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Hallo Fellfrosch,

hast du noch die Sachen aus diesem Thread?

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Wow. Now I know what the German word for 'thread' is. How educational TMO can be.
Русский военный корабль, иди нахуй!

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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
Wow. Now I know what the German word for 'thread' is. How educational TMO can be.

Thread = chronologische Abfolge von Posts.
Posts = Nachrichten die von Benutzern auf einem Server hinterlassen wurden.
Server = Computer der in einem Netzwerk Daten bereit stellt.
Computer = Rechner.

Thread = Chronologische Abfolge von Nutzer erstellten und auf einem Rechner der Daten in einem Netzwerk bereitstellt hinterlassene Nachrichten.

There you have the explanation why "Anglizismen" are so popular in germany.

Welcome to TMO quu!
You might be reliefed that is the most natual soiunding translator ever and translated this very sentence without later correction.

"Sie sind vielleicht erleichtert, dass der natürlichste Übersetzer aller Zeiten ist und genau diesen Satz ohne spätere Korrektur übersetzt hat."

and the result back to english to prove its awesomeness:
"You may be relieved that is the most natural translator of all time and has translated exactly this sentence without later correction."

See, its gets even cleaner with reversed translate trick

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Something was lost in translation, so to speak Specifically the word "sounding". The phrase "the most natural sounding translator" changes the meaning when that word is removed.

That reminds me of a story I read in some popular science magazine when I was at school in the early 1980's and machine translation was in its infancy. They translated a sentence from English to Russian and back. I do not remember the exact details but it was something like "God is great" and came back as "vodka is cheap". The transformation sequence of the first word was God -> ghost -> spirit -> alcohol -> vodka. I do not remember the sequence for the last word. The sentence was of course chosen deliberately to trip the machine but it was still a bit funny.
Русский военный корабль, иди нахуй!

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Originally Posted by quu View Post
Hallo Fellfrosch,

hast du noch die Sachen aus diesem Thread?
Well coming back to the original question, even so it was more by accident that I stumbled over it (it would have been better to open a new thread):

Yes, the TOHKBD v2 is still available.

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thanks for the friendly welcome, this called decency and culture.


someone show off with a vocabulary of 400 words of higher culture, or lamb in mint. you can't blame them. they don't know better


great, its for sale? i want buy it

your nick look like, you are from germany. its possible to get in direct contact with?

all one good day

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Can you explain what you mean with:
someone show off with a vocabulary of 400 words of higher culture, or lamb in mint. you can't blame them. they don't know better

if I use mosens suggestion I get:
jemand zeigt sich mit einem Wortschatz von 400 Wörtern höherer Kultur oder Lamm in Minze. Sie können es ihnen nicht verdenken.

Using the translation algorithms of my brain, I still don't get it.
If it was meant to insult anybody because of the country he/she lives in, that would mean on my side, that I'm not willing to sell the keyboard to you.

This is an international forum (and more important a community), and there is no room for racism, as there should nowhere be room for racism.

If your Intention was a different one, please explain us. In that case the TOHKBD is for sale, and I give you an email address where you can contact me in German. The price would be 85€ including. transport inside of Germany.

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there is nothing to explain.

I have neither expressed racist nor insult anyone.

I'd like to talk about buying / selling of TOHKBD now. discussing sensitive topics such as these not in his native language can lead to misunderstandings.

is the TOHKBD used or new? if used technical and optical condition?

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Originally Posted by quu View Post

I have neither expressed racist nor insult anyone.

***discussing sensitive topics such as these not in his native language can lead to misunderstandings.
I'm glad to read, that you didn't have any bad intentions and that I probably just misunderstood you.

The TOHKBD is used for 3 or 4 days, so in nearly new conditions. You can send a mail to fellfrosch1(at)online(dot)de. I will send you some pictures and you can decide if you want it or not.

Last edited by Fellfrosch; 2018-06-15 at 16:17.

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Since Mouhijoki my Aigo does not recognize GPS hardware. GPSInfo does not find satellites. Sailfish thinks GPS is on.

I even did factory reset and checked GPS at least in few updates and hardware did work until updated to Mouhijoki. Nurmonjoki did not fix the problem.

Anyone else with Aigo having the same problem? And with Jolla Tablet ?

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