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I really have no interest in getting in any more of a pissing contest than we have already, but I've just gotta make a couple more points...

Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
... almost everything written right now simply wont work once Meego is established and implemented as a NEW os.
This is simply wrong. Don't mislead people about this. In basic terms, MeeGo will include GTK compatibility so most if not all Maemo 5 apps should work on MeeGo. And Qt compatibility in Maemo 5 ensures that most if not all apps written in the future for MeeGo will run on Maemo 5.

...a die hard Nokia fan that you obviously are...YOU are just part of a team who thinks NOTHING but NOKIA and has no thought for anything or anyone else.
I'm not. I have no connection to or particular fondness for Nokia. The N900 is only the second Nokia product I've ever owned (had a simple candy bar phone about 10 years ago) and may well be the last. My next phone likely will be a MeeGo device, but MeeGo is not controlled by Nokia, The hardware will be from whoever makes what suits my needs best.

None of this is some kind of emotional issue for me. I'm simply trying to make some fair statements about what Nokia and the MeeGo project is actually doing. They are making some mistakes and should be criticized for those, but they are also doing many things right and should be given kudos for those.
Registered Linux user #266531.

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I am going to say patience is a virtue. Nokia has seemed to flop two monster phones in the N97 and N900. One major fail after another. One cannot but suspect that the leadership in the company needs a reality check. Do they really think that the majority of users of the N900 are happy? Were the early adopters/current users of the N97 happy? What I dont understand is how you botch two top of the line phones and not have things planned out. I could go on and on but if they keep waiting on this update people are going to expect more things that they cannot or will not deliver in the update or ever for the phone. It is telling that you cannot sell this thing on Craigslist for even $400 US. Iphone 3g 16gb would sell for more and faster than the N900. I keep riding the fence but honestly I paid $629 for this thing. Come on Nokia. You can flame me but they admitted they failed on these phones. I know what I'm not buying next phone I get. Nokia has good phones but their software sucks *** from N95 8GB to N900. All this openness means nothing if you are alone. I will stop typing cause I am about to write a business plan for these chumps.
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Originally Posted by Crashdamage View Post

I really have no interest in getting in any more of a pissing contest than we have already, but I've just gotta make a couple more points...

This is simply wrong. Don't mislead people about this. In basic terms, MeeGo will include GTK compatibility so most if not all Maemo 5 apps should work on MeeGo. And Qt compatibility in Maemo 5 ensures that most if not all apps written in the future for MeeGo will run on Maemo 5.

I'm not. I have no connection to or particular fondness for Nokia. The N900 is only the second Nokia product I've ever owned (had a simple candy bar phone about 10 years ago) and may well be the last. My next phone likely will be a MeeGo device, but MeeGo is not controlled by Nokia, The hardware will be from whoever makes what suits my needs best.

None of this is some kind of emotional issue for me. I'm simply trying to make some fair statements about what Nokia and the MeeGo project is actually doing. They are making some mistakes and should be criticized for those, but they are also doing many things right and should be given kudos for those.
Ok i will reply to your post as your starting to be fair and square, at the moment if you look at all the app probs they are happening because the apps are not compatible with the os entirely and are conflicting with it instead of working within the boundries but having said that its very very difficult for software to be written with still some closed source code, that means novice writers for Linux are not able to perform as well as they could.
When Meego does become the new os youre still going to have the conflicts going on so no change there and as a perfect example take a look at the OVI MAPS app that simply does not drive the gps as it should because its written for a broad spectrum of gps chips hence why it just dont work on the N900, now THERE is a typical example of conflict put in a simple way for everyone to understand.
Here is another example you need to take before you try to paint a wonderful picture of Nokia, read the post prior to yours from gom4381# as aother example, you should realise a LOT of people right now are pissed with Nokia and you blowing Nokia's trumpet is not going to gain you any brownie points , in fact the oppsite beacuse you will totally piss people off.
I did tell you i live in the real world and that means i listen and read EVERYONES concerns and as my job entailed a lot of troubleshooting with end user and there complaints , what i said about someone making a statement publicly either from Nokia or Nokia direct is very very important for Nokia.
I like what ari is doing on this very thread topic, its a wonderful job he is pulling off here and i admire him for it but BUT you got a LOT LOT of unhappy people on this forum that MUST be adressed in some way or form.
Now Nokia should listen to there own customers and stop being stupid because its not doing any good whatsoever having the silent approach.
You rattled my cage because of your attitude coming across like a hardened Nokia fanatic when in reality there is a lot of us totally bemused (for the want of a better word) by Nokia.
OK keep up the good work but please please try to remember people have hearts and brains ok.
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I can honastly say that so far, I can't see the greatness with meego I have read tons of paper about it. But so far not a single clue what is so great about it. The thing is its not ready yet so it can still end up as nothing with one or two devices.
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
I can honastly say that so far, I can't see the greatness with meego I have read tons of paper about it. But so far not a single clue what is so great about it. The thing is its not ready yet so it can still end up as nothing with one or two devices.
Have some faith Dave and like me , wait for it to appear and just maybe we will all get some wonderful suprises ha.
I think people are so used to symbian that to listen to all the press etc of yet a new OS is obviously hard to believe especially coming from Nokia right now ha ha.
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
So if i write an app for the N900 post it on here and it works are Nokia going to pay me my salary for writing that app ?
And just what do you think Nokia will do with all the SUCCESSFUL written apps for the N900 please also note that nothing written for this community has copywright.
Applications are a totally different story though, aren't they? Application developers don't write applications for Nokia; they either write applications for themselves (and publish them just for the fun of it), for the community or for business reasons.

