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There are Easter treats still to come with this?
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One quick mention.

If you haven't heard about this before, make sure to try out the Extra Stereo Plugin under Preferences in Xmms.

It makes a really nice difference to the sound quality and volume.
DfLo1913's Avatar
Posts: 115 | Thanked: 54 times | Joined on Feb 2011 @ Texas
Hi Auouymous,

I tried installing your app but it tells me that libxpm4 is missing. I tried installing it through xterminal but it keeps saying package could not be found. I have tried different repositories but no luck. Anything else I could try? Thanks

Last edited by DfLo1913; 2011-09-20 at 00:13.
Posts: 875 | Thanked: 918 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Originally Posted by DfLo1913 View Post
I tried installing your app but it tells me that libxpm4 is missing. I tried installing it through xterminal but it keeps saying package could not be found. I have tried different repositories but no luck. Anything else I could try? Thanks
Read this page.

And 0.5.9 won't work if you don't have CSSU, but if you run "asui uu;asui dit;asui dis;asui da" after installing then it will work without CSSU.

Last edited by auouymous; 2011-09-20 at 00:26.
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Hi Auouymous,

I have the cssu installed, but after I took a look at your page and installed the maemo sdk repository I was able to install it. Is the screen suppose to rotate on its own or manually? Thanks very much cool app!!!
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Originally Posted by DfLo1913 View Post
Is the screen suppose to rotate on its own or manually?
There is no sensor in the n8x0 to detect rotation, must be done manually. You can either open ASUI and press the A buttons or if you have Telescope you can bind the zoom keys to do rotation. You will need at least one window open, press Home to see Telescope's window thumbnails and then the zoom keys will rotate left or right. Telescope doesn't execute key actions in its launcher. scroll to the sixth paragraph for instructions.
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How do i go about putting the info on the sixth paragraph in xterminal? I tried and it says permission denied. Also in portrait mode the virtual keyboard is half off the screen. Sorry but its a learning process for me. Thanks

Last edited by DfLo1913; 2011-09-20 at 05:01.
Posts: 875 | Thanked: 918 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Originally Posted by DfLo1913 View Post
How do i go about putting the info on the sixth paragraph in xterminal? I tried and it says permission denied. Also in portrait mode the virtual keyboard is half off the screen. Sorry but its a learning process for me. Thanks
You need to switch to root, if you install the "rootsh" package then you can type "root" in terminal to switch. If you don't have a console editor that you know how to use then type this command:

echo "each line goes here" >> /etc/telescope.keys
Put each line of text inside the double quotes and make sure you use two >> and not one.

At some point in the future asui-settings will have a section to setup telescope keys, GUI-style.

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New asui test binary. You need to update any audio profiles because EXEC has changed roles.
  • EXEC runs audio lock key command as user
  • EXEC-ROOT runs audio lock key command as root
  • LAUNCH runs command as user when entering audio lock mode
  • LAUNCH-ROOT runs command as root when entering audio lock mode

Put this in /etc/asui-audio-lock-profiles/xmms
- launch xmmsctrl launch play play_list 1
plus exec xmmsctrl next
minus exec xmmsctrl previous
fullscreen exec xmmsctrl pause
The value before LAUNCH is ignored but make sure you have something there. LAUNCH and LAUNCH-ROOT are executed when entering audio lock mode and can be used to launch the music program.

EXEC and LAUNCH wrap the command in su - user -c 'COMMAND HERE'.

EDIT: changed the xmms launch command to only call xmmsctrl once.

Last edited by auouymous; 2011-09-21 at 08:43.

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So this new profile will automatically launch Xmms for music if it's not already running in the background?

Ooh, by the way, is it possible by any chance to slow down the mghz of the tablet if this music is the only thing running while the tablet is locked?

bada blows, bada rox

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