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@ Tokyo, Japan
I've done a couple of tutorials on using USB Control, for flash drives and USB keyboards, but the same method could conceivably be used to attach any USB device as long as it doesn't draw too much power from the tablet (for example an HDD with its own external power source should work):
As far as I know there's no danger to the tablet in connecting a USB device, so if you want to find out what happens, try it.
The method in the tutorials requires a F-F USB adaptor which costs just a handful of dollars or euros or pounds because it's basically just a bit of metal.
, 16:11
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@ Pennsylvania, USA
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@ Hillsboro, Nh.
I just tried google and facebook on both my N800 and N810 and it loaded in about 5 - 10 seconds without any problems at all.
Either there's something wrong with your tablet, or you have some settings that need altering, or there's something wrong with the connection itself.
Whatever the problem, your experience with the tablet is definitely not typical.
Did you try closing and reopening the browser after you switched Fit Width To View off?
Can you get ANY websites to load normally?
Are you running any applications in the background while you're using the browser?
Did you update the firmware and reformat the internal 2GB memory card before using the N810?
Regarding a reset, IMHO the best way to do that is to reinstall the firmware. If you've already downloaded the firmware the reinstallation shouldn't take too long.
, 03:38
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@ Texas/Earth/Sol System/Milky Way/Local Group/Hubble Bubble/Infinity
, 04:24
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@ Tokyo, Japan
USB On-The-Go (OTG) breaks the host/peripheral scheme of traditional USB. Devices that support OTG aren't always a host or a peripheral, but instead are able to negotiate their connections with one another, exchanging their master and slave roles as necessary to transfer files or whatnot.
Wikipedia knows more.
qole.org --- twitter --- Easy Debian wiki page
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