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Originally Posted by iFrank View Post
Texrat, for one, Opera crashes on 770 are famous. Yes, Opera is closed source, but it's part of the OS200x bundle that Nokia sells and users of an Internet Tablet rightfully expect a stable Internet experience. On the feature side, not Flash, but I expect my browser to support Ajax and work with sites like Google Calendar. Are these too much to ask for?!!

I concentrated on Internet related issues, because that's the primary purpose of these devices, according to Nokia.
I understand. But as I keep saying, it ain't crashing on me. Sooo... again: what are the differing factors? I have the same OS. So far I see Google Calendar as one (I haven't used it). But other Google ajax apps work, so I hear, so what did Google do wrong with Calendar?
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The most obvious bugs for me in Opera/770 were the frequent crashes (or maybe it's an unintended application shutdown?) when closing browser windows, and the times when Opera forgets what it should do when the user clicks on a link meaning you have to click many times before Opera remebers what to do.

Texrat, I'd be suprised if you have never experienced these bugs - they seem to be pretty common, and should be fixed (either in OS 2006 or OS 2007/770).

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Originally Posted by Milhouse View Post
Texrat, I'd be suprised if you have never experienced these bugs - they seem to be pretty common, and should be fixed (either in OS 2006 or OS 2007/770).

Well, look at it from my standpoint: given that I haven't experienced all these bugs, I'm surprised you guys have! Opera will occasionally stall on me, but crash? maybe once or twice, and as I noted before, the websites were more to blame.

And the core question remains: I have the same OS, so where are all of the differences?
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No analogy is perfect and thats why all of them should be avoided.
Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Eh, the road analogy actually applies more to the internet itself. You don't want me to extrapolate on that one!
I think it applies quite well to all applications and as Nokia is agressively moving application developers to new OS we can expand it to cover OS itself.
But in a specific context Daniel's car analogy DOES work. It just applies to those screaming for backporting the 2007 OS.
It applies only to webcam, SD and other HW upgrades if any.
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Texrat/Daniel, there you go with what Milhouse says; these are really common issues on 770; for god sakes N800 is less than a month old, you guys already forgot about 770 issues? ;~)

Daniel, please ready my previous post again, Opera is not part of Maemo (even I know that, eh?), but it's part of OS bundle that Nokia provides; so Opera issues are Nokia problems too. Going back to your analogy (we all love them), if tires of your new Toyota are defective, do you go back to your dealership or directly go to tires manufacturer?
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Texrat, I mainly visit the BBC News/Sport, Register, Inquirer, ITT, Wiki web sites and Opera has a 50/50 chance of shutting down entirely whenever I close a browser window - it happens *that* often. And I'm not alone, others have reported the exact same behaviour. No idea if it's an Opera bug or a Maemo bug, but it's there. I highly doubt it's due to the web sites, as the same web site has as much chance of shutting down Opera as not - if it were a problem with the web site, I'd expect consistent behaviour.

Here you go - a bugzilla report for this very problem, bug #743. Absolutely no activity/responses from Nokia, which is very poor.

Regarding the links - Opera is fine to start with, then some way into an extended browsing session Opera forgets what it should do when you click on a link. Guaranteed reporoducable after a while (1 - 2 hours surfing).

Searching through bugzilla for browser related bugs revealed a shed load of apparently trivial bugs that haven't been fixed, and may never be fixed because I sometimes believe the Maemo Bugzilla is nothing but a black hole.

BTW, my 770 is running the latest firmware in R&D mode, with xterm, openssh, mplayer, gaim, media streamer, canola.

Last edited by Milhouse; 2007-01-25 at 21:33.
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Ok, Milhouse, I'll try those sites. But if I don't experience the crashing, how could it then be a bug in Opera? Anyway, I'm getting ahead. Let me try it first. Thanks for providing the first test criteria I've received since asking.
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Originally Posted by Invicta View Post
It applies only to webcam, SD and other HW upgrades if any.
It applies equally to those demanding backporting of the OS itself. Same logic involved.
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Texrat - I just updated my previous post (#76) with more detail, there is a bugzilla entry relating to the closing of browser windows leading to a crash. I don't know if it's Opera or Maemo - but should I care? All I know is that it happens far too often - every time I close a window the thought crosses my mind "Is this going to be the one that closes Opera?"

If Opera doesn't like the site, it should fail gracefully and not take down my entire session! Does Opera crash on the desktop when it chokes on some dodgey HTML? I doubt it!
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
It applies equally to those demanding backporting of the OS itself. Same logic involved.
Same logic applies only if you forget meaning of applications to Internet Tablet and to its sale, Nokias role of attracting application developers to platform and using them to create its usefullness and success or finally moving them to the new OS. See (or don't) - you can't really compare cars and computers and in the case of Internet Tablet you can compare even less, as the manufacturer have tied its enviroment so close to itself.

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