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Originally Posted by nicolai View Post
Ok, I'll try to merge my changes with your version.

I am at work at the moment, no irc
I will wait for you on irc. I worked on MCE and have everyting implemented (needs only testing).

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[answering several past off-topic posts that got moved out from this thread to their own ones, as well as a heads-up to any future posts]

every devel is doing whatever she likes. Some seem to like FPTF. Nobody is going to stop them. Of course the experienced and savvy developers we got on maemo always take care to develop software in a way so it is maximum universal and portable, nevertheless you are free to join and take special care about stuff like "fremantle on N9" or whatever is your special interest. Backporting to N900 is not only a natural goal of this project but also an inevitable and valuable intermediate step in development, since for now we don't have any better platform to emulate the Neo900 which is still under development and thus not available yet for real tests.

and now please back on topic! This thread is for devels only, and concerns about porting fremantle that are not at all related to the developers' work, as well as discussions about what's on topic and what's not, or what you think about this project and whether or not you like it, please go to the "concerns" thread linked in post#2. Thanks!
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-09-21 at 18:24.

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Small suggestion - after moderating "cutwork", those two posts above doesn't make much sense to readers, and rather belong "somewhere" to fremantle-harmattan hybrid thread, IMO.

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Quick question...
What is going to be done about osso address-book? Is it going to be considered non-crucial functionality?
Good bye before I write something off-topic.
Best wishes.

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Originally Posted by Wikiwide View Post
Quick question...
What is going to be done about osso address-book? Is it going to be considered non-crucial functionality?
Good bye before I write something off-topic.
Best wishes.
osso-addressbook is considered "compatible", it has no dependencies to any hw-specific bits in OS, thus will "just work", which is the idea behind porting fremantle (apt-get install osso-addressbook; or simply copy the binaries from any N900).
Actually osso-addressbook would most likely even run on a bare bones fremantle ported to GTA04 "in a nightshift", *maybe* without working alarms due to audio diffs.
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-09-22 at 13:16.

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To thumb or not to thumb...

As I understand it, the reason for the thumb branch of cssu is it is more memory efficient, and memory is thw big bottleneck on the n900. With more memory and faster swap, is this a problem the Neo900 would face? If so, with a different chipset, would it need to work around different errata?
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Neo900 comes with at least twice the amount of RAM. So yes, this is the most remarkable boost of performance in Neo900, largely curing the N900 RAM bottleneck.
For thumb chip errata: not yet evaluated. Either we need same kernel hack and sw-workaround, or the chip is "clean". Either way we will have no new problem with it, at best we have a problem less.
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Dumb question on my part but has Mer been considered? Mer plus Cordia is more or less Maemo, but I've been told Cordia is dead in the water and somebody said that lipstick would be better? But why not take this opportunity to move away from outdated software thats held together by bash scripts from what am told.
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'cause we need working fremantle, not mer, not harmattan, not andriod, not SuperOSXYZ.

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why do you "need", also I couldn't really care less about the other oses you've listed. But I just see this as a better choice since Mer is actively developed especially since Jolla plans to contribute.

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