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+1 :P Didn't want to bother but I agree with Estel
Thank you in advance for you efforts

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Locally built Lincity-ng with GLES support:

sudo gainroot
apt-get install libphysfs1 libsdl-gles1.2-1 ttf-dejavu libsdl-gfx1.2-4 libgles1-sgx-img libsdl-mixer1.2=1:1.2.6-5+0m5+ogg+mp3-2 libsdl-ttf2.0 opengles-sgx-img-common
dpkg -i lincity-ng_2.0-2maemo11_armel.deb
As installing with dpkg, you need handle dependencies by hand. If you are gamer, you already have them all.

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I've successfully installed OpenGLES-enabled lincity-ng, and tested it.

While CPU usage is awesome - around 10-15% - with bigger cities, game is completely unplayable. At first attempt (loading saved game, with city covering much map), it bring device to totally unresponsive state, leading to, finally, watchdog reboot. At second attempt, it was repeatedly displaying few frames of animations + playing one or two seconds of music, and hanging up, for ~10-15 seconds.

all of this on DSP overclocked to 600 mhz. I wonder, is it only me, or other people are experiencing it too? (aapo, misiak?). Maybe it's related to low frequency of CPU? (DSP get higher frequency, when CPU is on higher frequency). Or is it just limitation of our DSP, and we must accept, that it will be playable only on CPU?

No matter of answer, thanks for posting version, that give us choice

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It's crashing the same way even on starter small village, or without any village at all (empty map). Just hit 2nd watchdog reboot, after 10 minutes of "going back to live" for 1-3 seconds, between 30 seconds of being paralyzed (in fact, this time, on empty map, it was even *worse* than with full city).

Anyone able to confirm/deny such behavior with GLES? I could swear, that misiak reported playable performance, while testing?

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Originally Posted by Estel View Post

It's crashing the same way even on starter small village, or without any village at all (empty map). Just hit 2nd watchdog reboot, after 10 minutes of "going back to live" for 1-3 seconds, between 30 seconds of being paralyzed (in fact, this time, on empty map, it was even *worse* than with full city).

Anyone able to confirm/deny such behavior with GLES? I could swear, that misiak reported playable performance, while testing?

My tests weren't as complicated as your, I just loaded some small city and tried to do something a few times, but the game was on for no longer than 5 minutes each time as far as I remember. But I also remember it being playable, but really laggy (not really better than cpu-only), gpu code was written not taking into consideration mobile devices and there're many places for improvements.

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In my case, it's not playable at all, even on small city on empty map - from the first second.

Could You re-check it? Maybe it's just me?

Result similar to CPU performance would be good, as it would save power (off-loading work from CPU).

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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
In my case, it's not playable at all, even on small city on empty map - from the first second.

Could You re-check it? Maybe it's just me?

Result similar to CPU performance would be good, as it would save power (off-loading work from CPU).

I will add it to my todo list, but i want to compile calligra active and maybe finish some coding competition stuff and maybe try to compile a bit more powerful kernel for n9 first. In other words, don't expect any lincity related stuff from me in next 2-3 weeks, because i have very limited free time (work, university and it's still summer here, so i don't want to waste all my free time again in front of computer).

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I made test for gles-game. Started new map, built something, let game running for 15 minutes, come back and built something more. Worked, no crashing or rebooting.

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Good job btw what are the perfomance issues currently

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Originally Posted by nokiabot View Post
Good job btw what are the perfomance issues currently
You should just test. =)

Seems upstream is alive again. There are commits in summer 2013: I'm not planning to merge these to the maemo-version until there are proper new release from upstream.

Some of maemo-specific bugs have comments from upstream, some doesn't have:

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