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zerojay's Avatar
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There's already some phones that use it, but it's still rather rare. Let's put it this way: around my office, where we have about 300 phones and get new ones on a weekly basis, I've never heard anyone ask where the micro-USB cable was.
Posts: 122 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2007
the micro usb is a now accepted charger standard between all manufacturers. it is the next step forward. my razr2 has it. thanks!
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Originally Posted by zerojay View Post
1. One
2. No - drains battery too quickly.
3. No.
Thanks Zerojay!

About the SD slot, according to ThoughFix it's a MiniSD slot.

Do you guys believe that the OS2008 will be available to N800 soon? If so, can we expect some of the new - non-hardware dependent - features available on N800, like BT profiles?

penguinbait's Avatar
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Is there a n900 slated for sometime soon, the 810 makes me want to run out and buy a umpc. a 21% inclrease in processing power, and more stuff I dont need like a camera and slide out keyboard.

Dont get me wrong, I like the idea of the slide out keyboard, but I am certainly not seeing the want to spend 500$ for 21% increase in processing power. I already own the bt keyboard and GPS, so not a big win in my book.

At least the 770 to 800 was a 32% increase in processing performance and adoubling of memory, Hopefully the n900 won't be 10-12% increase.

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Originally Posted by munky261 View Post
the biggest question for me is will all our apps and themes work on the new OS?
No. All apps will need recompiling. Anyone up for doing Nethack?
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i sure as hell wont be getting one till i can install all my apps on it , but why will they all need it when all my apps worked on my 800 pretty much out of the box
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Originally Posted by munky261 View Post
i sure as hell wont be getting one till i can install all my apps on it , but why will they all need it when all my apps worked on my 800 pretty much out of the box
Here's what happened. I hope that I don't go over your head... and if I seem to be talking down to you, it's not what I intended. I'm just trying to make sure everyone understands.

Maemo is based upon an older version of GTK, which is a graphical toolkit. What Nokia has been doing is taking an older version of GTK and attaching patches to it to get more features. Well, what happens when you have a program that relies on a current version of GTK? Well, you have to rewrite parts of it to work on the N800.

Chinook, IT 2008, has GTK 2.10 (instead of, I believe GTK 2.8 or 2.6). That's the current version of GTK. Because of this change, Nokia can keep GTK on our tablets updated with the latest feature updates that GTK gets as well as deliver their changes and improvements upstream.

The fact that we're going to be on a current version of GTK makes porting much easier for the average programmer. Only a few calls need to be changed and bingo, you have your program running on IT 2008. This alone will probably result in us getting a lot more ported programs and also in getting more GTK programmers interested in doing work on the tablets.

The one and only bad thing about this change is that older programs will need to be recompiled and changed a little bit to work on the newer GTK. We've been told that the changes should be relatively easy and painless. Also, the Chinook SDK beta was released early to help give developers a jump-start on porting to IT2008.

In short, it's a bit of a pain now, but it's going to definitely be worth it in the long run. (You can also blame the GTK devs for making such major changes between minor revisions of GTK, but I digress...)

Edit: By the way, all of this also applies to those who upgrade their N800s to IT 2008. But that's why they released the SDK early, so that when the tablet/new OS hits, we could already have versions of our apps already done and working.
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If OS2008 also works with N800..

Are main differences?

More CPU power
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Maybe only Keyboard & GPS....
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another good question is at least for me , will the new built in contacts app be more like gpe , ability to enter physical addresses , work numbers and all the other various fields , not just the crap they give us now? i would rather use just the built in contacts , because of the email integration and such.

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