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Changed the default.conf to this:


Also didn't help
b666m's Avatar
Posts: 1,090 | Thanked: 476 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Ingolstadt, Germany
so i guess "N900_2.avi" isn't nokia hands, right?

so my script is working (:

check if rvide is in /etc/event.d -> it should be /etc/event.d/rvide

1. open xterm
2. type "sudo gainroot"
3. type "chmod 777 /usr/bin/rvid"
4. type "chmod 777 /etc/event.d/rvide"

then reboot and watch xD
Posts: 527 | Thanked: 121 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Sorry, messed up on that default.conf

Did the last thing and rvide was in there

Did the chmod commands, rebooted several times but still only the Nokia hands

I am really sorry for spending your precious time...

I have had enough of it...

maybe I will try to reflash it and start from scrath,

That really long string from this site and thread:

And this string I performed:

for i in /opt/bootvideos/*; do ln -s $i /usr/share/hildon-welcome/media/$(echo $i | awk ‘BEGIN { FS=”/” } ; { print $4 }’); done

Might messed it all up...
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i will restore my folders to default again and then follow my instructions to see if everything is understandable and working. (:
Posts: 527 | Thanked: 121 times | Joined on Feb 2010
You have as much patience like me...
Good thing, but without a wireless router is a pain!
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don't know what's going wrong... o.O

i did it mostly like he does:

maybe you could try "chmod a+x" instead of "chmod 777" although it should do the same.

you could also try to move the file from /usr/bin/rvid to /usr/local/bin/rvid and edit the "rvide" file. (you have to edit the path in this file)

i'll take some hours off... i'll continue trying different things the next few days... and hopefully there is a solution which works for everyone (:
Posts: 527 | Thanked: 121 times | Joined on Feb 2010
I only got in this thread when I saw your solution...

But after I edited the rvide file for the rvid path, I saw something stated about a script...

I haven't got that script in here right?

wasn't it in the solution you posted are in another post somewhere...

That could be it then?
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"script" and "end script" are only the tags which must be used in a file which is placed and executed in/by event.d

maybe it would work by deleting rvid from /usr/bin/
and editing /etc/event.d/rvide to following:

start on startup


  cd /etc/hildon-welcome.d/dconfs/

  if [ -f 1.conf ]; then

    # check which file is currently used
    if [ -f *.lock ]; then
      cuf=$(ls *.lock)
      rm *.lock

    # determine number of files in /dconfs
    nof=$(ls *.conf | wc -l)

    while [ "$ruf" = "$cuf" ]; do

      # get random number
      rn=$(dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 2> /dev/null | cksum | cut -f1 -d" ")

      # in range of 1 - nof
      let "rr = $rn % $nof + 1"

      # choose random conf
    # set file for checking which file is in use
    echo "rb $rb - rf $rf"

    # copy it over to default.conf
    cp $rf ../default.conf
    touch $rb


end script

Last edited by b666m; 2010-02-20 at 16:12.
Posts: 527 | Thanked: 121 times | Joined on Feb 2010
But I never did put a script any where!!!!
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i'll update my instructions and files here:

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