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Originally Posted by shallimus View Post
BigBadGuber!'s posting history suggests that whether or not trendy stuff is trending on Google trends is extremely important.

Of course, it's a big steaming pile of marketing fluff, but that never stopped anyone
Probably is more relevant in the US than the rest of the world. Everybody googles here.
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From Meego Forum

Originally Posted by mbo View Post

Not one positive comment. Not one. Well played, Intel!

My reply

Wow you're right and most of them seem like developers.
To summarize their negative feedback:

1) The name is horrible and does not sound like an OS name

2) Dropping QT is completely a flunk and fail and too early

3) HTML5 is not ready yet to replace QT (and this OS should keep both)

4) Timing of announcement is suspect as major partner (Samsung) is competitor to Nokia which has the newest meego handset (N9) selling very well and receiving very good reviews.

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Originally Posted by slai View Post
Am I the only one who is slightly excited about what WP could be in the hands of Nokia if they are allowed to alter some of the user interface through their deal with MS?

Iunno, it could be something solid.
I do know that a number of WP 7 forums are salivating at the chance of getting WP on a nokia phone, they all seem to be tired of HTCs and the like and cant wait for the new WP Nokia phones.
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LOL at this feedback to Tizen from the thread

Submitted by angryuser on 28 September, 2011 - 03:22.

Gah! There was already web os. Wtf we'll need yet another one? Can't you get a simple idea: if I ever wanted web os, I would already use web os device. But I do _NOT_ want a WEB-ONLY stuff. Why the heck it is not possible to just use meego and write HTML5 apps for it's browser engine, possibly adjusting it to run apps locally and without browser UI?

And LiMo has been always a dead horse. Why someone is so ******ed that he believes that riding a dead horse when there is already failed web OS would lead to success? And do you honestly believe that dev's are such a nuts that you can easily dictate them "whoa, guys, let's abandon Qt and go HTML5, now!". The only problem is that you're trying to do things wrong.

And as for me, I would NEVER need some HTML5-only sh*t and hence I would never write programs for it either. Furthermore, I do not see how this approach is better than Android and I can see how it's worse. So why the hell would I need this, ever? Fsck that!

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^I like that he speaks his mind^
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Originally Posted by gryedouge View Post
I do know that a number of WP 7 forums are salivating at the chance of getting WP on a nokia phone, they all seem to be tired of HTCs and the like and cant wait for the new WP Nokia phones.
Yeah, no doubt. They're getting the end of the stick which isn't brown and sticky.

Imagine the following:
  1. Yugo corporation has lots of money and has been trying to make a successful car for ages
  2. Audi have been building great cars for ages, but have lost their way quite badly and are floundering
  3. Yugo 'partner' with Audi
  4. All future Audi models will now feature Yugo engines, but will retain Audi floor mats, doorhandles, wing mirrors etc.
  5. You are a Yugo owner/enthusiast

Naturally, you're going to be thrilled!

Not so much the poor suckers who have been waiting for their new R8 though...
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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
Look at the bright side... he's the villain we needed to unite and solidify our resolves...

.... or was that supposed to be Microsoft?
I think there is not any doubt about who's the villain: ELOP!

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Originally Posted by selfish_russian View Post
They have an iPhone4 4 for ~$400. That's a scam.
Agreed... sigh.
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So basically "buhu i hate WP because its the reason Meego wont be the next wave"?
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Originally Posted by slai View Post
So basically "buhu i hate WP because its the reason Meego wont be the next wave"?
Um, yeah. I am entirely happy to associate myself with this viewpoint.
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disapoint, eflop, epic win!, laggy interface, n9 rox, so much win, wateriswet, who cares, whyyyyy??????

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