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Posts: 3 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2008
Hi all.

Bad news.
I test Navit driving with two maps.

With a basemap of Mexico runs Slow (Map is less than 6MB).
My map source is INEGI (Mexico gov) modified by a garmin user and its not good. (Shows my position wrong).
With a topo map of Mexico Navit crash and the IT restart (Map is 200MB). Never shows any image of the map, only frizz and crash.
Map source is bicimaps (unlocked).

So, I cant do a real test, and as I say before, there in not a button to accept the route.

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Adorador, bicimapas is heavy even in Mapsource.
Did you try :
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2008
Installed on Windows manner - doubleclick on both deb packages starts installation manager, they install navit. (***,

Have generated maps from,
but the map, what i become to see is only a randomely viewed group of street pieces, symbols and borders of not identificate states.
Even, if the GPS receiver was running and was connectable to N800, (good functionality on maps software from OS2008), i had no coordinates and no speed in the GPS staus line onn the down side.

PLS! Have enyone installed this soft with worked maps? Can you tell me a near detailed guide (i am a Windoos fool!) .

I have found maps here, but i dont know, if there were suitable for this soft:

If anyone can install this soft with working maps, were nice to give a more detailed info over this. Best regards and thanks,
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2008
Maps from - Garmin City Navigator Europa NT 2008 - were usable with Navit?
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Apr 2008
Originally Posted by directore View Post
I refuse to use vi ..
And copying files back and forth is simpler ?

vi works everywhere on all *nix. Even stripped down ones, even across serial lines from 15-year-old VT100's

i - go to insert mode, move around with the cursor, backspace to
delete characters
<esc> - get out of insert mode
/xx - forward find "xx" (in command mode)
dd - delete the current line
:x - exit (from command mode) and save file
:q! - exit (from command mode) and abandon the mess you made

that's all you need
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 22 times | Joined on Apr 2008
I just installed Navit on Diablo. I have some Garmin maps that work on
my GPSMap76, and one I built using Mapdekode

I note that the sample map has to be turned off before the Garmin
ones will work, and that the maps have to belong to "user", even though
Navit opens them readonly. I don't quite understand this; the
sample map is OK if owned by root. Probably I'm slow today..

So now I have navit working, I'll have to find all the files for
Vancouver and try them ... but my Stave Lake one works (built by tracing over Google satellite images in XFig, converting in Perl and running Mapdekode on Windows)

Sample map and navit.xml :
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2008
Best - this way works ... but i got at this time only the map to see - no GPS connected, but the isle is nice!

First - have you any other way, than first delete, and then copy the edited navit.xml file in the x-terminal ??? The MV shell copy command - for anyone like me - is not the easiest way to make changes in the navit.xml file, that was first copied to the extern MMC card (mmc1) and after editing copied to the final location in the /usr/share/navit/ directory.
The opening this file in the PYGTKEDITOR and then try it to save in the final location will not be allowed of OS2008. An error message was comming. Why? I was logged as root in the X-TERMINAL, but this will not have the needed effect. First the MV shell command directly in the X_TERMINAL will does this work. (To be root i used: "ssh root@localhost" comand).

Can anyone tell me, how edit and save file from one location to the other without using the shell way? Simply open and save with PYGTKEDITOR, or other editor with lovely GUI ???

Ok, at this time the map on the mmc1 card is running - only the street names are unreadable, because the fonts are too small !!!

Is there one, that had created the whole Europe maps? How? Is better to create one great map, or export it as many little img files?
It is possible to use maps from Garmin City navigator? Or? Pls. Will be back, i test it too.


Last edited by ferika; 2008-07-07 at 23:16.
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2008
Bad! The map created from h__p://
was not usable ... the *.bin file had produced only randomely created symbole mismatch on the display.

Last edited by ferika; 2008-07-08 at 00:31.
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2008
The map of whole Slovakia from h__p:// was much better (to see, but not precise, the maps of mapper from OS2008 are much better ... not Croatia! ) and the speed was very bad. May be, other maps are better in details, but i cannot think, that the speed were acceptable. Ok, go next.
Posts: 17 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jun 2008
??? Can be the map from: h__p:// converted to binary, or Garmin format, to use with the NAVIT? The map is realy actual, but i see not usable formats for me. Thx!

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