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Originally Posted by Goldy View Post
Yes it works well to show China map now! thanks very much!

Just curious how do you get the url?

btw i m still interested in converting other formats of maps. how to convert the lon-lan to the index number and the specfic pixel in the 256X256 image, and vise verser? i thought out a formula but i m doubhtful that it might be wrong.
HongKong maps works great. I am still having problem using the above URL for china. When zoom in 18-19, I see most of china but not all, it somehow mixes up with India map. And everytime I zoom, the India map showed up. I can scroll around China only under zoom level 7, very strange. To go from Beijing at Zoom level 7 to Canton (South of China) will take hours. Any thoughts?
I tried to use view>go to "Hongkong" (which is next to Canton), but the india map showed up again, very buzzare.

Bottom line, I can see northern china city down to street level, but not southern/western china, Canton. Using Google Street, as other poster posted, only see the name of the city.

I am running N800/2008/int flash boot/MM 2.2

EDIT: I kind of figure out. The Indian map is like a "screen saver", it popped up whenever it waits for map to download. Why the indian map is a "screen saver" I have no earthly idea. Anyhow, I download the China maps first by dl map by area and Zoom set to a comfortable level, it works.


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-01-01 at 22:13.
Posts: 33 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Well, google does provide a detailed version of Chinese map, only in Chinese:

It gives the zoom level from 0 to 17 as well, the url is like

In Canton, level 0 Guazhou city map block looks like

It works exactly same as the English version google map, just with some url address changes. The coordination numbersing uses the same system.

The only thing you need is knowing Chinese to use it. If you don't know, a detailed version English map is useless anyway, since in China they don't label street in English and most guys don't know how to name street in English.

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Originally Posted by nutter View Post
Well, google does provide a detailed version of Chinese map, only in Chinese:

It gives the zoom level from 0 to 17 as well, the url is like

In Canton, level 0 Guazhou city map block looks like

It works exactly same as the English version google map, just with some url address changes. The coordination numbersing uses the same system.

The only thing you need is knowing Chinese to use it. If you don't know, a detailed version English map is useless anyway, since in China they don't label street in English and most guys don't know how to name street in English.


I will try those URL links, again, see how it turn out. I do know some Chinese. I have fiqure out a way to navigate around, I use satellite and see whether I can match up with local buildings. And then pair with open street hybrid, which has satellite and street name in english, some of them. Regarding English street name, you are correct, there is none. However, the highway and overhead directions are both Chinese and English (I just returned 5 days ago from China), but the exit signs are ONLY Chinese! Or at east the highway segments between Canton, Pearl Sea, HongKong are like that. Yes, the overhead hiway info are bilingual, but the exit info are ONLY Chinese. Either they are in the process of upgrading, or the process of upgrading have been abort, or those top administrators think 50% English is good enough

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I bought a N800 before Xmas, and has been playing with it since then. Currently I have MM 1.4.7 installed, it works pretty well.

Some issues I found:

It crashes my SD card from time to time, I have to pull the card to fix the file system on PC. Browsing the map to download is slow, esp for the detailed maps, due to the small screen of the tablet.

I use the winmapper in PC to download map tiles, but it's not convenient as browsing download capability. So two days ago I decided to write a utility to do the same in Windows, and now it's basically done. You browse google map with IE, after that the tool will pull all map tiles from IE cache and organize them in z/x/y.jpg directory structure, just like MM does - so you do that in PC and it's much faster to download, since PC has a big screen.

The issue with z/x/y.jpg structure is that it takes too much space, I found 40m map tiles take >200m space, 80% space wasted. I am considering now to upgrade to MM 2.2. The question is MM 2.2 will use much less space since it uses DBM, how about its speed efficency? Anybody has comment on it?

I will upgrade my tool to support the new DBM map data, let it convert the map tiles from z/x/y.jpg structure into DBM database, so map downloading for MM 2.2 will be done in PC as well. I am not very good at Linux programming and have a question for John: in reading the MM source code, I found both sqlite3 and GDBM are used for map data storage. My question is which is better? Anybody having experience in both systems?

I need some comments about those.
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Two simple questions:

1) Can one drag the statement box away from the upper right corner? Sometime it is block views and can't be turn off, then drag away will be helpful.

2) Is there a way to find out the exact naming of the address location? For example, under google map, view>go to> hongkong, that will take me to hongkong. But under googlechina map, go to china result in "invalid address", thus we can only use it like a map, nothing more. Cannot search, cannot go to....I know it is no fair to ask you for a language you dont know. It boils down to, is there anyway to tell what does the map name that location, other than the familiar name?


Posts: 8 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2008
I really like Maemo Mapper... Now I can finally see maps for my country (Chile)... Nokia's app doesn't include South America.

I'd like to know if you guys could help me... Google Maps and VEarth have chilean maps but they are very limited (doesn't show streets/shows streets where there are none) so I'm trying to use maps found on this address: (spanish)... the question is... How do you get the url for maemo mapper?

Thanks in advance!
Posts: 106 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Jun 2007
With Firefox's Firebug, I could Inspect a tile (in Santiago) and the url looks like this:

"t=xxx" seems to correspond to x
"l=xxx" seems to correspond to y
"s=xxx" seems to correspond to zoom

But it doesn't correspond (approximatively compared with google map):
t=37632 != x=310
l=-79616 != y=-613
s=280000 != z=12

Entering this :
result in an interresting error :
Warning: fopen(D:/kacache/RM/12/def/def/t0/l-1536/t310l-613.png) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: ...

Now we need an expert in coordinates ^^
Linux rocks !
And so gnuite,penguinbait,qwerty12,qole,fanoush !

The Following User Says Thank You to murphy For This Useful Post:
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2008
Thanks a lot for your answer, Murphy...

I didn't know how to get the links (I'll try firebug as soon as I come back home)...
Well, if anyone is able to get the link for maemo mapper, I'll be very grateful. I'll try to play with it later in the afternoon.

Posts: 95 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Feb 2008
I have a few questions about maemo mapper

I just installed Maemo Mapper 2.3.1 and it looks like a typical map program. Does it have something like a car GPS system where it tells you when to turn and give directions? if not, which program can?

Also, I am still waiting for my SD card to come in and i heard the maps for USA were big. is there anyway i can start downloading them now on my desktop and transfer it onto my N800? Where do I go to download them?
Posts: 449 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Jun 2006
I suggest the forum search feature, your asking some very basic questions that have been answered numerous times before.

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