I have no idea what you mean by "nothing written for this community has copyright".

The point with Maemo is that while yes, Nokia takes huge pieces of code that's available for free from upstream projects like Linux, Xorg, GStreamer and such, they invest quite a lot of money to improve this code and push improvements back upstream. (Even if they wouldn't: Putting it all together so that it actually works on a system like the N900 is hard work and certainly doesn't come for free.) - I remember when they told us how one bug they fixed in Linux allowed Palm to launch the Palm Pre without this very bug before the N900... Now tell those people at Nokia that that they get everything for free. BS.

With MeeGo, they went even one step further. While they still have payed Nokia employees working for it, they don't control it as much as they could control Maemo.

From what I can tell, there's a very fair balance of give and take in this whole game. I don't see that much "give" from other cell phone operating systems and their makers.

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Just a short suggestion... and probably it may explain the initial response you got in this thread... you might want to read up a bit about open source before coming in with the negativity guns ablaze

I agree that discussions and debates are part of learning.. but we may wanna switch the order up a bit...
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
I can honastly say that so far, I can't see the greatness with meego I have read tons of paper about it. But so far not a single clue what is so great about it. The thing is its not ready yet so it can still end up as nothing with one or two devices.
Pretty much the only thing good about Meego (excluding that it's designed more to be like a smartphone OS) is that will run on a multitude of devices like Android which means more users and as a result more apps from independent developers, porters, and businesses.

More importantly for N900 users is it QT compatibility, which means if Nokia doesn't bring Meego to the N900 then we will still be able to use the apps written in qt for meego devices. So for example, Google does not have apps for maemo because of its smaller userbase. But with meego and qt google will likely create an app that can run on meego and any qt compatible app (for example, symbian also).
Originally Posted by ysss View Post
They're maemo and MeeGo...

"Meamo!" sounds like what Zorro would say to catherine zeta jones... after she slaps him for looking at her dirtily...
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Originally Posted by ysss View Post

Just a short suggestion... and probably it may explain the initial response you got in this thread... you might want to read up a bit about open source before coming in with the negativity guns ablaze

I agree that discussions and debates are part of learning.. but we may wanna switch the order up a bit...
Are you trying to tell me i dont know what open source means? lol.
Seems you all did not understand what i was saying, ok i will explain in dummie english, this community has attracted probably every linux developer on the planet now because of its pure size, ok you get everyone together working hard writing whatever for the N900, the N900 grows from strength to strengh thanks to the community and the devopers its attracted, ALL FOR FREE because its open source and people are doing it without even bothering getting copywright, hence why we call it free as its a gift from all concerned on the community working together.
Everyone is happy right?? ooops why have we got many many pissed off people when there getting everything for free here?.
Maybe it has something to do with Nokia huh.
My point was that people on the community are truly doing great things for the future and will continue to do so but you got daddy (Nokia) kicking them in the teeth by being a pain in the butt with there quiet quiet approach and attitude and they are the ones gaining from this because its there baby everyone is writing for (they got the copywright to prove it) so Nokia is laughing all the way to the bank and at the same time pissing many many people off (are you all blind you cannot read your own forum? lol) Nokia has got half the world on a forum working there balls off for free and THAT is a first ever to happen in the world of mobile equipment, (Ari is a clever guy) you all need to ask yourself a question, why have we got so many people upset, dumping Nokia, ranting and raving at Nokia, getting very little responce from Nokia in many depts....THAT was my point.
If you want to switch the order a bit as you put it then i suggest you take a long look at your very own forum see what people are getting upset about and address it in any way possisble for the benefit of the community and its members and readers, if this is truly a team we got here working for free on Meamo, Meego anything and everything because they enjoy it, then Nokia aint exactly playing ball to be part of that team, they are the ones sitting back and benefiting from all the hard work !.
I will stop here because this could well be a never ending discussion.
I just hope you now realise what i meant by "nothing on here has copywright".
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
why have we got so many people upset, dumping Nokia, ranting and raving at Nokia, getting very little responce from Nokia in many depts....THAT was my point.
Probably because they're used to being kept in the dark, and not having everything out in the open.

If you want to switch the order a bit as you put it then i suggest you take a long look at your very own forum see what people are getting upset about
About an update they know is coming but not when. As opposed to other systems, when there may be updates, but also may not be.

You may also want to consider editing your posts a little more carefully before submitting them, they're awful hard to read.

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