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Regarding the UI issue for separating or compartmentalizing a long list into smaller subsets of data - its not important whetehr that is accomplished via Tabs, or filters, or check boxes or whatever.

Ragner, you point is taken - you wanted a consistent UI (which in itself it a good design principle).

But the community point (at least in this thread) just because tabs is eliminated as a result of the consistent UI decision, doesnt mean a function (compartmentalizing a long data list) should also be eliminated.

There should be an alternate way of achiving the same effect - which as many have pointed out by way of filters, or other UI effects.

And if there is no BETTER UI means of achieving this , then tabs should be considered because of its own merit as a data partitioning method - even though it breaks the original design principle. In some cases if the best effect is used to achive something and it goes against a principle, its worth doing it - since there are no better alternatives.

Of coutrse is upto the Nokia UI designers to determine the best method - and the community can provide some great ideas. Its best for Nokia to listen to these ideas at least.

Personally I DO think Nokia is listening as they have so far - there may be diferences, but Ragner's and Quim and other's participation itself is a sign of those listening ears.

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Originally Posted by ragnar View Post
I guess if people would ask at the same time that why aren't more Nokians actively involved in these forums and at the same time would read the general tone and respect level of the individual messages, for instance in this particular thread, you would perhaps see some hints of the potential conflict built within.
Unfortunately this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. People get irritated because Nokians generally refuses to interact with us, so more Nokians will refuse to interact with us, so people get more irritated, etc.

Once again, broken process. Broken process. Broken process.

It's not our fault if the way management has set things up puts you in between a rock and a hard place. Obviously that needs to be fixed, but you can't blame the current situation on us. Nokia has a pretty clear track record of not getting how to handle an open source community (see the Bugzilla Fiasco that's been ongoing since 2005) and the irritation you see here is simply a side-effect of that. Treat people with respect and you get respect in return. It's a two-way street.
Ryan Abel

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I adhere fully to Texrat's post. Let me also add, for Ragnar, that to disagree is not to insult (of course, given that proper manners are kept, and I strive to do so, as well as others).

What bugged me on this thread, is the subtle tone (that may be very well not intended, but it still there) of "take it or leave it" regarding design decisions.

The main attraction Maemo has for me, what is supposed to make it different from other platforms, is that customers are listened, and evolution is collaborative. So when something like this happens is really disheartening, and it is not the first time...

Last edited by mrojas; 2009-10-28 at 15:48.

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Originally Posted by Crashdamage View Post
Everyone outta just relax about phone functions and all the little features they want. It's a new phone with a new (as a phone) OS and not every little thing will be perfect immediately. But I'm sure most concerns will be addressed quickly. A bit of patience will get well rewarded. I average 15-20 calls, several messages, many emails a day and burn through around 2000 minutes a month. And I'm STILL not worried. It'll work well enough and even better soon.

As a comparison, when I first got my (pre-ordered) G1 it was also a new phone with a totally new OS. With the exception of the notifications system, Android was woefully basic and underdeveloped. Had about 6 apps available, an email client so basic and unreliable as to be almost unusable, not-so-hot browser, no bluetooth, etc. etc. etc. The 'nope' list was pretty long. Plus, the only Android phone, the G1, had very limited memory and was not too speedy.

But Android still succeeded and not just as a 'niche' product, but in a big way with general public users. Developers quickly stepped up, wrote some apps - and we see an explosion of Android hardware only a year later.

The N900/Maemo combo seems to me to be already way ahead of where the G1/Android was a year a go when Google and T-Mobile decided they were ready for public release with much fanfare. The hardware is already there, there's already experienced Maemo developers. Just need to add a few things to Maemo, do a little tweaking. No sweat.

So like I said - I'm not worried at all, this will work out fine. But I am gettin' kinda tired of waiting...

Great points! I forgot how sucky Android was last year around this same time.

Now if Google could just port Google voice search to Maemo


"Just brace yourself for after-the-fact complaints. People are going to assume the functionality is there. You seem to think that simply because only a handful have complained here that we won't represent the norm... but, again, that ignores the people coming to the N900 from platforms already providing this common functionality."

Very good point- most people that will buy the N900 will probably "assume" the function is already there, so no need to be vocal about it yet.

