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Originally Posted by johnel View Post
All we really basically know is Maemo 6 will be QT-based, the next device will have multi-touch and "free" OVI Maps will be available on Maemo 6 only and a page proposing a security framework.
Emphasis mine. Nobody said that. Targeting (timewise) a M6 milestone does not necessarily mean that it will be ONLY available on M6. We'll know more about backports/compatibility options when the SDK comes out.
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Originally Posted by lwa View Post
I'm not sure why people are struggling with this so much...
qgil has spelt it out pretty clearly in a few posts now that nokia has a plan and that still includes the n900 in some capacity.

it might be full M6 support or it might not but hes practically said
"i cant offically say anything but just wait and see" *wink wink*...
Rather than say "i cant offically say anything but just wait and see" *wink wink" just come out and say it.

Make it official. Put everyone's mind at rest and we can all say "phew! we can relax now"

We can then end this bl00dy thread!
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You see, there are those little pesky things called NDAs, and a common sense of providing no promises if you are not sure that you can live up to them. qgil said as much as he could/would, as any responsible developer would, respect that and stop bothering him.
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Originally Posted by zwer View Post
You see, there are those little pesky things called NDAs, and a common sense of providing no promises if you are not sure that you can live up to them. qgil said as much as he could/would, as any responsible developer would, respect that and stop bothering him.
Yes you make a fair point with NDAs and it was not my intention to "bother" qgil.
If that is the case then I must offer my sincere apologies.

I know he is doing the best he can under the circumstances and the line "Make it official. Put everyone's mind at rest and we can all say "phew! we can relax now"" was really directed at Nokia and I should have made that clearer.

Nokia seems to have a clear idea on where Maemo is heading and I think Nokia should allow qgil to make things clearer. It will maybe take the heat out the issue of "Maemo 6 / Harmattan on N900?".

My still stand by what I said in my post(#688) but I did not mean to bother or harrass qgil. To be fair it was more directed at Nokia.

Judging by the size of the thread this is a "heated" debate and people feel strongly about it.

If Nokia Formally and officially make an announcement about Maemo 6 then this would clear the air immensely.

Maybe I should take this up with Nokia directly?
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Originally Posted by qgil View Post
Maemo 5 has a roadmap of updates that includes more than bugfixes. It hasn't been disclosed, but the plan exists and is being executed as we speak.
No matter what you think today, I bet by the Harmattan alpha release your thoughts will be different based on the new information we will have shared with you. In the meantime, trust me: the value and usefulness of this thread beyond (say) the post 100 is arguable to say the least.
Thanks qgil, just to have an affirmation that Maemo 5 roadmap includes more than bug fixes is something that, if were well announced by Nokia PR like on the Ovi Maps announcement, probably would have made this thread much shorter...

Originally Posted by qgil View Post
If you are not really in Maemo collaboration mood then that is also fine of course. Enjoy your Maemo device or enjoy whatever else (including competitors' devices if they suit you better). But nobody really needs more acid posts adding nothing really new to a point that has been clearly made.
Please understand that despite emotional posts saying things like "won't never buy a Nokia device again", we are still here, and that's because we all are enjoying N900 but at the same time worried about its future. It seems from human nature complaining more than praising...

Now you set a new milestone for our anxiety, Harmattan Alpha SDK release...

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Well, I've been in qgil's shoes (totally different projects, tho) several times and I know how it is when people are asking you questions you really cannot answer, be it because of the NDA, or because of still unclear position on the subject, and in such cases it is better to keep your mouth shut than giving a glimpse to calm down those who'd like to know everything here and now - because in such situations the old one `give a finger, they'll ask you for your arm` comes to mind.

In the past n pages the exact same thing was asked of qgil and he always calmly and clearly answered that until Harmattan Alpha SDK is out no promises cannot be made because there are just too many unknown things and/or things he cannot disclose at the moment, yet people kept asking him the same thing. I just felt sorry for the guy - that's a very unpleasant position.

I do agree that Nokia should make a bit more effort to communicate on an official level, I clearly stated that couple of pages back, but since we can't get to them we are venting our frustrations on people that do not deserve that. I, for one, am happy that at least some of the `insiders` are even willing to talk with the community disclosing their position and identities, you won't meet that on many places.
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

Last edited by zwer; 2010-02-02 at 11:54.

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Originally Posted by johnel View Post
Nokia seems to have a clear idea on where Maemo is heading and I think Nokia should allow qgil to make things clearer. It will maybe take the heat out the issue of "Maemo 6 / Harmattan on N900?".
Maybe I should take this up with Nokia directly?
Qgil told a few times that is not supposed to be a channel for customer care, but in my opinion it could fill this role as well, just don't think Qgil should be the responsible for that.

Nokia should assign a PR or anybody else to relief him from all these complains so he can focus on other subjects, even if this PR doesn't respond what we want to know... at least would be a target, er... I mean, point of contact...
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I think patience is required right now if you don't have faith...

So those dollars/euros/lint in your pocket that sees the N900 as "shiny shiny, gotta have it", if Maemo 6 is a priority to you, patience.

*sits on wallet*
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Originally Posted by zwer View Post
You see, there are those little pesky things called NDAs, and a common sense of providing no promises if you are not sure that you can live up to them. qgil said as much as he could/would, as any responsible developer would, respect that and stop bothering him.

Thread over.
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reading this thread (i have to admit not every post ) i came to the conclusion that i don't really care if i dont get M6 on the N900 as long as i do get all the libs that the apps that are then made for M6 so that i can run them.

So if the latest QT libs are just working on the N900 then that means that every app thats build then is still working fine on the N900.. Also the other way around should Nokia support, so the M6 should be able to run all apps of that are made for the M5/N900. Dont break everything again.. Thats just bad for the developers and bad for the people that by the N900+1 and still don't really have apps from day 1.

But this does mean one thing. And i have said this before in other threads. I don't really care if the base OS is not updated any more at some point. BUT the problem is that the current firmware is not only the base OS, It has the email client (Modest) it has the browser (MicroB) it has the Media player and OVI Maps. (and i guess a few more but those are for me the most important onces)

So if it means that i don't get updates anymore also on those.. that would be bad, really really bad. (Modest really really needs to be way better, it doesnt compare to profimail on S60)
Please extract these from the firmware and let those 4 items be just repository applications that you can update.

Don't tell me because they are integrated in the OS. Please if thats the case then that is a very negative thing about linux/maemo. Windows even allows you to override all the default applications if you like....

So extract the applications from the firmware, make sure that M6 apps do run on M5 then i dont mind to much about not being able to upgrade the base OS...

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