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Originally Posted by qwazix View Post
What are we talking about again?
about why NOKIA is in such a bad situation as it is now and it doesn't look like it's going to get better any time soon?
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It this relevant to the discussion now? Nokia paying AT&T for exclusive employee use of the Lumia 900

It seems like Nokia are now playing the "If you can't sell it, give it away" card.
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Nokia is Microsoft's biatch. Not even "the bottom biatch", just ***** which is used to advertise the product in the attempt to get market share. It must not be an accident they choose the name "Lumia" for the WP-phones. "Lumia" is a prostitute in spanish.

Now they are practically going to give Lumia 900's for free in USA through AT&T. Seems like Lumia 800 and 720 has sold miserably so they have to give Lumia 900's for free. Maybe hackers can create instructions to install Tizen to them and make them also useful to the owners.
ZackMorris's Avatar
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They ARE giving the phones away literally. Microsoft Stores are holding a contest where you put your phone up against a Windows Phone and you complete a task such as checking a fb status or checking the weather. If you lose they will take your old phone and you get a new windows phone. No contracts, no activation, no nothing. I guess MS is collecting on the millions and millions they gave Nokia to get the phones in the hands of US users.
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Whats a windows phone?
A mans Dreams are limited only by his imagination
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Nokia 710 HTC Radar etc All stores are out of stock but they are honoring the swap and will call you when phones are back in stock, I have a feeling there are going to be more way more Nokias than any other brand.
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Nokia giving phones for free = false
Microsoft forcing their OS by such tactics (free XBOX anyone?) = true

The fact these were produced by Nokia doesn't make those equal. Nokia got their payment for producing the handsets from MS. For me: the more the merrier. I know this is rather unpopular view here, but Nokia is still in the running thanks to this. With revolutionary handsets (808) and apps they develop (sadly for MS only now, nokia transport sounds very awesome for my usage case at least): they can regain field once the shill's been kicked out. And on the other hand, both google and apple could use some competition, so bleed your money MS, bipoly(?) is just as bad as monopoly, just look at ISP options for most of US, horror stories. People get bored of same thing also it seems. Hope WP can even the field, introduce the 'looking for something new' approach into consumers, N9's swype would really have a chance to explode then
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Originally Posted by ZackMorris View Post
They ARE giving the phones away literally. Microsoft Stores are holding a contest where you put your phone up against a Windows Phone and you complete a task such as checking a fb status or checking the weather. If you lose they will take your old phone and you get a new windows phone. No contracts, no activation, no nothing. I guess MS is collecting on the millions and millions they gave Nokia to get the phones in the hands of US users.
Yeah and it loooks like just another fail brought to us by the laughing stock of the mobile industry AKA Microsoft. Apparently some dude with a Galaxy nexus won against the Win Phail and he was denied his prize at the store.
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That is like the mobile equivalent of Rock,Paper,Scissors and yet MS still can't help themselves from their underhanded ways.

Would it not have been better to have given the guy the prize in the first place in an attempt to show people they are playing fair? (even tho it was rigged by both parties)
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Anyone remember Kin1 and Kin2, Oddly it looks like a palm Pre,

Life and death of the Microsoft Kin: The inside story

what Killed the Kin

Last edited by Ashbeck; 2012-03-27 at 21:43.

blame others, deluded fanboys, kidsbeingkids, lumiadork, ms will die, salesdroids, the elop flop, wp blows

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