Nokia might want to make a "Phone centric" app as a free bonus

The bright side for me is the posts in this thread have made me feel even better about the N900- when we actually get it of course. I just hope the N900 does not get a bum rap by not having a few simple features. Hopefully all the other goodness will make people feel better and accept a short wait

Last edited by Rushmore; 2009-10-28 at 16:30.
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Extremely well put by Texrat.

As for the call lists, the design as described seems to make the assumption that all entry types are equal. They're not. The 'Missed calls' items are many times more important than the 'Dialled' or 'Received' calls. They're used for completely different purposes too. So, if there are no tabs, then there should be a quick-filter icon or something that can be used to quickly select only the 'Missed calls' entries, for example.

I recall when I had a phone where I couldn't find the 'missed calls' list.. (due to a changed UI from the previous model) - it was maddening. I only had the everything-in-the-same-list functionality. If I hadn't found which button activated the tab-separated list (which I of course had assumed must be there) I would had thrown the phone into the recycling bin (after giving it a good jumping up and down on it first).
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Thanks TA-t3, and your excellent point about differing values between call types or states is something I didn't even get to. You're absolutely correct: there is a greater value to some over others, and I agree with you regarding missed calls (which is what led to my rant in the first place).

Even something so little as allowing us to force those to the top of the scrolling list would be helpful.

Just the option. That's all I'm asking.
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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
Unfortunately this is a self-fulfilling prophecy. People get irritated because Nokians generally refuses to interact with us, so more Nokians will refuse to interact with us, so people get more irritated, etc.

Once again, broken process. Broken process. Broken process.

It's not our fault if the way management has set things up puts you in between a rock and a hard place. Obviously that needs to be fixed, but you can't blame the current situation on us. Nokia has a pretty clear track record of not getting how to handle an open source community (see the Bugzilla Fiasco that's been ongoing since 2005) and the irritation you see here is simply a side-effect of that. Treat people with respect and you get respect in return. It's a two-way street.
As a software engineer by trade, I can understand having a level of indirection between the developers and the customer. Fact is, customer requests CAN get in the way of a developer doing his job, depending on how combative the customer is. There aren't usually problems if the customer is well behaved, but when they are not, it can turn into a mess. That's why I find the request for 'transparency' being something that isn't all that attractive to the developers. The indirection allows them to get the work that they need to get done, done without outside interference. It is up to management to interface with the bug list and set priorities of items on the list based on difficulty and overall usefulness of any fix to the general community.

You might not agree with the priority list, but in the end you are just one stakeholder out of many and the team may have bigger fish to fry that affect more users than just yourself.
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lol maybe its just me but i can give a rats *** about the current lacking in this device ... debian flavor on my phone to geek out and play with is enough to make me cry tears of joy.

can't wait for friday.

To me (and this is just my opinion) the N900 will be the type of device like the iphone and G1 (i say G1 because people are still buying it to this day) was there will be competitors to it but in the end they will just lose there hype like the droid, HD 2 etc. people will be in awe and ahhh then two months it will be shafted. I can see many more youtube videos of the n900 coming out of what it can do and the extent of its functions. MAaaaaan i cannot wait i want this phone so bad .
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Originally Posted by TheLongshot View Post
As a software engineer by trade, I can understand having a level of indirection between the developers and the customer. Fact is, customer requests CAN get in the way of a developer doing his job, depending on how combative the customer is. There aren't usually problems if the customer is well behaved, but when they are not, it can turn into a mess. That's why I find the request for 'transparency' being something that isn't all that attractive to the developers. The indirection allows them to get the work that they need to get done, done without outside interference. It is up to management to interface with the bug list and set priorities of items on the list based on difficulty and overall usefulness of any fix to the general community.
This, unfortunately, is not the open source way.
Ryan Abel
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Originally Posted by Rushmore View Post
Very good point- most people that will buy the N900 will probably "assume" the [filtering/sorting] function is already there, so no need to be vocal about it yet.
I don't get that. The time to be vocal is during this preview period immediately following my being given an N900...

EDIT: ah, thanks for explaining that you mean customers who don't have it yet can't be vocal.
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Last edited by Texrat; 2009-10-28 at 18:53.

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