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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
Why not just install the Greasemonkey script that gets ride of the columns and header?
Then you're still stuck with 480 vertical pixels.

I want portrait mode so I can be lazier and scroll less
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Originally Posted by dblank View Post
Then you're still stuck with 480 vertical pixels.

I want portrait mode so I can be lazier and scroll less
Hmmm, I'm not following. If the Greasemonkey script just leaves you with the resulting text content (column) that will fit to width, then I can't see how portrait would let you fit and "more" text on a screen then landscape. If anything landscape should fit the same (or possibly more!) content.

Given the same font size and vertical line spacing, portrait would have more (albeit sorter) lines of text, giving it additional opportunities for wasted space due to word wrap. No?
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Originally Posted by rcadden View Post
Fyi, with Gizmo (which is pre-installed in OS2008, or at least shows up by default in the menus) you can easily make PC-to-Tablet (and vice versa) video calls.
True, true. I was aware of the new (as of 10/29/07) Gizmo support for the camera. However, I think you're proving my point somewhat, since it took about 10 months between the release of the N800 and the *first* true communications extension of the camera beyond taking low-res photos.

It's compounded by the fact that for a device touted as having "Internet calling with web camera" (on, it still doesn't do either of the two most expected out-of-the-box experiences for that promise: Skype video, or the Flash camera APIs. Now, some fault lies with the magazines and reviewers not making this limitation clear (e.g.,, but this more so a symptom of advertising features that do not hold up to user expectations and common practices, which I was originally commenting on.

And re: Texrat's comment -- Yeah, Nokia is being Nokia, which to American eyes looks slow and safe. But if you're Nokia, I'm sure that's preferable to the alternatives, since I just looked at the Gizmodo gallery ( for the Intel MIDs at CES, and the reality is that most of them will fail, or at least languish. I think the 20% model sounds great, tho', it's reminiscent of Google's product development philosophy... yet it only makes me wonder why it's not here already even more, as seems to be serving that purpose just fine for the handsets.
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Originally Posted by namtastic View Post
..... It's compounded by the fact that for a device touted as having "Internet calling with web camera" (on, it still doesn't do either of the two most expected out-of-the-box experiences for that promise: Skype video, or the Flash camera APIs. Now, some fault lies with the magazines and reviewers not making this limitation clear ......
Heh.. this instantly made me think of the iPhone not being able to send MMS messages.
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Originally Posted by rcadden View Post
OS2008 on the N800:

1. FM radio is there, used it yesterday
I slightly deviated from N800 topic to 5-stage plan
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Originally Posted by TA-t3 View Post
I don't know how it would look, but the main reason is that I'm still in OS2007 (and will be until there's an updated OS2008) and Opera. But whichever way you look at it, introducing an option of switching between landscape and portrait mode can only be good.
Forgive me, I want to be helpful, but you're an idiot. I upgraded to OS2008 right away and don't have the problems you are having. Slashdot looks fine without any greasemonkey script. The articles are in one column and it's left justified (no portrait mode needed). Stop spreading disinformation and stop complaining and learn how to use your NIT, or do us all a favor and get rid of it or just stop talking like you know something about it.

Last edited by Aciv; 2008-01-07 at 23:20.
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Originally Posted by Moonshine View Post
Heh.. this instantly made me think of the iPhone not being able to send MMS messages.
Haw! Good one.

Although it's more like if you could only send pictures from your iPhone to other iPhones.
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Originally Posted by Frankowitz View Post
I currently am looking at a (bigger and more expensive) HTC Shift to replace the IT debacle. I've used the IT (N800) for a year now and am as much dissatisfied with it as I was a year ago.
Hey, Frank. I just returned mine for cash. I'll be cruising for an iPaq 111 tonight, so should have in within a week. That's fine with me :0)
Sorry to hear about your issues. I'm hoping threads like this will wake Nokia up to the potential of selling many more of these devices, but the software and hardware needs to be prime-time first! That HTC is pretty nice. I'd take a look at the Raon Everun, it's also very good value for money and has a great battery life.
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Originally Posted by rcadden View Post
Well, to all concerned, looks like WOM World picked up on this thread and posted about it, which is a good thing.

WOM World is Nokia's PR Firm for the Nseries, which means Nokia reads everything they write. Which means you have successfully gotten Nokia's attention.
And that was the point to all this drivel. I sure hope Nokia can pull it all together and build on a really decent product to create a more ubiquitous platform. I liked the N800 despite it's faults. But the hassle to this network engineer was too much to bear. I'd rather spend my time reading technical documentation on the newest FreeBSD distro for dedicated firewall/VPN/Routing use...
Or possibly stirring the pot here in this forum?
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Originally Posted by TA-t3 View Post
Go to
Note how the screen is divided into several vertical columns, and that the articles are in a narrow central column. This site is almost unreadable in landscape mode, while it would be perfect for portrait mode. These kinds of sites are unusable in 'optimized view' mode too. Only portrait will do..
- which points out that many of the folks posting here:

1. are simply consumers and don't know about computers

2. if familiar with computers, don't know anything about Linux

3. aren't familiar with the limitations of a pda/tablet and aren't aware of the 'net resources available... to whit:


Small Sites

- a simple google search will bring up many such resources...

- and for those who aren't thrilled with their Nokia Linux-based handhelds, well, that's OK too... i wasn't thrilled with my Palm PDA, my Agenda PDA, my 3COM Audrey...

- but i *love* my n800 (and ordered a second for a backup)...

- don't like the Nokia? get a Windows-based handheld and you might be happier (but i'd be willing you won't have as much fun)...


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