by enabling the "wake up on administrator request over LAN" in energy savings (systeme preferences). Other than that setting the computer not to sleep is the only solution.
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Originally Posted by watchdoc
Orbitalcomp - thanks for the reply. I've tried both OSXvnc and the built-in Tiger server, with the same result. Since I've been able to connect to the server with my powerbook, I doubt that the problem resides in the router.

Could you tell me how you got connected? For example, did you use the gui that is built-in to the vnc app, and if so, what did you enter into the "Connection Details" box? Or, did you use the command line in xterm?

Thanks again.

watchdoc -

I used the gui in the 770's VNC app to connect...I wouldn't even know how to do it from the command line in xterm...hehehe...

I just noticed a few messages above that Kiryu mentioned you have to remember to connect manually to your wireless network by clicking on the globe at the top and waiting until you have a steady "W" icon...the vnc app doesn't automatically connect like the browser does...

I just clicked the "connect" icon, and when it asks for the address, I put in the address that OSXvnc shows when you start the server. Of course, this only works when you on your local network...if you are trying to access it across the Internet, you would need to find the true IP for the computer running OSXvnc...

I use Nicecast to get the true IP, not to mention it's a cool program to set up Shoutcast streams to access from the 770. In fact, one cool use of the setup is I can access and stream my XM Online to the 770 as a Shoutcast stream from my mac...using vnc, i can change the channels, normally need windows media player to access XM...

Last edited by orbitalcomp; 2005-12-30 at 17:02.
Posts: 81 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2005
Some additional info:

1. Ctrl-Alt-Del is not currently supported. I'll provide a way to send this key sequence in the next release or the one following it.
2. There are no inputs supported from the command-line. The only way to specify a VNC server is to use the GUI.
3. You'll need to use one of the various ways to connect to a network before using vncviewer. I'll address this in the next release or the one following it.

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Originally Posted by AaronL
Some additional info:

1. Ctrl-Alt-Del is not currently supported. I'll provide a way to send this key sequence in the next release or the one following it.
Thats great to hear Aaron, keep up the good work!

Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Yes thanks for this port! it was a must have for the 770.
An improvement would be to be able to set up the viewer configuration, such as the number of color and the compression. This would probably add more speed and free up some CPU.
Keep up the good work!

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