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Nokia is close to do the IMPOSSIBLE!!!

Quote from Nokia HQ internal new bulletin:
Dear staff of Nokia global,
We are closing in on the target, our worldclass code monkey in the basement is close to perfect the last line of code for the FW 1.2 and what we got looks promising indeed

Here it is!
-$ iwin/funct= true_"when.chuck+norris.want his//FW.1.2=NOKIA! kicks him in DA_NUTZ and reach inside his brain and drive him//crazy with Endless loop of broken dreams glued with tears.
Looks like the 1.2 will fail to please the rest of us though....

Well guess I go and play with my new shiny toy, the N8 pre-production sample. And yes it rocks way past the N900 in so many areas except for terminal and browser.
Damn happy with the N8 with an average 3 days runtime on one charge and extensive use.
Flash 10 works flawless and no stuttering and lag during animations and scrolling.

Soundwise it got BBE+ EQ so pretty awesome and in a week the will have the THX pic+sound certification and it will run 3D movie material without glasses.

(the last section of text is a lie, just like the one's nokia spreading!!!)

Last edited by Modell900; 2010-05-13 at 09:12.
Posts: 216 | Thanked: 72 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Switzerland
new rumors. Nokia is secretly working on pr 2.1 and will not release pr 1.2 at all.

pr 2.1 will have the following features.

- multi boot (maemo, meego, android, iphone, Mac X, win 7)
- all sharing same settings
- overclocked by defauld
- battery life enhanced to 257 days on single charge
- full portrait mode which can be set to any angle
- dynamic pixel rendering mode (HTML 5) so virtual 1024 x 768 support
- new firmware releases ever 500 posts on this thread
- Java,silverlight, flash 11.4 support
- and many more stuff that is still in the patent pipeline

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Posts: 98 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Maybe when we stop making fun of Nokia, then we will get the update
The Devil that is an Angel ... WTF???
rpgAmazon's Avatar
Posts: 146 | Thanked: 119 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Spain
Originally Posted by aldevil View Post
Maybe when we stop making fun of Nokia, then we will get the update
Never, then... what a shame.
Dave999's Avatar
Posts: 7,075 | Thanked: 9,073 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Moon! It's not the East or the West side... it's the Dark Side
Nokia working slower and slower since they have to read everything in this thread all the time. I think they should focus on pr 1.2 instead of post stupid posts in this thread.
Posts: 65 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I have now crawled through all the pages of this thread. I would have thought that by that time the PR1.2 is published. However, it isn't.

Does this mean that I will need to re-read every post in this thread?
Posts: 225 | Thanked: 105 times | Joined on May 2010
yes, you have to do this.....then pr1.2 will get released
ysss's Avatar
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I hope PR1.2 don't get a normal release, otherwise it'll be anticlimactic.
There's gotta be more drama when it's finally out. Like, it'll only run on
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yess. next target is 6000 before release lol. we can do it
Posts: 472 | Thanked: 442 times | Joined on Sep 2007
It's gonna be tomorrow folks. I bet the atmosphere on it.
If you don't know how to check your N900's uptime, you probably shouldn't own it.
Closed Thread

avoid thread, fictional update, firmware, fremantle, future, goodwin's law, it will be on 12.21.2012, maemo, maemo 5, may be it's a myth?, may be next week, maybe april fools, maybe not, patience is a virtue, patience wastes your life, post generator, pr 1.2, pr1.2, product release, repost, rerun, rick roll'd, speculation, update, worst thread ever

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