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Originally Posted by garen View Post
is this game playable? whenever i try to play it, it just plays a video
if it is playable, can u explain how to play it in a very nontechnical manner (im not very good with electronics)
The search bar in the upper right is available to techies and not.

First post of this thread describes how to start a game.

Unofficial PR1.3/Meego 1.1 FAQ

Classic example of arbitrary Nokia decision making. Couldn't just fallback to the no brainer of tagging with lat/lon if network isn't accessible, could you Nokia?
MAME: an arcade in your pocket
Accelemymote: make your accelerometer more joy-ful
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Originally Posted by Flandry View Post
The search bar in the upper right is available to techies and not.

First post of this thread describes how to start a game.
the reason i made a new topic was because i didnt understand what the hell was being said in this topic
Posts: 557 | Thanked: 370 times | Joined on Apr 2010
Originally Posted by garen View Post
the reason i made a new topic was because i didnt understand what the hell was being said in this topic
Originally Posted by Flandry View Post

To start a game, press Enter before the demo playback begins, or Backspace at any point.


Fn - fire (left thumb goes here)
Shift / Z - strafe left/right (below left thumb)
Ctrl - run (above left thumb)
a - strafe (right of left thumb)
weapons - top row of keyboard (correspond to number keys)
backspace - open menu/back to previous menu
, - escape the menu
. - next weapon
space - activate
p - pause. You can also switch away to other windows and the game will automatically pause and go to sleep so it doesn't kill your battery. Bringing PrBoom back into focus will unpause it. Be ready!
Cause those instructions are so difficult to follow?
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Originally Posted by Binonic Knee View Post

I am having problems with keys, well 'key' I can't select options in the menu. I can bring up the menu and move up and down with the cursor keys but can't select anything, meaning I can't start a game...


I have prBoom 2..5.0 on N900

That is very strange; i haven't had any other problem reports from those with localized keyboards. What language is your keyboard in by default?
Oh thank god I'm not the only one that has this problem on the n900.

I can run the game, get to the main menu & get nowhere else. I can select a line in the menu by pressing the corresponding first letter or use the arrows but I cannot progress any further. As a result I cannot play the game either.

I'm using prboom 2.5.0 on a UK handset using UK language & keyboard layouts.


I'll add that the phone is running Maemo 5 version 10.2010.19-1.205.1 confirmed by Healthcheck, but I had this problem before the Maemo update was released.

Last edited by DarkusLordus; 2010-08-16 at 21:32.
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I know this is a bit off topic but how do i make games on the n900? i am interested in learning how to do this, but i dont know where to start or what program to use. can anyone help me out here?

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B3aTDoWn: You would need to know a programming language such as C++. When you've learned that, you can go on and work with C++ and openGL/SDL for creating games.

Take a look at
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Allright... Unlike a majority of this forum I don't know how to code >_<
So can someone explain how I can play Doom II on this engine? Is it possible? I downloaded a DoomII.wad, does it have to be .iwad?

The shareware version works PERFECTLY and I'd like to thank OP and others who contributed in making this possible
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Originally Posted by cure View Post
In order to prevent renaming or moving wads when wanting to switch between The Ultimate Doom and Doom II: Hell on Earth, I've made two new desktop shortcuts and copied my retail DOS/Windows Doom and Doom II installs over to the VFAT portion of the N900's memory via USB. The paths being:

Make sure dirs and filenames are in lower case.
To make a new Doom shortcut, open xterm, then:

cd /usr/share/applications/hildon/
cp prboom.desktop doom.desktop
Use leafpad, vi or whatever to edit doom.desktop:
vi doom.desktop
Edit the Exec line so it looks like this:
Exec=/opt/prboom/prboom -iwad /home/user/MyDocs/games/doom/doom.wad

Now make another shortcut for Doom II:
cd /usr/share/applications/hildon/
cp doom.desktop doom2.desktop
Use leafpad or vi to edit doom2.desktop:
vi doom2.desktop
Name=Doom II
Edit the Exec line so it looks like this:
Exec=/opt/prboom/prboom -iwad /home/user/MyDocs/games/doom2/doom2.wad

Now we should have working Doom and Doom II shortcuts.
I've also deleted the shareware doom1 wad and prboom desktop shorcut after checking it all worked:
rm /home/opt/doom/wads/doom.wad
rm /usr/share/applications/hildon/prboom.desktop
Slightly off topic: Now with Doom and Doom II being last, I've actually have all the fps games on my N900 set up to load the game media from the VFAT portion of the N900's memory (accessible from USB), so I basically just copied my dos/windows installs over to /home/user/MyDocs/games/. The .sh scripts and desktop shortcuts on my N900 are set up to accommodate this. This way its really easy to throw some mission packs and mods in for the quake games, without too much hassle. To finish it off, one could easily optify the binaries that aren't optified by moving stuff around.

command lines (bash scripts):
  • edited /usr/bin/wolf3d to look for the new path
  • edited /usr/bin/spearofdestiny to look for the new path
  • /opt/prboom/prboom -fullscreen -width 800 -height 480 -iwad /home/user/MyDocs/games/doom/doom.wad "$*"
  • /opt/prboom/prboom -fullscreen -width 800 -height 480 -iwad /home/user/MyDocs/games/doom2/doom2.wad "$*"
  • edited /usr/bin/duke3d to look for the new path
  • /opt/quake/sdlquake -basedir /home/user/MyDocs/games/quake -heapsize 65536 -zone 512 -noipx -nocdaudio -winsize 800 480 -fullscreen "$*"
  • /opt/quake2/sdlquake2 +set cddir /home/user/MyDocs/games/quake2 +set basedir /opt/quake2 +set sw_mode 15 "$*"
  • /usr/bin/ioquake3.arm +set fs_basepath /home/user/MyDocs/games/quake3 +set r_customwidth 800 +set r_customheight 480 +set r_mode -1 "$*"

So THIS horribly hard-looking code is required to play Doom II?
Flandry's Avatar
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Originally Posted by tHMZ View Post
So THIS horribly hard-looking code is required to play Doom II?
No. As he says at the start, it's to allow both Doom and Doom 2 from menu without switching anything around, so most of that is creating a duplicate entry. The most straightforward way to play Doom2 would be to copy the doom2.wad into the wads directory and modify the configuration file to use the doom2 wad instead of doom. I recommend leafpad as an easy, basic editor -- invoke it from command line with the file name as a parameter to edit files not accessible to the Maemo file selector.

This is about the same level of technical expertise that would have been required back when doom came out, too.

I believe the necessary details are in OP. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask. To go into more detail i'd have to go read the OP myself so i guess i'll leave ball in your court.

Unofficial PR1.3/Meego 1.1 FAQ

Classic example of arbitrary Nokia decision making. Couldn't just fallback to the no brainer of tagging with lat/lon if network isn't accessible, could you Nokia?
MAME: an arcade in your pocket
Accelemymote: make your accelerometer more joy-ful
Posts: 29 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Hello, I have just few questions:
1. Can I play pWads on n900? If not, will you add support for pWads in later version?
2. If there are any stand-alone wads, that doesnt require doom 2 to run, will these wads work on n900?
3. When you are planning to release the next version ?

arcade, doom, fps, fremantle, game, id software, maemo 5, prboom, shooter, wad

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