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Any good news with this awesome app?

Some critics :
- In about there is Imgrup-0.0.6 (even i installed
- In newest version. I must always to restart imgrup app, if i want to upload an other picture.
- It is not on Ovi store .
- It is not integrated with messenger or other extra plugings (that would be so nice!

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ZogG's Avatar
Posts: 1,389 | Thanked: 1,857 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Israel
okay i have some news:
Good fellow - itsnotabigtruck, build for me packages from gitorious (i do't have scratchbox and too much skills for that), so now i get token and token password, what's the real problem is to generate signature, and i'm not sure what data exactly i need to send to imgur, as i understood different sites might expect different data to be sent(like timestaps, noncence and other oauth things). As i'll finish with signature, i would work on account or plugin integration, when i'll be able to keep token instead of all the time getting them and to share thru menu. It would be hard for me as i'm kinda noob. But we'll pass it, as exams i hope (today is second chance of exam, and all weekend ws stuck with imgrup =\)

About tubmlr, it's a lot to code and for now i want to finish imgrup, as well for no reason instead of publishing headers of xaouth Nokia deleted that plugin from pr1.2 and i already asked support to switch me to xauth (need to go back now and ask them to switch back to oauth). As well the main problem is to decide how i parce data, as there are few types of posts and i made in qml for each one class and list view loads them depend on type, but the trick is i need to parse data probably as e.g. regular post have pictures in it and if i use text (html parsing in qml) the pictures are not honering the size i set for text and when i sent bug, they assinged it to qml bug tracker, after that told me that it's how it work. So all this would take a lot of code learning (which is good, but a lot of time). I would may need to create my own qml element for this. We'll see.

As about reddit, hmm, i think it's better if you talk to developer, he is good guy, i remember talking to him back when i had n900. But what exactly you want to change in existing app?

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Originally Posted by Makeclick View Post

Any good news with this awesome app?

Some critics :
- In about there is Imgrup-0.0.6 (even i installed
- In newest version. I must always to restart imgrup app, if i want to upload an other picture.
- It is not on Ovi store .
- It is not integrated with messenger or other extra plugings (that would be so nice!
1)Yeah as i change it manually and sometimes i forget
2)That is bug and i may know the problem, i would look into it
3)I registered at ovi publishers site, so as soon as it would be usable, i might add, but it would be for donations only and would cost money (btw any suggestions on price? 1$? Or how much would you pay for that?), as i want to push it to as well for free
4) as described in previous post i want to make plugin, but it's not easy for me, as i'm just learning to code and have not much spare time

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Posts: 50 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on May 2010
Hey ZogG,

Can you please release imgur-plugin for n900?


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Quick fix of the bug with a upload mentioned earlier, the one that can't upload second time. Actually it was good that i learned something and improved the way i use nam.
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Originally Posted by ZogG View Post
4) as described in previous post i want to make plugin, but it's not easy for me, as i'm just learning to code and have not much spare time
I think, Coderus can help you with that?

I heard of that the apps.for.meego is very hard to publish any of your apps..
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ok i'm making some progress i think. and with huge help from itsnotabigtruck, i managed to make an account. it's partly working, all i need now is to include it to imgrup itself and add integration to app

Btw any testers would be appricieted. i wouldn't add deb here, as it's not stable and working that perfectly. so you are welcome to contact me over PM, jabber or IRC (i may not always answer as time is what i don't always have)

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I can test if you provide a link to .dsc file
later one
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Originally Posted by View Post
I can test if you provide a link to .dsc file
later one
That's not the exactly last working version, but i added it to harmattan repos on github.

So anyone welcome to fork, pull requests and help me with it, as i barely have time now.'s Avatar
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as mentioned online I rebuilt it in shared repo :


But I had no time to test it more ... can you ?
Current obsession:

Please help to list all maemo existing apps :

I am looking for " 4 inch TFT LCD display screen " for Nokia n950 HandSet

Also, I need online storage to archive files :

harmattan, imgaeuploader, imgur, meego

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