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Originally Posted by ikirk View Post
Where can I check if the actual files are still present and OK?
The sound files are the ones for "Turn Left", "turn right" etc. You would have had to download them yourself to use and saved them into the cities/voices folder.

If all else fails, make sure the html file is the latest one from:

Also just to make sure, it is only the html file and omvoiceserver right? and not the python script. As both methods are different to each other.

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@anyone who got this to work..heres what im doing

im copying pasting the script from jiri into xterminal...(as instructed as root)

changed the sound path to /cities/Voices/navigation_sounds/english/english_us_male is in the cities folder that path is the same as above...

espeak gui does not recognise the files but they are present....but espeak is working (did the test and it works)

so i dont know what im doing wrong at all.....
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Originally Posted by RobertHall View Post
@anyone who got this to work..heres what im doing

im copying pasting the script from jiri into xterminal...(as instructed as root)

changed the sound path to /cities/Voices/navigation_sounds/english/english_us_male is in the cities folder that path is the same as above...

espeak gui does not recognise the files but they are present....but espeak is working (did the test and it works)

so i dont know what im doing wrong at all.....
try changing the sound path to the full path. Cities/Voices etc assumes you are running from MyDocs (I think). This could be the reason its not working as it won't find the sounds.

By fullpath I mean /home/user/MyDocs/cities/Voices/navigation_sounds/english/english_us_male

Last edited by Blaizzen; 2011-07-18 at 11:38.
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I have a problem with Nokia Maps. So I click the icon Maps, in the menu bar and there is one that only charges and does not want to load? Can anyone help me.
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Posts: 397 | Thanked: 802 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Sydney
Originally Posted by Boixos Nois View Post
I have a problem with Nokia Maps. So I click the icon Maps, in the menu bar and there is one that only charges and does not want to load? Can anyone help me.
Seems you may have a missing file or something wrong with the html file. What method did you use to install?
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on May 2010
Well I have not used any method, just suddenly stopped opening ....
How can I fix it?

Turn by turn navigation on Nokia N900 with voice guidance using community extension of OVI maps
N900 users have been neglected in this respect by the company, but fortunately the community developed an improved version of OVI maps for N900 itself, particularly thanks to Blaizzen and CormacB. There was some confusion in the discussion thread, since the two versions posted were not compatible. For some reason I do not know, the HTML5 version does not work on my phone, so I will describe how to install the one by Blaizzen using the python server. There is no distribution package yet at the time of writing this note.

I have made some modifications, particularly to run the python server forever, and let it listen only at the localhost interface, and switching off the "onto street_name" part of voice guidance, since it did not work properly with Czech street names anyway. (Probably it might work if I would switch globally the phone localization to czech and change the language in the python server, too, but I do not like to do this.)

To install and run it do the following:
0. assuming your phone locale has been set to english_us in the setup menu, otherwise change appropriately
1. Login to N900 as root
1.1 apt-get install espeakgui espeak libespeak espeak-data wget unzip
1.2 (optionally) espeak 'hello world' to check that it works
2. cd /usr/share/nokia-maps/html
3. mv index.html; gzip
4. wget
5. tar zvxf maps.tar.gz; rm maps.tar.gz
6. cd /home/user/MyDocs; mkdir navigation_sounds; cd navigation_sounds; wget
6.1 unzip (do not rename to .wav)
6.2 cd /usr/share/nokia-maps/html ; ln -s /home/user/MyDocs/navigation_sounds/english_us .
6.3 change SOUNDPATH in if using different language directory
7. nohup ./ >/dev/null &
7.1 (optionally) wget -O /dev/null http://localhost:9999/hello ; wget -O /dev/null http://localhost:9999/:g5ann_001 (to check that it works with both sampled and synthetized speach)

It tried to install and then did not want to open .... load.
8. start OVI maps from the GUI.

Last edited by Boixos Nois; 2011-07-20 at 18:09.
Blaizzen's Avatar
Posts: 397 | Thanked: 802 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Sydney
Originally Posted by Boixos Nois View Post
Well I have not used any method, just suddenly stopped opening ....
How can I fix it?
If your using the quoted method, then it makes a backup of the original html file. If you have yet to make any changes, then you might have affected something else Ovi Maps depends on like the plugin or microB.

2. cd /usr/share/nokia-maps/html
3. mv index.html; gzip
these lines make a backup of the original html files and then zip them up (I think... I never tried them but it seems like it). To go back you'll need to do the opposite, so

mv index.html

Maybe check with someone who has more experience with linux before trying. Alternatively if you use something like winscp you may just view the folder and edit it that way.
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on May 2010
I fixed it!
Installed here: voice guidance in English (U.S.), all fine, but when you restart your phone, no more voice navigation is no longer active. You know what could be the problem?
Blaizzen's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Boixos Nois View Post
I fixed it!
Installed here: voice guidance in English (U.S.), all fine, but when you restart your phone, no more voice navigation is no longer active. You know what could be the problem?
Each time you run ovi maps, you need to enable the python server. You can test if its running by going to http://localhost:9999/:g5ann_001 with your microb browser. If there is no sound, its not running and you need to start it.
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on May 2010
Thank you!
Still not received anything. Sense as rebooting my phone, I will voice navigation, although the link to run a Web browser MicroB and gives me the wrong server. : (
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Last edited by Boixos Nois; 2011-07-22 at 06:06.

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