Poll: Nokia to release the Maemo Source Code.
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Nokia to release the Maemo Source Code.

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Posts: 248 | Thanked: 66 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Birmingham
Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
Can you point out what in MaemoOS that is closed?

Would be intresting too know what were talking about here?
I would be interested to know exactly what is "closed" as well...
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For those who do not know or understand what is closed i will post the link again already from this thread.

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Wait people!!! Have a look at this thread

Closed Components Thoughts

MeeGo source code will be available due to it being open, and seeing as Nokia made the DE for the N900, this means that their phone apps will all contain the code needed to help us rebuild open source replacements for maemo
Well Nokia do at least know how to build a decent phone, just apparently don't know how to support it..

N900 Died Replaced with N8, Requested E7, "Accidentally Broke E7", Now rolling with an N9 and im loving it!

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The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to godofwar424 For This Useful Post:
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For the good or the bad MeeGo is just not making the grade at the moment and still lacks an immense amount of work and it still requires most of the closed packages to be open source for it to be anything like successful.

There is a thread also showing on here just now explaining MeeGo is just not mature enough at the moment, we do need it to go a long way yet to even get close to Maemo.
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
For the good or the bad MeeGo is just not making the grade at the moment and still lacks an immense amount of work and it still requires most of the closed packages to be open source for it to be anything like successful.

There is a thread also showing on here just now explaining MeeGo is just not mature enough at the moment, we do need it to go a long way yet to even get close to Maemo.
The base code is the same though. Meaning it is just written using the Maemo code for telephony ect.. Then recompiled for MeeGo.

Yeah MeeGo is buggy and not polished or even near being finished BUT if we can get some useful crap outta them open source phone apps from Nokia's MeeGo, then we have a huge headstart compared to rewriting from scratch
Well Nokia do at least know how to build a decent phone, just apparently don't know how to support it..

N900 Died Replaced with N8, Requested E7, "Accidentally Broke E7", Now rolling with an N9 and im loving it!

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I fully agree with stkeeps, he is the one who knows best in this thread about development in meego vs maemo.

contribute to MeegoDE instead thats the right direction to go. you have to face the facts the code will not be released. and some of the codebase is deprecated. not well documented etc..

There are employers inside and outside Nokia working on Meego. Why not help improve that instead for continue on halfdead platform?

From now on I will also try to contribute to the great Meegon900DE project in some way.

The team behind it has done an incredible job. The CSSU people has also done a great job ofcourse. But too be true MeegoDE has progressed faster than cssu on a very short timeframe.

And I am sure it can improve even more with more contributers.

and to all qt people dont forget to port all your apps to Meego to

using the time to think Nokia will release deprecated or halfdone codebase is just pointless.

Last edited by mikecomputing; 2011-05-25 at 22:57.
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Hi all, reading through the thread I can think of only 2 viable solutions:
1.) Ask for source code of missing components but it is unlikely that Nokia ever gives them away.
2.) Ask Nokia to formaly employ the CSSU team and therefore gain rights to read them yet to still be liable for any misconduct.
3.) Replace closed source components with open source, wether from meego components or from scratch.

PS: The tags are really funny XD Abill is from the UK he should have a good sense of humour

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Originally Posted by mikecomputing View Post
I fully agree with stkeeps, he is the one who knows best in this thread about development in meego vs maemo.

contribute to MeegoDE instead thats the right direction to go. you have to face the facts the code will not be released. and some of the codebase is deprecated. not well documented etc..

There are employers inside and outside Nokia working on Meego. Why not help improve that instead for continue on halfdead platform?

From now on I will also try to contribute to the great Meegon900DE project in some way.

The team behind it has done an incredible job. The CSSU people has also done a great job ofcourse. But too be true MeegoDE has progressed faster than cssu on a very short timeframe.

And I am sure it can improve even more with more contributers.

and to all qt people dont forget to port all your apps to Meego to

using the time to think Nokia will release deprecated or halfdone codebase is just pointless.
This is NOT about a MeeGo vs Maemo situation this is about the release of much needed code from Nokia and MeeGo needs this just as much as Maemo.

It appears that looking through your posts it is clear you have not done your homework properly if you did not even know what is closed source on the N900.

I hope very much MeeGo reaches a useable point it can take over in its own right as an os for the N900 but it needs a lot more work to even get close to Maemo.
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
For the good or the bad MeeGo is just not making the grade at the moment and still lacks an immense amount of work and it still requires most of the closed packages to be open source for it to be anything like successful.

There is a thread also showing on here just now explaining MeeGo is just not mature enough at the moment, we do need it to go a long way yet to even get close to Maemo.
yes Meego is behind. but i am sure releasing deprecated maemo stuff doesnt "fix the bugs" in Maemo.

Just take a look a t how the portrait/landscape is integrated in Maemo!? Even with all "hacks" in cssu it still is heavily broken. That means if we want Maemo go the "forward direction" the UI has to be rewrittten from scratch anyway.

In meego much of the backendstuff is in place. and with qt/qtm/qml we have a most fully working codebase to write a better UI.

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