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Originally Posted by Patman377 View Post
I prefer to wait 2-3 weeks more then having a unstable version and wait for 3 Month on 1.2.1 or 1.3
Funny cause that exactly what some people said about this fw back in march...
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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
Here's a preview of what MeeGo could do with BMW...

That video looks so fresh with revolutionary integration features between your smartphone and car. I wonder how the market would be like when Nokia announces their own version.... it certainly won't be as pristine/virgin as it is right now.
That's pretty cool!

Not a chevy fan myself. U.S. can't make a good car.

But I would definately trade my Porsche for a BMW if it could link with my N900! =D
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Originally Posted by Flynx View Post
That's pretty cool!

Not a chevy fan myself. U.S. can't make a good car.

But I would definately trade my Porsche for a BMW if it could link with my N900! =D

Porsche 911 USB

Sounds great
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Yep.. the market for these smartphones is gonna be wide open... I can see a whole market just for home/automotive automation gadget on itself, even without any of the current much touted smartphone features (media playback, app stores, etc).

Time to buy more AAPL, GOOG and NOK =p
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Right, my objecting to being lied to makes me equally guilty of bickering as the liar.
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Depressing post generators.
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Originally Posted by Flynx View Post
Do it. Why not? The release candidate will be buggy, but maemo is buggy anyway, and you know the final 1.2 release will be buggy.
If it does more damage then it fixes, then why should I bother?
Then I better wait for the real deal that fixes at least *something*!
Proud Nokia N900 owner
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Originally Posted by geneven View Post
Right, my objecting to being lied to makes me equally guilty of bickering as the liar.
do not feed the troll
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do you know that any software is buggy? and any software version is buggy? and there is a quote saying something like 'any bug considered as last bug in application becomes penultimate'.
The truth is that any company trying to fix everything will never release a version. most successfull companies do frequent major/minor releases, patches, hotfixes etc. That provides immediate value. There is a lean approach called Just Enough and Just in Time and looks like Nokia is doing really bad release management. They are trying to goldplate the pr, and that's stupid. they could safe a lot of money doing betas and releasing them to community what would be helpful for the regression phases, fix all criticals/majors and release with some minors. after a month do one more release. This is what is called agile and this was what I expect from company using agile methodology and Scrum. There is even pretty famous Nokia Scrum Test and one of question is 'Is the software completely tested and working at the end of an iteration?' And this is basic level of being really agile. Nokia is not! Nokia does not have potentially shipable product at the end of an iteration. and that sucks.
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I wrote a completely bug-free program once... I called it "helloworld".
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avoid thread, fictional update, firmware, fremantle, future, goodwin's law, it will be on 12.21.2012, maemo, maemo 5, may be it's a myth?, may be next week, maybe april fools, maybe not, patience is a virtue, patience wastes your life, post generator, pr 1.2, pr1.2, product release, repost, rerun, rick roll'd, speculation, update, worst thread ever

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