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Originally Posted by MaximilianJenius View Post
at 28 min "Here what do we have Beastie Boys.... So I am listening to Sabotage" lmao that is just too funny on so many levels.
Any idea how to get beer smell off a laptop?
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

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Oooo... also came across this... VERY fitting...

Microsoft’s Elop is Like Rick Belluzzo – Hijacks Nokia, Sells to Microsoft, Then Exits

Even the banner is a bucket of win:
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

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I smell an unboxing coming soon

OP by GlennL from WP forums.
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Originally Posted by selfish_russian View Post
Don't worry, ebay would have those batteries for 5 years since now.
...or something that looks like them, anyway... probably filled with lemon juice. You did say "eBay", right?
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

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Originally Posted by marxian View Post
There are a couple of problems with using the live multitasking vs homescreen widgets:

1. The live multitasking is less flexible. Neither the user nor the developer can choose the size of the 'tile' or where it is located. The latter could be an issue when there a large number of applications running.
There are two tile sizes in N9/50. Application is provided with information that it runs in switcher by the system and it can display its content accordingly. The fact that most applications don't do it is not an excuse.

Originally Posted by marxian View Post
2. The live multitasking view is non-interactive, so you can't replicate the features of a search widget or media widget, for example.
There is a search app available. Also, don't forget about status bar on top, it expands on touch and is expandable by third-party widgets which can add other functionality (media, search, etc) without any issues.

What's more important is that interaction with any input-related widget would assume instantiating virtual keyboard. At this point widget becomes merely a launch point -- virtual keyboard would occupy good part of the screen estate and ideally input line would also adopt to remaining space meaning it becomes a real full screen application. So non-interactivity of a launch point is not really an issue.

Originally Posted by marxian View Post
The point regarding the icon grid is that it's an inefficient method of finding your chosen application, once you have a large number installed. It should only be required as a last resort, for those applications that you don't often use. One of the complaints about the iPhone is that users have to frequently scroll through a long list of applications. Meego-Harmattan adopts a similar approach, and exacerbates the problem by omitting the option to save bookmarks within the browser application (at least in the version I'm using). If you have 50 web bookmarks plus a large number of applications, it's going to be a PITA.
N9/50 has a search application that allows you to search through your device's content. That includes all applications as well. When search application is launched, it shows you list of content items you have accessed recently, including those of recently launched apps. By typing into a search input line, you'll also get that list compacted to items relevant to your search phrase (type 'jpg', for example, and you'll see all jpegs on the device _and_ applications capable to process jpegs, like Gallery).

More importantly, Tracker exposes this information to all other -- third-party as well -- applications and they can take this information into account when organizing their own views.

Originally Posted by marxian View Post
These issues aren't dealbreakers, they just make the UX less flexible than what I prefer, but I'm happy with the general concept of swiping to minimise/close applications, because it works well. Marko Ahtisaari explains what I dislike about the UX in a single sentence: “I know we have out simplified the iPhone”.
You really need to play with the device.

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Originally Posted by scapegoat845 View Post
Marko Ahtisaari on the N9:

Originally Posted by marko-ahtisaari
N9 is just a first step in this
lolwut, are we back to step 1 now?
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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Originally Posted by abbra View Post
There are two tile sizes in N9/50. Application is provided with information that it runs in switcher by the system and it can display its content accordingly. The fact that most applications don't do it is not an excuse.<SNIP>
I had planned to respond to Marxian with some further questions.
But it looks like you've answered most of them, thanks for that
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Originally Posted by vi_ View Post
lolwut, are we back to step 1 now?
I believe he's talking about bringing much of their IP garnered from the whole Maemo/Meego/Qt/UX experiment to WP.
I personally think it's madness if they do that using MS dev libraries/kits only, i.e. if MS refuses to let them port Qt.

Last edited by jalyst; 2011-09-09 at 09:04.

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If Nokia is smart enough, they will use Harmattan and rebrand it as something else (NokiaOS?) to replace S40. Swipe UX, Qt Next Billion and touchscreen only 1 GHz devices - just like N9 today.

If this is as obvious as it seems (or I hope), Nokia finally has a truly winning strategy. All hail the new Linux-based S40 with Qt and Swipe.

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Originally Posted by Rugoz View Post
??? How about using your brain

The apps written for the N9 are (with a few exceptions) all written in Qt (Nokia's own apps as well as third party). The UI is done with Qt Quick components for Meego Harmattan (you could also call them components for s40, doesn't matter).
Yes, I know. I have written two applications myself. Even after many hours of tweaking and banging my head against a brick wall, I couldn't get cuteTube running on Symbian in a satisfactory way.

The hype doesn't match the reality. Try developing applications for multiple Nokia platforms, and you will see this for yourself. That's why we haven't seen all those Symbian Qt applications ported to Maemo 5, and vice versa. Even with Qt Components, there are still significant changes that need to be made to the UI code to target more than one platform. That's before you even come up against any Qt bugs and platform-specific workarounds.
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Last edited by marxian; 2011-09-09 at 10:45. Reason: More info

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to marxian For This Useful Post:

disapoint, eflop, epic win!, laggy interface, n9 rox, so much win, wateriswet, who cares, whyyyyy??????

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