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Posts: 1,283 | Thanked: 370 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ South Florida
Originally Posted by EvoXLover View Post
i have jawbone 2 and prime. i cant exit pairing screen even after pairing with the prime. secondly, the device pairs but absolutely no audio comes out. device is trusted and often transferred back and forth to ensure its selection.
I had identical observations. But fiddled around with it each time. You can get it "working". The Sound quality makes it unusable. I quit wasting my time on it.

I'm ticked off about it because I bought the Prime in anticipation of my New Toy(N900). I had a custom molded earpiece made($85) and now it sits in a drawer with theJjawbone 2 next to it. They worked FLAWLESSLY on my Palm 680 during the 3 months bait and switch waiting period to get the N900.
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Originally Posted by tuxian View Post
Please install Firmware 2.2009.51-1!

My problems are solved now (disconnects with BH-900 headset).
N900 and Ford Audio

With earlier versions of the OS I saw very few problems.
The N900 would connect to the Ford Audion system automatically (Even when the phone was locked)

Since I have upgraded to version 2.2009.51-1 the connection to the Ford Audio system is very problematic.

The N900 will not automatically connect to the Ford Audio system.
After manually establishing a connection to the Ford Audio system the N900 will disconnect from the is left for a period of time.
The N900 will disconnect immediately if the N900 is locked

This makes it impossible to use the N900 as a hands free device with the Ford Audio system.
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BT has always been like magic to me on everything else I have used it on. It just usually works without thinking about it.

How do you bork things up this bad?
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Originally Posted by les_garten View Post
100% Agree! Very accurate assessment. Thank you for the validation! I'll be surprised if they can resolve this with SW. The mystery to me is why this isn't a "burning" issue here??
No problemo - I don't know why I am on a mission to get this message and help Nokia/Maemo understand the issue and severity and get it fixed, but I picked up a Nexus One and you just realize how much you miss sshd and pretty much having the terminal open all day.

I think the demographic is much different with the N900 and those who 'hang out' on the maemo forums/bugs. Once in a while you see someone pop in who is new to linux or maemo, ask a simple question and given a one-line answer by a more experienced user that ends up causing them more problems so they get scared off.

My own assessment is the relative lack of uproar here on the BT issues, the massive EAS issues, no one complaining about having to confirm every email deletion (or even the poor IMAP implementation), etc. etc. that are more heavy work-related (lots of email, lots of calls, not wanting to hold your phone to your ear for 8-hours a day) PLUS the fact more people are concerned about A2DP than it seems the rest of the BT functionality and a few other things, I suspect we just have a demographic skew.

However, there is plenty of uproar going on outside of Maemo/Nokia forums stuffs. I just don't know if Quim or Klapper bother looking beyond the handful of people that hang here. Though, like I said, apparently they've received plenty of calls about it to the point they won't do a warranty repair for it. I plan to try again next week or bringing up refund. We'll see how that goes. I'd like to keep it, but I paid over $700 (pre-order + tax) for something I can pick up now for less and A MAJOR CORE FUNCTION TO ANY PHONE OVER THE LAST 10 YEARS doesn't work.

Regarding surprised if they fix, yeah, that has crossed my mind. Someone from Nokia actually publicly posted the other day to the A2DP bug (I think you opened it?) that he doubted they'd ever fully fix. HUH?! I was beyond words and had to ignore Maemo for a day. That thread has gone mysteriously quiet suddenly.

They've, as I think you said, have been struggling with this since before it was released. They are publicly playing dumb it appears, but they have known about it a long time. I was one of those pre-orders with free bt headset. I was told several times after the CEO announced it was shipping and I didn't see it for a week that it was delayed due to bt issues with the headset. They had to cancel my order and create a new one so it would ship. It never occurred to me that it was the N900 or something major - figured it was one of those 'sometimes bt headsets just don't play well with something' issues. Once I got it and had 9 or 10 different things paired to it all w/the same issue, the light bulb went on as to why the delay. Also makes sense why that promotion went away so quickly.

But if this is a hardware issue and they are continuing to sell the phone KNOWING it's an issue, that is digging a very deep hole for them to climb out of. They are not going to survive knowingly selling a bad product this expensive (this da*n thing cost me more than a decent laptop) and hoping time will cure - that's not going to fly.

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Originally Posted by les_garten View Post
I had identical observations. But fiddled around with it each time. You can get it "working". The Sound quality makes it unusable. I quit wasting my time on it.

