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Originally Posted by MohammadAG View Post

Is enough for me, let me know if you need anything else :P
I'll upload it to devel in a bit

(the script renames /usr/bin/camera-ui to /usr/bin/camera-ui.disabled, changes the Xsession scripts that automatically start up the camera daemon at startup (so this should persist across reboots), and kills the camera-ui (cleanly) so you don't have to reboot the device whenever you enable/disable the camera)

fcamera will still be working mind you, I'll add an icon mover to the script in the future, for now, you can just mv it out of /usr/share/applications/hildon/ or use AppLocker.
Wow!! I just dont know how to thank you.......thank you so much.....I'm going to try it out the way, any side effects?? Fcamera is not a prob....I hide it with applocker.....all I wanted is that the default camera application shouldnt launch....thanks a lot....
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what i cant understand is will the security buy the disabled camera trick ? and r they dumb enough not to think that u can re-enable it after u crossed the checkpoint or whatever is it there ?
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Originally Posted by AgogData View Post
what i cant understand is will the security buy the disabled camera trick ? and r they dumb enough not to think that u can re-enable it after u crossed the checkpoint or whatever is it there ?
I'm not talking about restricted areas with strong security. Ofcourse, such restricted areas wouldn't allow a camera phone at all, whether actually disabled or not.
What I'm talking about is some insane universities which ban the use of camera phones. Moreover, the popup dialog clearly mentions that a service point should be contacted to re-enable the camera, which most teachers would digest.
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send me some of those idiot teachers
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Somthing that would be fun (though somewhat risky) would be if someone secretly videotaped classes and stuff after having passed the check, and then once you're done with the school post the highlights on Youtube and make the raw footage avaiable via BT (or some other free file sharing means)
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Originally Posted by MohammadAG View Post
Umm, I should've seen this thread before since I'm in the same situation.
I had the hostmode kernel installed, any phone with a camera isn't allowed, the teacher saw the device, I swiped the camera lens and it said Operation Failed.
Turns out fcamera isn't compatible with the hostmode kernel, so I just told them the cam's broken and got away with it.
Removing the modules should do the same, make the camera app and fcamera fail, I'll edit this post in a bit, need to check what the modules are.
Please check your PM. I thought it would be off-topic to post it here.

Anyways here is a link

I believe you can help if you have some time to spare.
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guy that got reboot loop, that flasher command is somthing you run on your PC, it's a program to reflash your N900 ; i dunno how exactly to translate what the parameters suggested there mean though
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how about *renaming* the camera icon? ;-D Rather than hide it

And if the mere dialog saying "camera defect/disabled" isn't enough to convince them, add a "sleep 5; sudo gainroot -c reboot" to the part that displays the dialog:-D No, NO! Please don't open the lens cover, the camera is broken and it will crash the whole phone! DUH! Thanks mate!
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2011-09-01 at 20:17.

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