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Originally Posted by jake2kone View Post
Is there anything new because of the not showing up contacts on "new IM"?

I noticed there is a new version of telepathy-extras (0.9), but when I try to install it says "not possible".
Having problems with it also - any tips anyone?

I think there is a problem with this package: account-plugin-salut
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ UK
Originally Posted by michalurban View Post
Have you tried the supposed reinstall of Extra protocol plugins? And have you tried deleting your icq account and creating it from scratch, with "use client login" off?

BTW im never able to log in with clientlogin ON ...
Following these steps has fixed my issue of ICQ failing to log in at all since 1.2 - many thanks. I've not had the 'unseen' contacts issue either before, during or after any of these changes.
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Administrator | Posts: 1,036 | Thanked: 2,019 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Germany
Filed a bug a while ago, its not only ICQ its msn skype and other I dont know yet! For me only jabber/XMPP works as it should!
at maemo
at freedesktop

merged with msn thread

changed title

Last edited by chemist; 2010-06-11 at 12:42.
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Thanks chemist!

But even after more than one week later there is still no approach to a solution.
Even the authors of the HAZE son't show up.

Okay, it is even worse the N900 cannot support ICQ and MSN natively.

How can we proceed further? Using pidgin is no solution so far.

It seem I've fixed it.
I had different errors, so here my solutions: Followed up every single thread and tried a few things:

Update from 0.8 to 0.9 was broken:
  1. Deinstalled Extra-Plugins via apt-get remove --purge libpurple0 and something more... is weeks ago, so I have to look what I've done exactly -if someone needs it!
  2. Deaktivacted Extras-Testing and Extras-Devel.
  3. Installed Extra Plugins v0.7 out of Repo Extras via programmanager
  4. apt-get update
    apt-get upgrade
    > installed 0.9 without problems
Login-Problem. Hitting the "login" resulted in nothing.
  1. With 0.8 downgrade to 0.7!
  2. updated 0.7 to 0.9
  3. removed client-login and ssl
  4. Port 5190 (?)

Contacts didn't show up
  1. installed 0.9
  2. RESTARTED the phone
  3. Logged in, all contacts where shown
> Merged with Contacts-Merger. :-)

German people can follow up here:

Last edited by jake2kone; 2010-06-18 at 10:34.

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