I'm ticked off about it because I bought the Prime in anticipation of my New Toy(N900). I had a custom molded earpiece made($85) and now it sits in a drawer with theJjawbone 2 next to it. They worked FLAWLESSLY on my Palm 680 during the 3 months bait and switch waiting period to get the N900.
Yup, just keep playing with it. I opened a bug on this after a day on/off trying to pair the Prime. I provided a lot of very detailed information for them to reproduce (I pretty much determined they don't do any work themselves to repro anything and leave it for customers who pay their bills), but Klapper came back w/typical mumbo jumbo including something about "what model of jawbone - they have several". The dude couldn't even take a minute to hit their gateway page - it would have been quicker (and is apparently COMPLETELY out of touch with the market since this is one of the top selling headsets). Or, he didn't read thoroughly (so why bother submitting - I've seen and run into this several times now) or he was playing the old stalling game.

So, I left it with "there is only one model of prime - did you want to know color?" smarta** comment. Wasn't worth it to me to help them with fixing a bug I had and have seen all jawbone users have if they don't want to take it seriously. Like les_garten said, I've never had a problem with this on anything else. Even have paired it to a couple Macs.

You can certainly go vote for it/add your 2-cents. You can probably search for jawbone - filed by hex90 (not hex900).

Good luck and keep messing with it. If you look at my bug, it may give you some help - who knows.
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A shame for sure. I'm not going to hold a phone to my head. Won't happen. I've been on wires and BT too long. I ordered some cheap wired sets from a seller in China after my first go around of wired sets wouldn't work.

Looks like the same attention to detail was used for their server migrations this weekend..

I really like the device except for these glaring .MAJOR screwups.

I've been playing with custom icon tweaks today from the mods thread. No other phone out there you can do this kinda stuff to.
Posts: 162 | Thanked: 17 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ United States - Saudi Arabia
I have the same problem with my BMW 325Ci!! This feature is a high priority for me!!

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Posts: 1,283 | Thanked: 370 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ South Florida
Originally Posted by salah99 View Post
I have the same problem with my BMW 325Ci!! This feature is a high priority for me!!
Pile on, we need the visibility!
Posts: 58 | Thanked: 43 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by salah99 View Post
I have the same problem with my BMW 325Ci!! This feature is a high priority for me!!
Yup. It's high priority for 90% of the people buying a phone whether it is $49 or $700, especially with all the laws popping up re: driving, but that's not the only reason it's high priority.

Seems high priority for many except Nokia/Maemo.

Like Les said, it's amazing that Nokia could screw this up so badly since their bread and butter is phones. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but seems like the show is being run by those who don't understand the phone market/what people have grown to expect or what they like/hate.

Interesting re:server migration. I didn't know they were doing that. I figured a ticket was filed and it was closed as WONTFIX or sent to debatestorming to determine whether they should run apache or jetty.

Wow, I just looked, I see there are still problems. Probably just a problem with the xen port to Maemo. Sounds like an enhancement request to me. Target is Herschmattan, but not the first release - it'll be in an update, but not always the next one.

Either that or they are having trouble holding the N900 to their ear while typing. Who would have thunk that people use bt all the time for stuff like that?

The good news is documents to go and facebook installers are available :-)
Posts: 1,283 | Thanked: 370 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ South Florida
Originally Posted by hex900 View Post
Yup. It's high priority for 90% of the people buying a phone whether it is $49 or $700, especially with all the laws popping up re: driving, but that's not the only reason it's high priority.

Seems high priority for many except Nokia/Maemo.

Like Les said, it's amazing that Nokia could screw this up so badly since their bread and butter is phones. I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, but seems like the show is being run by those who don't understand the phone market/what people have grown to expect or what they like/hate.

Interesting re:server migration. I didn't know they were doing that. I figured a ticket was filed and it was closed as WONTFIX or sent to debatestorming to determine whether they should run apache or jetty.

Wow, I just looked, I see there are still problems. Probably just a problem with the xen port to Maemo. Sounds like an enhancement request to me. Target is Herschmattan, but not the first release - it'll be in an update, but not always the next one.

Either that or they are having trouble holding the N900 to their ear while typing. Who would have thunk that people use bt all the time for stuff like that?

The good news is documents to go and facebook installers are available :-)
Documents to Go "Trialware". Chintzy Bastards!

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