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Originally Posted by theflew View Post
The issue with the iPhone is very different. They (Apple) don't allow users to multiple task. The hardware in the 3GS is faster, but the screen doesn't need anything more powerful than the 2G had pushing the same resolution. So there would be an expectation that software would run on all devices so far (sans camera).
It is also a lowest common denominator thing as well. There are features in the newest 3GS that developers aren't using because they want to remain compatible with older iPhones. At some point, backwards compatibility can hold you back.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
From the way it sounds from the above posts... it's like you guys are against upgrades on the N900. Why would you be against that?
I'm against upgrades just because of the sake of upgrades. From a purely user standpoint I also don't care if an upgrade is called PR2.0, Harmattan, MeeGo, Mer^2 or something else as long as it enhances the usability and lifetime of my N900. An upgrade is a *vehicle* for delivering features. Yet, in a lot of threads it somehow got to be the *goal*, which is simply wrong.
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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
I'm against upgrades just because of the sake of upgrades. From a purely user standpoint I also don't care if an upgrade is called PR2.0, Harmattan, MeeGo, Mer^2 or something else as long as it enhances the usability and lifetime of my N900. An upgrade is a *vehicle* for delivering features. Yet, in a lot of threads it somehow got to be the *goal*, which is simply wrong.
That's the problem. The assumption that people are wanting upgrades for the sake of being an upgrade.

Quite wrong.

People are talking about - and I've stated this ad infinitum - upgrades for the fact that they just purchased a N900, have some grievances that might not get fixed simply because of the fact that Nokia has not supported their older version of Maemo once the newer version is announced.

Diablo got released, Fremantle got announced... Diablo became a dead end with that announcement. Not one single update since.

I can't even fathom where the whole "update for update sake" comes from... people want to know if the current woes in the N900 will ever get released. Instead of coy statements that don't ever say "yes" or "no"... or the opposite which is downright aggressive antagonism because people just rather place people into small groups that just may not fit that person. Simply put, instead of assumptions, communication should be happening more often than not.

And that goes both ways.

The issue with not knowing if any updates are forthcoming is that PR1.2 might just get rid of a few bugs. Might not add things that people are truly bothered about. Simply because now the resources might go only to the new OS and the current owners are plain out SOL.

I'm still shaking my damn head how that's a bad thing... wanting to know if your present phone will at least get rid of some of the nagging problems, experience at least some support or if it's truly a dead end due to the MeeGo announcement like the Maemo 5 announcement was a death knell for Diablo.

History has shown one way. And that's a situation that Nokia created; not fantasy.

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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
Wait a tic. Those things will be just as proprietary in any MeeGo device, too. But then again, those are black box systems, so as long as the necessary kernel link/driver code is open, we're ok. And THAT is something that is worth poking Nokia for, as then we can tap into MeeGo stuff, regardless if a port is done by Nokia or the community.
No, you are wrong. The kernel driver is open, but it is totally useless. The kernel drivers just give you pipes, but you can't understand the data that goes in those pipes. You must have the Nokia binaries for many functions. There is no reason to believe that meego will include equivalent of those as open source, so the only way to have phone functionality in "community" version of meego on N900 is to run Nokia binaries from Fremantle.
My repository

"N900 community support for the MeeGo-Harmattan" Is the new "Mer is Fremantle for N810".

No more Nokia devices for me.
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Originally Posted by iPHONErules View Post
iphone can multitask if jailbroken and enabled with appropriate software. This has been shown to actually work extremely well. I asume that Apple is not alowing 3GS to multitask due to battery issues, but the device as a whole can be enabled to do that. I bet that 4G iphone will multitask and other iphone 3GS customers will be given an opportunity to do that too with appropriate software. N900, if able to improve the interface, make it less jittery, may be able to compete. However, as of this point, many times when I try to multitask on N900, the internet is stuck, unless i revisit and refresh the page. so bugs in N900 are limiting the title of multitasking
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The issues of Iphone v N900 has been done endlessly here. Jailbroken Iphones are not working on the software/firmware that Apple intended. I do not personally think the 4G or whatever it will be called will have full multitasking capabilities pureley for the fact that Apple have stated that the Iphone does not need it
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Originally Posted by Matan View Post
The community is not free to port meego to N900 since a lot of N900 interfaces (power, cell network, GPS) are proprietary, so only Nokia can write software to use them.
In my opinion a great deal of what you can read on the forum would just stop if Nokia would allow us the tools to port MeeGo (or part of it) to the N900.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
People are talking about - and I've stated this ad infinitum - upgrades for the fact that they just purchased a N900, have some grievances that might not get fixed simply because of the fact that Nokia has not supported their older version of Maemo once the newer version is announced.
And how is MeeGo going to fix these grievances ? We don't know anything about the API (for all we know, it might just as well lack MMS, portrait mode, Ovi Maps 3 and the rest of the Drink! items). All we know about it at this stage is that it will be package/distribution/DRM incompatible to Harmattan, with just a generic Qt link across the various devices (which is exactly what we will have with Fremantle after PR1.2).

Regarding the second point, Harmattan was announced even before Fremantle was released (and MeeGo was announced before a Harmattan release took place).

The issue with not knowing if any updates are forthcoming is that PR1.2 might just get rid of a few bugs. Might not add things that people are truly bothered about.
It has been repeatedly stated from several Nokia and non-Nokia sources that it includes Qt4.6 and the set of technologies it brings, and in fact introduces changes so big that it breaks backwards compatibility. That most certainly is not 'just getting rid of a few bugs'.

I'm still shaking my damn head how that's a bad thing...
We're running in circles. What good is MeeGo on your N900 if it turns out you cannot install a single N920/LG W990/whatever application on it ?

EDIT: spelling
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So many people are whining about possibly being abandoned by Nokia because they are a company that push progress. These devices don't last forever folks, but while it works it's a great device so enjoy, and trade up to the next invention when it is done. I say thank you Nokia for giving us an open platform like Maemo!

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Originally Posted by Lakenskrekk View Post
So many people are whining about possibly being abandoned by Nokia because they are a company that push progress. These devices don't last forever folks, but while it works it's a great device so enjoy, and trade up to the next invention when it is done. I say thank you Nokia for giving us an open platform like Maemo!
I believe most people understand that an electronic device won't last forever. The point is, again from what I have read and digested, the N900 has hardware components that have yet to be fully used (GPS and front camera for example) and lack features that other smartphone users would call "basic" (voice navigation and MMS).

They fear that the development of MeeGo will divert resources away from Maemo and Nokia won't address issues stated above, or to make it short, the N900 is abandoned by Nokia.

Tell me you can't understand that from a customer point of view ?

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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
And how is MeeGo going to fix these grievances ?
How won't it? How won't addressing the scores of bugs not solve the grievances? How wouldn't added functionality not add value to your purchase?

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